Sunday, May 13, 2007

Calgary Insurance Auctions

And so 'is ending even this academic experience. The children, my compagnetti course, are all confused because it closes a cycle that do not know what to do or think.

Moreover, as I will explain that some things are not learned and that every time that life puts in front of a choice, well, every holy time arose as the first time. I do not e'che capacity of more '.... E'inutile And I come to talk to their teens from hopeful eyes, as if you were the oracle at Delphi.

Ogni tanto mi chiedo se avessi fatto meglio a fare quel famoso MBA a cui ero stata ammessa. Invece di ricominciare l’università con tutto questi bambini ventenni non ancora sporchi di vita. Il dubbio mi viene, mi viene. Ma una risposta no.

Devo assolutamente iniziare una tesi per potere laurearmi il prima possibile. Mi sembra che tutti abbiamo trovato un titolo. Anche gli studenti piu’ loffi. Tutti tranne me.

Ieri, siccome soffrivo ancora di this strange weakness and Lila was indisposed, instead of the usual pool we decided to do a tour of the houses close the center. Jona joined us. He made his usual provocative icebreaker jokes that luckily did not have the disproportionate impact that I feared. An evening sweet and light as I did not live for years. I vented at length about the new boyfriend of the girl and her rejection of Jona well as former best friend of the girl's new boyfriend in her rejection. Lila e'sorbita every complaint and I think he enjoyed too, 'cause every time I suggested to pay the bill said "Come on ... we are still a bit' ...

And I and Jona via a pull down against the saints and madonnas boyfriend of the child. Some pastimes are intergenerational and unwind when you're blown away by life.


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