's greeting Renato
Renato started this morning.
After more than a month spent in Ravenna, and after receiving solidarity and the help of many citizens.
Unfortunately despite the best efforts we were unable to find a stable job.
The work has become a utopia for many, let alone a sixty.
It 's nice to know that in this world and cynical individualist there is still room for altruism.
Renato Good luck, it was nice to meet you.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Religious Sympathy Quotes
under the regimental tie
When it was time Cold War and the Christian Democrats, I went to a school left, I had a family left, attended leftists: I know my chicken.
And the Italian left in those days was - working the autonomy to PCI, a communist left essentially, is that both the parliamentary gruppettara. And that the past weighs a ton, today: to refer to a political ideology based on the creation of the New Man, New World, by killing the existing one, is the premise of collapse today. Indeed, while everywhere else the Left accepted the government's responsibility, with everything that necessarily in terms of compromises with reality, he dreamed in Italy - overall - the revolution. Even the same PCI, first pragmatically accepting the crumbs of partition bestowed by DC and cower in the spaces that were permitted by liberal democracy: a network TV show business, trade unions, cooperatives, the other could - keeping away from the government - still rocking with its distant horizon, the sun of, lullaby and its electorate. Horizons as far more certain. It was, as a form of compromise that allowed to defer until a later date the necessary confrontation with the reality of the failure of the socialist model. Then, in 1989, reality has manifested itself in unambiguous - as is its use - our leaving with a nice pair of pants instead of the red banner.
Today, the left there, which has the advantage of having carried out its some form of policy, and have - albeit belatedly - acknowledged his mistakes, is torn between shame if 'and disabitudine and the inability to take in hand the power and manage it. Try to make policy but can not because he threw the baby with the bathwater: a counterpoint to the ineffective and inappetibile Berlusconi's party, although the only one we have.
The other left, that gruppettara, however, that mediation and compromise did not even want to hear about, the one that occupied the estates of schools and universities, and dreamed of the revolucion and packaged molotov proletarian expropriations and has now been spilled into the mass of the party do not vote, or vote-for-stay-all'-opposition maybe cut beard and hair, but it is always the same: those who have always regarded the Italian state, the constitution of the bourgeois trappings to be killed with the proletarian revolution, in the "no vote" is found perfectly in little house, although now instead of molotov sports a graceful grin of nonchalance, and maybe a splendid regimental tie.
Who is the government militarized the school? And who cares? The bourgeois state is to be removed, you can not heal. Party symbols in the institutions? Never mind, the constitution has created a phony from a dirty compromise with Catholics, that fuck. The university is about to close? Chissenefotte, death to the bourgeois state and its institutions ...
Cari buoni vecchi trinariciuti di una volta, avrete tagliato la barba e vuotato le bottigliucce di benzina, ma continuate a godere del tanto peggio tanto meglio, continuate ad applaudire alle macerie dello "stato borghese": sotto vostra la cravatta regimental batte un cuoricino molto radical, anche se tutto sommato assai poco chic.
When it was time Cold War and the Christian Democrats, I went to a school left, I had a family left, attended leftists: I know my chicken.
And the Italian left in those days was - working the autonomy to PCI, a communist left essentially, is that both the parliamentary gruppettara. And that the past weighs a ton, today: to refer to a political ideology based on the creation of the New Man, New World, by killing the existing one, is the premise of collapse today. Indeed, while everywhere else the Left accepted the government's responsibility, with everything that necessarily in terms of compromises with reality, he dreamed in Italy - overall - the revolution. Even the same PCI, first pragmatically accepting the crumbs of partition bestowed by DC and cower in the spaces that were permitted by liberal democracy: a network TV show business, trade unions, cooperatives, the other could - keeping away from the government - still rocking with its distant horizon, the sun of, lullaby and its electorate. Horizons as far more certain. It was, as a form of compromise that allowed to defer until a later date the necessary confrontation with the reality of the failure of the socialist model. Then, in 1989, reality has manifested itself in unambiguous - as is its use - our leaving with a nice pair of pants instead of the red banner.
Today, the left there, which has the advantage of having carried out its some form of policy, and have - albeit belatedly - acknowledged his mistakes, is torn between shame if 'and disabitudine and the inability to take in hand the power and manage it. Try to make policy but can not because he threw the baby with the bathwater: a counterpoint to the ineffective and inappetibile Berlusconi's party, although the only one we have.
The other left, that gruppettara, however, that mediation and compromise did not even want to hear about, the one that occupied the estates of schools and universities, and dreamed of the revolucion and packaged molotov proletarian expropriations and has now been spilled into the mass of the party do not vote, or vote-for-stay-all'-opposition maybe cut beard and hair, but it is always the same: those who have always regarded the Italian state, the constitution of the bourgeois trappings to be killed with the proletarian revolution, in the "no vote" is found perfectly in little house, although now instead of molotov sports a graceful grin of nonchalance, and maybe a splendid regimental tie.
Who is the government militarized the school? And who cares? The bourgeois state is to be removed, you can not heal. Party symbols in the institutions? Never mind, the constitution has created a phony from a dirty compromise with Catholics, that fuck. The university is about to close? Chissenefotte, death to the bourgeois state and its institutions ...
Cari buoni vecchi trinariciuti di una volta, avrete tagliato la barba e vuotato le bottigliucce di benzina, ma continuate a godere del tanto peggio tanto meglio, continuate ad applaudire alle macerie dello "stato borghese": sotto vostra la cravatta regimental batte un cuoricino molto radical, anche se tutto sommato assai poco chic.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dirt Bikee Birthday Cakes
the butcher's apron in
Nahum, sententosi evidentemente chiamato in causa dalla mia invettiva, risponde consigliandomi un libro. Non è cattiva volontà, che non sia corsa a comprarlo - e prometto che lo farò appena ne avrò tempo e voglia. Mi pare però che la sua risposta rappresenti molto bene la curiosa tendenza ad appiattire tutto nello slogan, assai caro al partito della pagnotta, which states that "politicians are all alike." For him, she says, are equal and Berlinguer Gelmini.
I know that the reform Berlinguer (the university, that the high school has never been done) is not liked by many who work there in the school; clear right away that I speak from profane.
I do not care the slightest criticism of "Anglophilia" copy, imitate, is one of the human faculties and better-paying and benefits of the reform are not inesistentti: Italian universities adapt to European standards - allowing greater movement of students - fill a statistical gap with countries having the bachelor have a large number of graduates in more, and create an intermediate stage to prevent early school leaving. I said, the university who work there, that the reform has created a plethora of laureette unable to form one part of the professional and other non-expendable enough to be culturally-depth training is possible, it is likely not discuss: between strengths and weaknesses of the reform, probably much to review.
What I think however, not only questionable, but I would say almost bizarre and monstrous to mention that reform is questionable to bring it to cleaver Gelmini.
begin by saying that the term "reform" as applied to the Gelmini - like many other Italian question - a shade of hypocrisy copied from the language company. How many "restructuring" of companies, its purpose is in fact achieve substantial savings thinning staff. I know that the need for savings is not secondary or negligible, in fact Berlinguer reform - especially the high school - he had taken into account and how. But it had taken into account in a restructuring of the organic system. Gelmini instead cut to where it is and without any criteria: the cycles of less crowded classes, support teachers off, takes away the full-time university blocks the turnover of teachers, faculty brings together more or less at random and removes any sense of who - hopefully in academia - is found to have a poorly paid job, precarious and landlocked. Of course, this "reform" is accompanied - comme d'habits - a fanfare of intolerable propaganda. On the one hand Gelmini constantly evokes the shame of eighteen guaranteed - ancient slogan revived as a zombie by the ancient street demonstrations sessantottino, and that no one dreams of today take the slightest consideration - misrepresent the other a new era of meritocracy and discipline. The reform can sintizzare in "the ax over the return to the apron." All this topped off with micro initiatives (expensive, unnecessary, unconstitutional and schifosine) molche for those priests and those fascists who give the "content" ideal for a government concentrated on matters otherwise little pertaining to the management of public affairs.
Now Berlinguer reform is wonderfully criticism: how everything is made of something, can esssere discussed, criticized, adjusted and changed if necessary. The operations of the Gelmini instead have a massacre, the nullification organized - but the dress of the party - and propaganda, as well as to the siren enchantress, has the characteristic that it can not be discussed, if you're not with us, with our "people "Berlusconi as saying that after having exhausted the football metaphors comes to ethnic ones, that can not be a dirty sessantottino favorable to eighteen guaranteed, end of discussion.
And nothing moves, among them the applause and your silence.
Nahum, sententosi evidentemente chiamato in causa dalla mia invettiva, risponde consigliandomi un libro. Non è cattiva volontà, che non sia corsa a comprarlo - e prometto che lo farò appena ne avrò tempo e voglia. Mi pare però che la sua risposta rappresenti molto bene la curiosa tendenza ad appiattire tutto nello slogan, assai caro al partito della pagnotta, which states that "politicians are all alike." For him, she says, are equal and Berlinguer Gelmini.
I know that the reform Berlinguer (the university, that the high school has never been done) is not liked by many who work there in the school; clear right away that I speak from profane.
I do not care the slightest criticism of "Anglophilia" copy, imitate, is one of the human faculties and better-paying and benefits of the reform are not inesistentti: Italian universities adapt to European standards - allowing greater movement of students - fill a statistical gap with countries having the bachelor have a large number of graduates in more, and create an intermediate stage to prevent early school leaving. I said, the university who work there, that the reform has created a plethora of laureette unable to form one part of the professional and other non-expendable enough to be culturally-depth training is possible, it is likely not discuss: between strengths and weaknesses of the reform, probably much to review.
What I think however, not only questionable, but I would say almost bizarre and monstrous to mention that reform is questionable to bring it to cleaver Gelmini.
begin by saying that the term "reform" as applied to the Gelmini - like many other Italian question - a shade of hypocrisy copied from the language company. How many "restructuring" of companies, its purpose is in fact achieve substantial savings thinning staff. I know that the need for savings is not secondary or negligible, in fact Berlinguer reform - especially the high school - he had taken into account and how. But it had taken into account in a restructuring of the organic system. Gelmini instead cut to where it is and without any criteria: the cycles of less crowded classes, support teachers off, takes away the full-time university blocks the turnover of teachers, faculty brings together more or less at random and removes any sense of who - hopefully in academia - is found to have a poorly paid job, precarious and landlocked. Of course, this "reform" is accompanied - comme d'habits - a fanfare of intolerable propaganda. On the one hand Gelmini constantly evokes the shame of eighteen guaranteed - ancient slogan revived as a zombie by the ancient street demonstrations sessantottino, and that no one dreams of today take the slightest consideration - misrepresent the other a new era of meritocracy and discipline. The reform can sintizzare in "the ax over the return to the apron." All this topped off with micro initiatives (expensive, unnecessary, unconstitutional and schifosine) molche for those priests and those fascists who give the "content" ideal for a government concentrated on matters otherwise little pertaining to the management of public affairs.
Now Berlinguer reform is wonderfully criticism: how everything is made of something, can esssere discussed, criticized, adjusted and changed if necessary. The operations of the Gelmini instead have a massacre, the nullification organized - but the dress of the party - and propaganda, as well as to the siren enchantress, has the characteristic that it can not be discussed, if you're not with us, with our "people "Berlusconi as saying that after having exhausted the football metaphors comes to ethnic ones, that can not be a dirty sessantottino favorable to eighteen guaranteed, end of discussion.
And nothing moves, among them the applause and your silence.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Maryland Work Boats For Sale
a small rant, but full of rage
Here, many people in this country to appreciate the survival courses in schools and happily fuck if you do not lecture and universities are likely to close : there are many who appreciate this blend of fascism, coattaggine Italian and indifference that is well represented by Gelmini, La Russa, Tremonti.
not them, who turns my rant, because they are having exactly what they want and why they voted: is aimed at all those - many - that continue to face all this nonsense have let this happen: we are paying dearly for your purity, your consciousness linda, your hatred for compromise, your career, your disability policy. You leave that to the democratic centralism - why it asks for your enemy - you have created a party without a head, that you or bipolar or anything that you or the proportional or nothing, you do not give up the sun of the future and no party is enough left, and you that the only party that could do it you have not voted, because it was not pretty enough and / or left and / or right, because it was too social democratic, social democratic because it was too little, and why do you really think - but seriously, without feeling ridiculous - that your conscience is worth more than the largest universities in Europe.
pay you too this collapse, and when the fund will try to hit us forget about the complicity of your indifference and your inanity, but knowing it is not a consolation.
Here, many people in this country to appreciate the survival courses in schools and happily fuck if you do not lecture and universities are likely to close : there are many who appreciate this blend of fascism, coattaggine Italian and indifference that is well represented by Gelmini, La Russa, Tremonti.
not them, who turns my rant, because they are having exactly what they want and why they voted: is aimed at all those - many - that continue to face all this nonsense have let this happen: we are paying dearly for your purity, your consciousness linda, your hatred for compromise, your career, your disability policy. You leave that to the democratic centralism - why it asks for your enemy - you have created a party without a head, that you or bipolar or anything that you or the proportional or nothing, you do not give up the sun of the future and no party is enough left, and you that the only party that could do it you have not voted, because it was not pretty enough and / or left and / or right, because it was too social democratic, social democratic because it was too little, and why do you really think - but seriously, without feeling ridiculous - that your conscience is worth more than the largest universities in Europe.
pay you too this collapse, and when the fund will try to hit us forget about the complicity of your indifference and your inanity, but knowing it is not a consolation.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Quadriderm Nf Cream Para Que Sirve
Also this year we did it. The
Festival is over and left me pleasantly exhausted with two black circles so that if you begin to eat bamboo, the WWF could put myself between the protected species.
Apart from the purely artistic questions, such as walls made of cardboard, horse-women, elderly Romagna parties with dancing the waltz and other amenities very "contemporary" is definitely the best thing that humanity encounters. The chef's table
English who moved to San Zaccaria master of tai-chi and meditation. The intern
lesbian t-shirt with "fascist Froch ever before." The Apulian
hippies living in the community but do not want to share a room with other artists.
Mrs. sixty peroxide that is to see a performance by Antonio Rinaldi and then suffocate me for half an hour wondering obsessively "but why not dance?".
As a friend of mine would say, are things.
Also this year we did it. The
Festival is over and left me pleasantly exhausted with two black circles so that if you begin to eat bamboo, the WWF could put myself between the protected species.
Apart from the purely artistic questions, such as walls made of cardboard, horse-women, elderly Romagna parties with dancing the waltz and other amenities very "contemporary" is definitely the best thing that humanity encounters. The chef's table
English who moved to San Zaccaria master of tai-chi and meditation. The intern
lesbian t-shirt with "fascist Froch ever before." The Apulian
hippies living in the community but do not want to share a room with other artists.
Mrs. sixty peroxide that is to see a performance by Antonio Rinaldi and then suffocate me for half an hour wondering obsessively "but why not dance?".
As a friend of mine would say, are things.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Bowel Infection Treatment
Al Qaeda men and chickens and
I tend to believe the prophets of the peak, but not for congenital millenarianism because I have the impression that the arguments of those who deny the peak are very weak: an ridicule a little 'arrogant combined with a boundless faith in technological progress that at this stage, it does not seem to have produced anything remotely comparable to the oil windfall that has enabled our benessere diffuso. E tendo a crederci anche perchè penso che un assaggio del'orrendo pastone sia già l'attualità, dai casini per la trivellazione troppo profonda alle guerre nel medio oriente.
Un blog, sul sito di Le Monde (hat tip: Petrolio ) intervista Robert Hirsh, un ex responsabile della ricerca sui carburanti di sintesi della exxon, a proposito della scarsa informazione, della censura, che ci sarebbe intorno al problema ormai maturo per esplodere. Sulla opportunità, e soprattutto sulla praticabilità del diffondere informazioni sulla questione ho più dubbi che certezze, però. Se se ne parla in termini (forse correttamente) catastrofici, non si fa che anticipare il momento del crollo ed è una responsabilità che nessun politico vuole prendersi, se se ne parla in termini blandi l'effetto sarà nullo: la gente mediamente non è disposta prendere misure serie di risparmio energetico e contenimento dei consumi. La zona sotto il vesuvio è abitatissima, e nessuno pensa a sgombrare S. Francisco o Messina, in vista del Big One. Temo che l'umanità nel complesso non sia adatta a gestire previsioni ma solo ad affrontare emergenze. Come diceva il (purtroppo) geniale Celine, l'uomo è intelligente come la gallina è un volatile.
I tend to believe the prophets of the peak, but not for congenital millenarianism because I have the impression that the arguments of those who deny the peak are very weak: an ridicule a little 'arrogant combined with a boundless faith in technological progress that at this stage, it does not seem to have produced anything remotely comparable to the oil windfall that has enabled our benessere diffuso. E tendo a crederci anche perchè penso che un assaggio del'orrendo pastone sia già l'attualità, dai casini per la trivellazione troppo profonda alle guerre nel medio oriente.
Un blog, sul sito di Le Monde (hat tip: Petrolio ) intervista Robert Hirsh, un ex responsabile della ricerca sui carburanti di sintesi della exxon, a proposito della scarsa informazione, della censura, che ci sarebbe intorno al problema ormai maturo per esplodere. Sulla opportunità, e soprattutto sulla praticabilità del diffondere informazioni sulla questione ho più dubbi che certezze, però. Se se ne parla in termini (forse correttamente) catastrofici, non si fa che anticipare il momento del crollo ed è una responsabilità che nessun politico vuole prendersi, se se ne parla in termini blandi l'effetto sarà nullo: la gente mediamente non è disposta prendere misure serie di risparmio energetico e contenimento dei consumi. La zona sotto il vesuvio è abitatissima, e nessuno pensa a sgombrare S. Francisco o Messina, in vista del Big One. Temo che l'umanità nel complesso non sia adatta a gestire previsioni ma solo ad affrontare emergenze. Come diceva il (purtroppo) geniale Celine, l'uomo è intelligente come la gallina è un volatile.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Phantom Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms
Sarkosì kosa
Vignetta di Leo Ortolani, via GDR online
Agli insulti del commissario Europeo, che ha accusato il premier francese di usare gli stessi sistemi contro gli zingari in voga nella seconda guerra mondiale, Sarkozy astutamente risponde "Prendeteveli voi gli zingari", che è un po' la risposta standard di tutti quelli favorevoli alle deportazioni.
Ora - premesso che Francia odierna ben poco ricorda il terzo Reich - una breve considerazione la farei. La sagace risposta del premier francese tradisce il problema: gli zingari cacciati dalla Francia, infatti...sono andati in Spagna: in poche parole, se i Rom sono un problema, Sarkò l'ha semplicemente scaricato a qualcun altro. Questo riporta la questione nei termini un po' più corretti: noi che siamo favorevoli alla legalità e all'integrazione, grain to pay because the fields are decent and send Roma children to school kick your ass - we who stubbornly believe that the deportations are not a solution - we are usually covered with raspberries: we are asked if the 740 and earn more than € 12,000 per year we are branded as intolerable radical chic: rich guy hypocrites that they're swimming in dollars as Scrooge require the presence of a poor working class people of beggars, sardonic and stubborn, which has no intention of integrating.
Perfect, radical chic that you're not, you who are real proletarians, and brawny men fucksters and with his dirty hands, you who just raised his eyes from the assembly line to affect the bloggosfera your anger fiercely national-popular, spoken of as a solution, please, when welcomed the deportation from France to Spain?
Agli insulti del commissario Europeo, che ha accusato il premier francese di usare gli stessi sistemi contro gli zingari in voga nella seconda guerra mondiale, Sarkozy astutamente risponde "Prendeteveli voi gli zingari", che è un po' la risposta standard di tutti quelli favorevoli alle deportazioni.
Ora - premesso che Francia odierna ben poco ricorda il terzo Reich - una breve considerazione la farei. La sagace risposta del premier francese tradisce il problema: gli zingari cacciati dalla Francia, infatti...sono andati in Spagna: in poche parole, se i Rom sono un problema, Sarkò l'ha semplicemente scaricato a qualcun altro. Questo riporta la questione nei termini un po' più corretti: noi che siamo favorevoli alla legalità e all'integrazione, grain to pay because the fields are decent and send Roma children to school kick your ass - we who stubbornly believe that the deportations are not a solution - we are usually covered with raspberries: we are asked if the 740 and earn more than € 12,000 per year we are branded as intolerable radical chic: rich guy hypocrites that they're swimming in dollars as Scrooge require the presence of a poor working class people of beggars, sardonic and stubborn, which has no intention of integrating.
Perfect, radical chic that you're not, you who are real proletarians, and brawny men fucksters and with his dirty hands, you who just raised his eyes from the assembly line to affect the bloggosfera your anger fiercely national-popular, spoken of as a solution, please, when welcomed the deportation from France to Spain?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Shiny Version Pokemon Chart
ataturk adieu, adieu Montesquieu
do not know if Turkey is now closer or farther away in a Europe that still seems divided between those who want that country because of human rights and who does not want it because Islam.
The "package" of the referendum seems to be well packaged, but I'm afraid I do not deny that it contains more than a smokescreen: more democracy, women's rights, privacy, and so on.
I'll be militarist and undemocratic, but I jumped for joy when I make a few, and not just because of the risk of losing the only Muslim majority country to ally Israel.
That country was there to tell us that the "secularism" will also be born with Christianity but is a universal tool available to humanity and that too in a country with a majority Muslim theocracy is not a destiny. If Turkey, with all his quarrels, had a political, economic and cultural sites, is because it has developed its own peculiar way - not always nice but effective - to take the priests out of the way. It will be very trenchant and argued, but that's what I think.
Also I can not help but wonder if the trend - almost everywhere (and certainly in Italy) to undermine the principle of separation of powers in the name of democracy does not open to a future of populist democracy, based not on complex systems of checks and balances as a basis for sound constitutions but - like many popular dictatorships - including fascism - the charisma of the leader and the control of the media. Adieu
Ataturk, and what is serious: adieu Montesquieu.
do not know if Turkey is now closer or farther away in a Europe that still seems divided between those who want that country because of human rights and who does not want it because Islam.
The "package" of the referendum seems to be well packaged, but I'm afraid I do not deny that it contains more than a smokescreen: more democracy, women's rights, privacy, and so on.
I'll be militarist and undemocratic, but I jumped for joy when I make a few, and not just because of the risk of losing the only Muslim majority country to ally Israel.
That country was there to tell us that the "secularism" will also be born with Christianity but is a universal tool available to humanity and that too in a country with a majority Muslim theocracy is not a destiny. If Turkey, with all his quarrels, had a political, economic and cultural sites, is because it has developed its own peculiar way - not always nice but effective - to take the priests out of the way. It will be very trenchant and argued, but that's what I think.
Also I can not help but wonder if the trend - almost everywhere (and certainly in Italy) to undermine the principle of separation of powers in the name of democracy does not open to a future of populist democracy, based not on complex systems of checks and balances as a basis for sound constitutions but - like many popular dictatorships - including fascism - the charisma of the leader and the control of the media. Adieu
Ataturk, and what is serious: adieu Montesquieu.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Compression Fracture More Condition_symptoms
Of course the press in the morning can be very funny. Some days I feel - as the international press as the Italian one - with headlines headlines vibrate complaints from the Anglican fool. This morning the titles (all) are: how was it possible that a poor simpleton for days and days, has monopolized headlines of every newspaper?
Of course the press in the morning can be very funny. Some days I feel - as the international press as the Italian one - with headlines headlines vibrate complaints from the Anglican fool. This morning the titles (all) are: how was it possible that a poor simpleton for days and days, has monopolized headlines of every newspaper?
Freestyle Swimming Pants
few weeks ago while I was out of breath at work (yes I know, lately I am going to work, anything goes), I meet my friend Gio equally breathless, fumbling with a huge box.
What was in the box?
There was a beautiful, tender, pulcherrima (and rather smelly) litter of kittens! The brave
Giò them had recovered in the parking lot where and I were born, soft-hearted, I immediately adopted a:
Tuesday, said Marti!
But I felt so alone ... and then her sisters were likely to end up in the shelter, and so ...
Doris has arrived!
They play, they bite, then love, then menano again, magiano as Tyrannosaurus and shit like cows.
Tell me if it is not unheard of tenderness!
few weeks ago while I was out of breath at work (yes I know, lately I am going to work, anything goes), I meet my friend Gio equally breathless, fumbling with a huge box.
What was in the box?
There was a beautiful, tender, pulcherrima (and rather smelly) litter of kittens! The brave
Giò them had recovered in the parking lot where and I were born, soft-hearted, I immediately adopted a:
Tuesday, said Marti!
But I felt so alone ... and then her sisters were likely to end up in the shelter, and so ...
Doris has arrived!
They play, they bite, then love, then menano again, magiano as Tyrannosaurus and shit like cows.
Tell me if it is not unheard of tenderness!
Southpark Fishsticks Online
small anti-imperialist cry
Apparently Chavez is the poor orphaned .
Adma And the good will not be happy to see shaken the fragile alliance anti-imperialist view of the declaration of Castro:
"The Jews are vilified over two thousand years. L ' Iran should understand that the people survived thanks to his Jewish religion and its culture, has been driven from their land and persecuted in a terrible way around the world and all this time. "
All we can say, except that the period is full of surprises.
Apparently Chavez is the poor orphaned .
Adma And the good will not be happy to see shaken the fragile alliance anti-imperialist view of the declaration of Castro:
"The Jews are vilified over two thousand years. L ' Iran should understand that the people survived thanks to his Jewish religion and its culture, has been driven from their land and persecuted in a terrible way around the world and all this time. "
All we can say, except that the period is full of surprises.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Shni Shna Schnappi Lyrics
Benz on fire. aggratis.
I believe that there is no event in the world to celebrate the collapse of the two most effective Towers (more than commemorate the victims) of a priest who is organizing a public ritual burning the holy book of another religion.
That said I still can see why the idea of \u200b\u200ban idiot any incendiary, which in recent years has thinned his parish or diocese (or what the fuck are evangelicals) until you get to have a herd of no more than fifty sheep (black, mind you) can become anything within the theme of global disruption, including statements concerned and condemns the UN, the Holy See and the State Department, as well as bruises moans of the Arab press and events indignation.
Design Roland Topor
I believe that there is no event in the world to celebrate the collapse of the two most effective Towers (more than commemorate the victims) of a priest who is organizing a public ritual burning the holy book of another religion.
That said I still can see why the idea of \u200b\u200ban idiot any incendiary, which in recent years has thinned his parish or diocese (or what the fuck are evangelicals) until you get to have a herd of no more than fifty sheep (black, mind you) can become anything within the theme of global disruption, including statements concerned and condemns the UN, the Holy See and the State Department, as well as bruises moans of the Arab press and events indignation.

Design Roland Topor
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