Saturday, June 23, 2007

Church Anniversary Letter

I can not believe
Yeah, 'Monday' and 'own, is fierce on the last day of work. Tomorrow (or maybe today) my team takes me out to eat. Yesterday there 'was the party Company where, as the regularization of months of non-life, are stoically stayed until 4 am with a couple of managers of various departments.

The corporate party.

Now I could write about events, but now the Internet has 'done well' fluid that you never know where you slide your sbrodolature. Mica the good old days of the old office.
I would just remind me of my great attempt to pogo with the senior systems manager. Pogo, jump in the back and elbow. Years and years and years of training at Radio Sherwood Festival. Nothing but balls. The corporate scene to look.

The terrible scene with the Dutch Account. I hope to forget in a hurry and without pain. The next speaker strategically
chat I left unvoiced. Taxi that arrived too quickly or just at the right time. Come on, there 'nothing better than to want to stay but eventually go away. Dai. Come on up. I told you I write. Go, go .....

And walk the wet streets and teach "Free Free" to the good old senior systems manager

Free free free, however we
who knows what ?....... who knows what it is!
long as we were young it was something else

thee 'leaders' system manager?


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