Tronto along the river, which flows between Abruzzo and Marche regions, there is the infamous road "Clearance". When there
Ascoli-sea was the highway that the only road leading from the coast to Ascoli Piceno.
I remember as a child, following in the car with my parents, I asked my mother what they did to those young ladies along the side of strda, she replied with a hint of embarrassment that "selling the vegetables."
Now, you could do humor about what kind of vegetables to sell and in fact, this explanation does not satisfy me that much, especially because those ladies did not seem at all similar in appearance and dress, the greengrocer in the house.
Now there are probably those grocery go abundances retired and replaced by new "recruits" from all over the world: Eastern Europe, Nigeria, South America.
The problem of the massive presence of prostitutes on the street Bonfica del Tronto has been going on for years and no more or less inept government that have occurred over the years has managed to solve it, even really thinking about them all: signs strampalati, multe, retate, coprifuco. Quasi tutti si sono rivelati palliativi, che non hanno risolto affatto il problema.
Adesso però le menti illuminate della Regione Abruzzo hanno avuto l'idea risolutiva: le prostitute si imboscano con i clienti nella boscaglia di lecci e pioppi che cresce lungo l'argine del fiume? Abbattiamo il bosco!
Che pensata geniale! Hanno ragione, è tutta colpa di quegli alberi perversi e lubrichi che donano riparo a quelle donnacce sordide!
Così al grido di "seghe contro la prostituzione" in 3 mesi abbatteranno 30 ettari di bosco.
Volevo giusto proporre alla Regione Abruzzo (oltre che di andare a farsi fottere) di dare anche una spianatina a quella fastidiosa montagna detta "Gran Sasso d'Abruzzo "culpably causes that each year the deaths of dozens of unarmed hikers with its hideous cliffs and avalanches shameful ...
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