bad intentions for the new year
Fine anno, tempo di filosofia spicciola, di bilanci e di buoni propositi.
Ho sempre odiato i buoni propositi che molto spesso non sono seguiti da altrettanto buone azioni.
Dopo l'overdose buonista del Natale e l'incombente serie degli oroscopi for 2011 so here's my bad intentions for the new year, which, contrary to the good ones, I will firmly maintain.
1. Eating industrial quantities of dark chocolate every hour of the day.
2. Do not pay the fee RAI.
3. Continue to throw in the courtyard of clothing that fall on my balcony from the apartment upstairs.
4. Do not answer the phone with troublesome people.
5. To pretend a fainting / faintness to end the call with the person who molests inadvertently I said.
6. Do not make me ever more harrowing by the semi-meows and Doris Marti and feed them only dry food diet with chicory and liver.
7. Park your car in front of the garage del vicino antipatico.
8. Bucare il pallone dei bambini scassapalle che giocano in cortile e buttano il pallone sul mio terrazzo.
9. Dare indicazioni sbagliate e fantasiose ai turisti che chiedono informazioni in centro.
10. Spostare la sveglia avanti di 10 minuti a Gianluca facendogli perdere il treno.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Cervix When About To Get Period
do not ask, do not tell
I start with an accusation of Old -settantasettismo/femminismo/comunismo fertile. I am accused of riding the old slogan "the private is political," and so I got two questions: is an accusation based?
from an initial consideration: the terms of the statement are not interchangeable. Knowing how many people you went to bed (at home) is not the same thing to know what votes (political). My uncles, as always, when you are talking about politics proclaim "the vote is secret! It 's true, the vote is secret because no one should be able to put undue pressure on voters, we would fail alone, and can, of course - as a free choice - to be secret because any work aspects of a person must be able to - if this person is like - remain secret . The telephone number, the photographs of when he was little, voting and even the face.
E 'freedom of a person close to the house and secreted to do? Obviously yes. Other
is to ride the secrecy of the vote not as an inviolable right, but as an altar: we are not the private becomes political, but that is subtracted from the political office in the public debate and private becomes mandatory. I'm sorry, but here I disagree. Ask a person to whom political past is, what kind of training has had, is like asking if you have a bidet after shit. It 'a right not to answer, but it also is a right (and not an inconvenience) request.
I am convinced that Italy, if the various Dario For, Giorgio Bocca, Raimondo Vianello had absorbed, processed, understood and explained something more of their past, and the transition from their past and present, would be a very different country. Reasoning, a tale of how one could become a fascist would give depth to the collective consciousness that in Italy there was milimanente. The elaboration of fascist was equal to zero if you take away the sole exception of Fini, and is one of the many lost opportunities. And communism is not much different: full support of the tanks, and after peaceful oblivion. It will be private, having supported the tanks, but the choice of "privatization" to switch from one bank to another tell nothing of the process, was not at all generous. Sorry.
I start with an accusation of Old -settantasettismo/femminismo/comunismo fertile. I am accused of riding the old slogan "the private is political," and so I got two questions: is an accusation based?
from an initial consideration: the terms of the statement are not interchangeable. Knowing how many people you went to bed (at home) is not the same thing to know what votes (political). My uncles, as always, when you are talking about politics proclaim "the vote is secret! It 's true, the vote is secret because no one should be able to put undue pressure on voters, we would fail alone, and can, of course - as a free choice - to be secret because any work aspects of a person must be able to - if this person is like - remain secret . The telephone number, the photographs of when he was little, voting and even the face.
E 'freedom of a person close to the house and secreted to do? Obviously yes. Other
is to ride the secrecy of the vote not as an inviolable right, but as an altar: we are not the private becomes political, but that is subtracted from the political office in the public debate and private becomes mandatory. I'm sorry, but here I disagree. Ask a person to whom political past is, what kind of training has had, is like asking if you have a bidet after shit. It 'a right not to answer, but it also is a right (and not an inconvenience) request.
I am convinced that Italy, if the various Dario For, Giorgio Bocca, Raimondo Vianello had absorbed, processed, understood and explained something more of their past, and the transition from their past and present, would be a very different country. Reasoning, a tale of how one could become a fascist would give depth to the collective consciousness that in Italy there was milimanente. The elaboration of fascist was equal to zero if you take away the sole exception of Fini, and is one of the many lost opportunities. And communism is not much different: full support of the tanks, and after peaceful oblivion. It will be private, having supported the tanks, but the choice of "privatization" to switch from one bank to another tell nothing of the process, was not at all generous. Sorry.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Travestis En San Antonio Texas
In passionate defense of student demonstrations in this article Maltese launches an urgent appeal - given the gravity of the situation - to think, involving all right - who justifies the burning of cash to those who applaud the beatings of protesters . It suggests that listening to students in the bottom of its disgraced anti-globalization have been according to him - unheard - the first to sound the alarm: many of the predictions of that movement in fact seem to realize dramatically: from the devastation of the territory to the collapse of the cost of work, through the Mother of all casinos in the world, or the exhaustion resources.
I believe instead that the anti-globalization movement has perhaps correctly diagnosed a component of evil, but have certainly messed care.
fact, their mistake, it seems to me, as well as the error in general ecology - the right and left - is to think that progress can stop, or - worse - that they can just put the clock back could reset and ten, hundred, thousand years of history.
Not so, I think, and in support of my analysis I just mentioned that it never happened, you come back: to raise trade barriers, close borders to immigration, stop the outsourcing things are not right or wrong itself ': things are impossible, due to political catastrophe can only reset everything, but not what we hope or at least I hope not. It 's a car launched at full speed, and as you can maneuver the steering wheel, but you can not restrain it' put the reverse. And the left itself, as a whole, and made the mistake of not putting the wheel volercisi, theorizing impossible reverse: instead of using one of its arrays, internationalism, the left is locked on one side and old - and beyond a certain anachronistic (but vaglielo tell Vendola) wrestling pay (lost) or a rediscovery, in turn decrepit (but vaglielo tell Veltroni) "free", going back to another ideology that is not only characteristic of the right is also on the ropes. Ridiculous.
We know that the evil has its origin in a supra-national free trade zone is not subject to any control: by financial exploitation of the work force: we can work a band of children in Bangladesh without committing any crime.
And if we know that this is wrong, where are the locations of coordination - virtual and physical, of any kind - of the international left? Where those unions? Who is developing an embryonic institutions that govern economic relations between countries? Why the Left not only the world are doing, but neppure suggeriscono che sia opportuno iniziarlo a fare, e invece si perdono in chiacchiere stupide - come ad esempio la spettacolare cazzata di litigare all'interno del PD sull'opportunità o meno di entrare... nel partito Socialista Europeo?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Auto Immune Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms
internationalism and modernity is the fault of the system. The limbic.
Sento e leggo i commenti intorno alle violenze di ieri, e mi paiono fondamentalmente appiattiti su due fondamentali errori: Per la sinistra, la causa prima è il disagio giovanile di ragazzi senza futuro, ergo responsabile è il governo Berlusconi e la mancanza di risposte serie alla crisi. Per la destra - simmetricamente - la colpa è della sinistra. Se Bersani appoggia la protesta degli studenti cosa resta a questi ultimi se non incendiare cassonetti?
Se queste explanations are limited to be simplistic and aimed to gain propaganda points, it would be relatively harmless: neutralize each other.
In my opinion however, are also - and very - dangerous, because they provide few (but too many) a justification for violence, a dignity, a sense that absolutely does not deserve. "I'm not because I am a dickhead - that is -" I suppose the idiot reflect thoughtfully, holding the lower front bristling with hairs "because there are so Berlusconi / Bersani, because my mother beat me, because the society is bad. Gu. "
I'm lucky / unlucky enough to live in the middle, and that for the derby, or is for events, my home is a place where you understand that luck is to have a parking lot. (I do not have one)
seems incredible, but to win the Rome, Lazio Berlusconi, my car - who knows why - it is always in the crosshairs.
I think the first thing to note - when the bins, cars and cash are on fire - is that the operators of the disaster have been moved by an automated system that is usually shunned by the smartest among primates. If you see monkeys interact, we realize that there are collaborative ones, which are common cause, there are hierarchical ones, that drive with a judicious use of carrot and stick, and then ... there are the balls. Monkeys Delayed or apes that lead hands fucking dog just happens to him this opportunity, because their mindset is not equipped with brakes adequate to score actions idiotic, counterproductive and dangerous for himself 'and others.
Highlighting the automatic tribal and non-politically exploit this type of action has the advantage of isolating - just as they do the primates - the most stupid of the band.
I saw kids running scared, pissed off and I heard them, for what was happening. In Piazza Venezia, where I had been in the morning, was a series of banners to this effect:
A succession of "we want to study" "yes knowledge no violence. "peaceful boy, though angry, reduced to the rank of criminals and manipulated from side to side on the one hand, and criminal deficient elevated to the rank of" youthful expression of despair. "
I - more than anything else - I think it would be a much more sensible to send a little 'old militant of the CGL in schools to teach kids to complete an order as they should, without embroidery too much crap around.
Sento e leggo i commenti intorno alle violenze di ieri, e mi paiono fondamentalmente appiattiti su due fondamentali errori: Per la sinistra, la causa prima è il disagio giovanile di ragazzi senza futuro, ergo responsabile è il governo Berlusconi e la mancanza di risposte serie alla crisi. Per la destra - simmetricamente - la colpa è della sinistra. Se Bersani appoggia la protesta degli studenti cosa resta a questi ultimi se non incendiare cassonetti?
Se queste explanations are limited to be simplistic and aimed to gain propaganda points, it would be relatively harmless: neutralize each other.
In my opinion however, are also - and very - dangerous, because they provide few (but too many) a justification for violence, a dignity, a sense that absolutely does not deserve. "I'm not because I am a dickhead - that is -" I suppose the idiot reflect thoughtfully, holding the lower front bristling with hairs "because there are so Berlusconi / Bersani, because my mother beat me, because the society is bad. Gu. "
I'm lucky / unlucky enough to live in the middle, and that for the derby, or is for events, my home is a place where you understand that luck is to have a parking lot. (I do not have one)
seems incredible, but to win the Rome, Lazio Berlusconi, my car - who knows why - it is always in the crosshairs.
I think the first thing to note - when the bins, cars and cash are on fire - is that the operators of the disaster have been moved by an automated system that is usually shunned by the smartest among primates. If you see monkeys interact, we realize that there are collaborative ones, which are common cause, there are hierarchical ones, that drive with a judicious use of carrot and stick, and then ... there are the balls. Monkeys Delayed or apes that lead hands fucking dog just happens to him this opportunity, because their mindset is not equipped with brakes adequate to score actions idiotic, counterproductive and dangerous for himself 'and others.
Highlighting the automatic tribal and non-politically exploit this type of action has the advantage of isolating - just as they do the primates - the most stupid of the band.
I saw kids running scared, pissed off and I heard them, for what was happening. In Piazza Venezia, where I had been in the morning, was a series of banners to this effect:
I - more than anything else - I think it would be a much more sensible to send a little 'old militant of the CGL in schools to teach kids to complete an order as they should, without embroidery too much crap around.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Heart Palpitations Position
Yes, i do
Mi sposo.
Tra meno di una settimana.
Tecnicamente già lo sono, ma quello che avverrà tra poco sarà quello grosso.
Quello con 250 invitati.
Quello con l'abito bianco.
Quello con la cerimonia solenne in chiesa.
Quello con il fotografo professionista.
Non so come sarà.
Non so se mi piacerà questa grande festa o se mi sentirò terribilmente a disagio.
Per ora mi sento solo l'ansia da prestazione, come se stessi lavorando a qualcosa che sarà inveitabilmente giudicato ed io debba apparire all'altezza delle aspettative.
Poi devo dire la verità, io mi sento già sposata da un po'.
Quel cambiamento epocale del promettere di amare qualcuno "a tempo interminato" è già avvenuto.
Sabato, semplicemente, lo diremo a tutti gli altri.
Mi sposo.
Tra meno di una settimana.
Tecnicamente già lo sono, ma quello che avverrà tra poco sarà quello grosso.
Quello con 250 invitati.
Quello con l'abito bianco.
Quello con la cerimonia solenne in chiesa.
Quello con il fotografo professionista.
Non so come sarà.
Non so se mi piacerà questa grande festa o se mi sentirò terribilmente a disagio.
Per ora mi sento solo l'ansia da prestazione, come se stessi lavorando a qualcosa che sarà inveitabilmente giudicato ed io debba apparire all'altezza delle aspettative.
Poi devo dire la verità, io mi sento già sposata da un po'.
Quel cambiamento epocale del promettere di amare qualcuno "a tempo interminato" è già avvenuto.
Sabato, semplicemente, lo diremo a tutti gli altri.
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