Sento e leggo i commenti intorno alle violenze di ieri, e mi paiono fondamentalmente appiattiti su due fondamentali errori: Per la sinistra, la causa prima è il disagio giovanile di ragazzi senza futuro, ergo responsabile è il governo Berlusconi e la mancanza di risposte serie alla crisi. Per la destra - simmetricamente - la colpa è della sinistra. Se Bersani appoggia la protesta degli studenti cosa resta a questi ultimi se non incendiare cassonetti?
Se queste explanations are limited to be simplistic and aimed to gain propaganda points, it would be relatively harmless: neutralize each other.
In my opinion however, are also - and very - dangerous, because they provide few (but too many) a justification for violence, a dignity, a sense that absolutely does not deserve. "I'm not because I am a dickhead - that is -" I suppose the idiot reflect thoughtfully, holding the lower front bristling with hairs "because there are so Berlusconi / Bersani, because my mother beat me, because the society is bad. Gu. "
I'm lucky / unlucky enough to live in the middle, and that for the derby, or is for events, my home is a place where you understand that luck is to have a parking lot. (I do not have one)
seems incredible, but to win the Rome, Lazio Berlusconi, my car - who knows why - it is always in the crosshairs.
I think the first thing to note - when the bins, cars and cash are on fire - is that the operators of the disaster have been moved by an automated system that is usually shunned by the smartest among primates. If you see monkeys interact, we realize that there are collaborative ones, which are common cause, there are hierarchical ones, that drive with a judicious use of carrot and stick, and then ... there are the balls. Monkeys Delayed or apes that lead hands fucking dog just happens to him this opportunity, because their mindset is not equipped with brakes adequate to score actions idiotic, counterproductive and dangerous for himself 'and others.
Highlighting the automatic tribal and non-politically exploit this type of action has the advantage of isolating - just as they do the primates - the most stupid of the band.
I saw kids running scared, pissed off and I heard them, for what was happening. In Piazza Venezia, where I had been in the morning, was a series of banners to this effect:
I - more than anything else - I think it would be a much more sensible to send a little 'old militant of the CGL in schools to teach kids to complete an order as they should, without embroidery too much crap around.
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