Friday, September 21, 2007

Does Cm Change Right Before Your Period?

Devo fare il quarto colloquio. Quarto, porca vacca. In un mese.Per la stessa ditta. Un equilibrio isterico dentro di me che a seconda della quantita' di liquerizia che mastico (e' risaputo che fa alzare la pressione) dondola da rantoli interni disperati "pigliatemi, pigliatemi, pigliatemi" e poi dondola indietro verso "ma andè a caghè tut".

Today when the sun begins Yom Kippur. I want to apologize to all the people I hurt. That I ignored or persecuted. I want to forgive and be forgiven. For all the annoying phone calls and ruggionose to my parents. The angry voice that comes to me when I'm menstruating. Even the stack of paper to the professor that I Ciul a day that was red and he had gone into the coffee room '.

Many, many, many things ...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Cervical Mucuous Right Before Period

I am so 'insecure that I fear alone and I wonder how I managed to drag me up to this point in my fucking life. I would sometimes find me in a whip, rod, a wire to hold on but they are a miserable bag tears, Nivea cream, liquorice and fat.

I've evolved from the elementary schools. A series of fortuitous coincidence brought me here and the 'but I stayed the full pot. And the head of cock.