Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sore Throat And Menstruation

"Ashab Yuridia Dustur jadid the" Open Letter to Mohammed VI

RABAT – “Il popolo vuole una nuova costituzione” ( Ashab yurid dustur al jadid ), “il popolo rifiuta la costituzione degli schiavi”, questi gli slogan che da domenica 20 febbraio rimbalzano da una parte all’altra del territorio marocchino, da Tangeri a Marrakech, dalle grandi città ai piccoli villaggi remoti del Rif, dell’Atlante e dell’Orientale. Anche domenica 6 marzo, le manifestazioni promosse dal movimento di giovani nato su Facebook , sulla scia della rivoluzione tunisina e di quella egiziana, hanno animato in maniera pacifica le piazze dei principali centri del paese (Casablanca, Tangeri, Marrakech, El Jadida, Oujda). Le forze di sicurezza, however, did not show as much maturity and, as in the case of the sit-in in Rabat, reacted with gratuitous violence and unjustified.

Freeze in Rabat
The sun is slowly gliding over the white roofs of the medina, ready to hide behind the blue line of the ocean. The avenue Mohammed V, the old town that reaches the central station located in the new city, is a swarm of sound and color, a bustle of cars and passers-by, like every Sunday, spill over into mass in the center of the capital. At first glance, it seems the culmination of a quiet holiday, but for the dozens of trucks parked on the sides the great tree-lined avenue crowded with policemen in riot gear. The local coordination of the Movement February 20th this morning opened a "watch art" in front of the maison blanche, to revitalize the protest actions that a fortnight is uninterrupted succession on a national scale. Indeed, advancing along the sidewalk dell'avenue, there is a certain tension in the air.
On 20 February, the first manifestation of the movement, about 300,000 people had fallen in the street, fifty-three centers in the country, calling for an end of absolute monarchy and the immediate transition to a democratic regime. Since then, demonstrations and sit-ins continued spontaneously, in big cities on the Atlantic coast in the small villages of the interior.
's almost 17:00, when the street lights in contrast to the ocher color of the sky seem to paint a scene looking dreamy, almost unreal. In front of the parliament building came together about five hundred activists. In addition to the young cyber, there are representatives of human rights organizations, activists of opposition parties and some members of Islamic associations and Amazigh, all gathered by the same claims. Karama, Hurra, the Makhzen the Ra'y! ("Dignity, freedom, or Makhzen - the monarchical system of control - or subjects ") is the slogan shouted by the crowd while shaking placards and banners reading" stop unnecessary reforms, we want real change "," democracy now "," freedom is necessary. " Then silence. The bodies of protesters blocked. The whole street seems to stop abruptly, struck dumb, inanimate. The only sound to break the spell is repeated shooting of the photographers who immortalized the postures of the protesters and turned for five minutes in mimi anti-regime. Bodies on the ground and raise his arm in victory, fists uplifted in the air, hands outstretched to the sky, mouths sewn with tape to denounce the lack of freedom print. At center stage, "the dark of the Moroccan Justice" hits the unarmed people represented by a young man in chains.

A fragment of FREEZE, avenue Mohammed V, Rabat (Photo: Alice Dufour-Feronce)
"We have proposed a freeze, a form of peaceful mobilization, and Alternative trying to attract the attention of passersby and observers in general. Our goal is to overcome the circuit Facebook to arouse the interest and participation of the Moroccan average, which for weeks has been terrorized by the regime's propaganda and therefore does not know the true nature and the demands of the movement, "said Nizar Bennamate, cardboard ax in his hand, as it heads along with the rest of the group towards the garden of the Maison Blanche, a short walk dall'assise national under the stern gaze of the security forces.

"Too many police, give us schools and health"
According to the program broadcast on the network from the coordination of 20 February in Rabat, the vigil would have to continue reading artistic and musical performances, but the violent intervention of the Police dispersed the demonstrators in minutes. At about 17:30, as the crowd saw its ranks swell and the first musicians were preparing to board the small makeshift stage, a cordon of officers equipped with helmets and batons stormed ashore, leaving some members of the movement. Salmiya, Salmiya! ("peaceful, peaceful!"), The response in unison the entire sit-in, that before leaving the Avenue Mohammed V wanted to emphasize the non-violent protest, making it even more incomprehensible the repression carried out by police.

The police charges against the sit-in, avenue Mohammed V, Rabat (Photo: James Granci)
"They wanted to provoke us, would have sufficed the slightest reaction on our part to trigger a full-scale assault" is the comment of Abadila, unemployed forty-one of the promoters of the event. In fact, around the Maison Blanche, were ready reinforcements. "The regime justifies this attitude by saying that our efforts have not been authorized by the prefecture and are therefore illegal. But the Moroccan law said otherwise. A court ruling issued a few years ago found that the spontaneous sit-in did not need to ask permission, unlike the parades, "says Professor Monjib Maati, this at the time of the charges, making no mystery of his disappointment at the short-sightedness shown by the authorities in handling protests.
What happened in Rabat Sunday, March 6 is not an isolated case. The same day the police harshly repressed the demonstrators took to the streets in Marrakech, Tetouan and Tangier. Dozens injured or ended up under arrest, according to press for human rights NGO. "The people want an end to corruption" is the slogan chanted by hundreds of tangerois gathered together in Beni Makadi, before the intervention of troops and riot police water cannon against the protesters, some of whom have been waiting for the advance of the "Turtle" in knee and with arms raised (YouTube video). Once again, the response of the crowd was peaceful, "Police too, give us schools and health." Despite the non-violence that marked the protest movement since its inception, becomes more and more frequent use of unjustified force against him, as the case of Fes, Sefrou, Guelmim, Kenitra and the Imzouren last few days. Do not forget, in the overall budget of the protest, the nine deaths recorded during the demonstrations at the end of February (only seven in the Rif region).

“La rivoluzione è in marcia…”
Il Movimento 20 febbraio, tenuto in scarsa considerazione dalle forze politiche nazionali al momento della sua comparsa e screditato dalla stampa ( Aujourd’hui le Maroc , Al Massae , Pouce …), che non ha perso occasione per insultarlo e attaccarlo mostrando mancanza di professionalità, sembra aver già raggiunto un primo risultato. Le sue proposte, le sue rivendicazioni e le sue dimostrazioni sono al centro del dibattito che ha animato l’opinione pubblica nelle ultime due settimane. “Si può dire che c’è un prima e un dopo 20 febbraio”, afferma a ragione Oussama Khalfi, basco nero e kefiah al collo, il volto più noto dei cyber-dissidenti rimasto contuso durante le cariche della polizia alla maison blanche. Gli fa eco la docente di Studi politici internazionali (Università di Losanna) Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi, che sulle colonne di Le Monde scrive: “è stato compiuto un grande passo; la rivendicazione di una monarchia parlamentare, lontana dal monopolio politico ed economico, non è più un tabù”.
Tutti i partiti (anche i più conservatori e fedeli alla monarchia), perfino i giornali di regime sembrano ormai convinti della necessità delle riforme. Un voltafaccia che da un lato cerca di indebolire il potenziale “rivoluzionario” del movement, but the other increases the pressure on the sovereign from which politicians, intellectuals, and representatives of civil society, expect an immediate and concrete. "The revolution is being driven. It will make her or against her? If you will carry with her, he must lead by example and lead the people on the path of freedom, social justice and democracy. (...) If you want to continue to pretend nothing happened, the revolution will backfire. And in this case, the wave overwhelm all during the transition, "says the writer Abdelhak Serhane in his open letter to Mohammed VI ( Le Monde, March 4, 2011).
Nonostante le aperture e le promesse di transizione democratica che ne avevano accompagnato l’ascesa al trono, il monarca ha mantenuto la concentrazione di poteri (esecutivo, legislativo, giudiziario, militare e religioso, come recita la stessa costituzione) ereditata nel 1999 da Hassan II. Mohammed VI regna e governa, senza che ci sia alcun contropotere istituzionale in grado di limitare le sue decisioni. In più la holding reale ONA-SNI, presente nei principali settori di investimento (banche, assicurazioni, telecomunicazioni, industria e immobiliare), non può essere oggetto di alcun controllo e domina in modo tutt’altro che trasparente le aste pubbliche. “Non è questa la monarchia moderna che i marocchini expected. Need a new social contract, Mohammed VI has to relinquish its monopoly powers and accept the formation of a constituent assembly independent, as required by the Movement February 20th and organizations supporting it, "said Oussama Khalfi. "The Arab spring, starting in Tunis and Cairo, has led to the revival of subjugated peoples for too long. Morocco, perhaps in ways and at different times, will do no exception. "

PS: While I was writing this article came the official reply of Mohammed VI to the claims of the Movement February 20th. The king, in his address to the nation on the evening of March 9, announced the formation of a committee (of his appointment) which will be in charge of the constitutional review and will submit its findings to the king by next June. The guidelines that will work on the Committee, stated in his speech, are encouraging (implementation of the recommendations of yesterday, judicial independence, constitutional recognition of Amazigh identity and greater powers to the prime minister), but there is no mention elimination Article 19 of the Constitution which declares the sacredness of the monarch, is the de facto hub of absolute power in the hands of the sovereign. It will be interesting to see what the reaction of Movimento (che ha previsto una nuova giornata di mobilitazione nazionale domenica 20 marzo), se i giovani dissidenti marocchini si piegheranno alle concessioni (verbali) di Mohammed VI o continueranno il loro cammino fino al raggiungimento di tutti gli obiettivi prefissati.

P. P. S.: Secondo quanto riferisce il sito di informazione indipendente, Abdeltif Manouni, designato dal sovrano come presidente della commissione per la modifica della costituzione, ha precisato oggi 10 marzo che "non ci sarà una nuova costituzione ma solo una riforma di quella in vigore", di cui verrà conservato l'impianto generale. Inoltre, lo stesso Manouni, ha dichiarato che "non si può parlare di una monarchia parlamentare come obiettivo di questa riforma". Il Movimento 20 febbraio ha risposto al discorso del re rilanciando la sua piattaforma rivendicativa e dicendosi pronto a continuare le mobilitazioni, in primis l'appuntamento fissato per il 20 marzo.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Menstruation With Sore Throat

Il quotidiano francese Le Monde ha pubblicato nella sua edizione del 4 marzo 2011 una lettera aperta, indirizzata al sovrano alawita dallo scrittore Abdelhak Serhane. E’ una delle rare prese di posizione ufficiali da parte della “classe intellettuale marocchina” (oltre alle dichiarazioni del filosofo Ahmed Assid) a sostegno del Movimento 20 febbraio registrate fino ad ora. In this letter (the full text translated into Italian) Serhane take sides in favor of democratic change and denounced in no uncertain terms the responsibility of the monarchy in the paralysis of social and economic policy that is depriving the people of North African dignity and freedom (as supported by the Youth Movement).

Moroccan revolution is being driven

Majesty, I would rather not be forced to write this letter. But spring is expanding in the Arab world requires it to me. I would have preferred to make the apology of a modern and democratic Morocco instead of brooding over evil consuming it. Only regret, disappointment and anger in the face of so much power and waste products from such vanity! The "king of the poor," he soon left the place for business men, surrounded by vile courtiers. We wanted to find her a head of state to watch law enforcement in the head with a real social project, not a promoter or a tourist site manager.
hoped that she was a man able to share our dreams and our daily bread, rather than stifle our freedom, kill your confidence in your response and to drive away the spirits to keep dishonest people honest. The finding is simple, the monarchy is duplicated and reproduced in the gears of Makhzen (the powerful system that manages the Moroccan State, based on submission to the sovereign).
The king of Morocco has a duty to listen to other bells in addition to 'Allah Ibaraki fi Sidi Amar! ("May God bless the life of our Lord!") Sung by his entourage as a false refrain. The fate could have played a bad joke and make her born in Sidi Moumen, for example. These billions accumulated thousands of these cars, boats, buildings, residences, and that these costs should be less emphasis on pomp in his eyes than to love the people that testified at the time of his accession to the throne in 1999.
Soon Fouad Ali El Himma and Mounir El Majidi have become the owners of the country, thanks to its proximity to their friend Mohammed VI. They gobbled up all the space - economy, finance, culture, sports, politics - how arrogant and spoiled child, subjecting the world to lobby gain quick and easy business, squandering the capital of sympathy that people felt for her, and turning the Morocco in a cage of fools, where the feet are at the place of the head. These sorcerers apprentices have stifled political discourse, have ruined the economic competition, have squandered the public money in their investments and have trampled the constitutional contract that requires defending the interests of the people. Acting on its behalf and, therefore, she is in fact the guarantor of their actions. These people must leave, constitute a danger to herself and a serious obstacle to the development of the country.
Similarly, the clan El Fassi is its specificity that generates Moroccan arbitrariness and inequality. He hoarded the best places and wages are substantial. Holding it in error, the Palace was gratified with Abbas El Fassi Prime Minister and the affair Annajat (a scandal of enormous proportions to which they are killed, more than 30 000 young unemployed in 2003, when he was minister Abbas El Fassi labor) was still under review by the Justice. In a state of law, each should be accountable for their actions, ready to account, even the king.
face of this desire for freedom more and more irreversible, how can you stay in the background, hidden behind dark curtains of a state of law? The flight of Tunisian and Egyptian presidents, Mr Ben Ali and Mubarak, the imminent fall of Yemeni President Saleh, that certainly tragic rail Libyan Muammar Gaddafi, which shows the end is reserved for tyrants more painful. Queen Elizabeth and Juan Carlos exist as a symbolic and historical reality. Their people respect them, but impose restrictions and control actions. Neither the Queen of England or the king of Spain are vilified for having handed over their fate in the hands of democracy. It is no longer fun time and travel to gather support. You have to roll up their sleeves and work with altruism, in transparency, in order to accomplish its mission, or Morocco will cease to be an exclusive concession of Alawites!
beginning, she has raised many expectations in the most humble people. Now the people called her to become aware of their drama and rejection of tyranny and injustice. The maturity of the people must be recognized, the one which is offering is an opportunity, perhaps the last, good to miss. It is up to you now anticipate and propose reforms sought transparent elections. A government of national unity with a program that meets the desired changes, can help to calm the anger.
His responsibility before history is to respond positively to the call of the people, for the fate of the monarchy's constitutional guarantee of the unity and stability of Morocco, depends on it. Whether these people are driving now expects. Exhausted from the chains that hinder his feet, raises his voice to recover its dignity as a people and demands the rule of law.
The revolution is being driven. It will make her or against her? If you will carry with her, he must set an example and guide the people on the path of freedom, social justice and democracy. If it does, we will mobilize all behind her in this noble journey. If you are going to continue to be a simple appearance, the revolution will backfire. And in this case, the wave overwhelm all during the transition.
The anger of the dispossessed not know many nuances. The terrorist acts of 2003 (five suicide bombings in Casablanca) today announced the end of illusions. A signal that has been made by a youth ravaged by despair, with no alternatives to drugs, escape or death. Unfit to decode the message and adjust the aim, the its system of power has taken over the past practices, including means more unfair and barbaric, in the name of fighting terrorism. He has taken harsh measures against us for every word, every cartoon, every nokta (joke) addressed to the royal family.
Although the speech that can be painful, the rest of the belief that you respect the men of truth. I've never had anything but my honest and speak my integrity to offer this country that we all dreamed of a bright future since our youth. I am ready to assume the role of intellectual-challenge until the end, to be at peace with my conscience. Now it is up to you to feel right with her.
Abdelhak Serhane

Abdelhak Serhane , Moroccan writer in French, he was professor of modern literature at the Université Ibn Tofail Kenitra, before leaving the country and move to Canada (now teaches French literature at the University of Louisiana). Considered a virulent opponent of the regime of Hassan II, Serhane has never ceased to denounce the violence and corruption that characterize the Moroccan political system. Here is a quick reference bibliography.

Messaouda , Paris, Seuil, 1983
Les Enfants des rues étroites , Paris, Seuil, 1986
Le Soleil des obscurs , Paris, Seuil, 1992
Le Deuil des chiens , Paris, Seuil, 1998
Temps noirs , Paris, Seuil, 2002
L'homme qui descend des montagnes , Paris, Seuil, 2009

L'Ivre poème , Rabat, Al Kalum, 1989
Chant d'ortie , Paris, L'Harmattan, 1993
La Nuit du secret , France, Atelier des Grames, 1992

The Workers of hatred (raccolta), Paris, Publisud, 1995
"The Montreal Bike", in Anthology of New Maghreb, Casablanca, Eddif, 1996
"I write for the sun," in Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium , 1985
"The words of sorrow", in Oualili , Meknes, 1986
"Woman: An outdated destiny", in Lamali , Casablanca, 1986
" The Dream Weavers, "in Visions of the Maghreb , Montpellier, Edisud, 1987
" The Corpstexte ", in Maghreb Horizons, Toulouse, 1987
"A Pays aux couleurs de son temps", in Librement , Casablanca, 1988
"Le Destin des pierres", in Autrement, Paris, 1990
"L'artisan du rêve in ClicNet , 1997

circumcised L'Amour, Casablanca, Eddif, 1996
Le Massacre de la tribu , Casablanca, Eddif, 1997

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Whooping Cough Symptoms More Condition_symptoms or "Wikileaks Moroccan"

In the heart of colonial Rabat, Hassan district, along the tracks in a few weeks that will host the first trams running in the capital, overlooking windows . Waiting for the premises of the editorial is Anouzla Ali, an icon of journalism and director of the independent Moroccan website (created in November 2010) in a few months has become the benchmark in the country for the alternative information in Arabic. Some call it the "Julian Assange Moroccan", not only for his work as a surfer and ease of access to sources available online. In 2008, in fact, had published in the daily Anouzla Jarida Al Oula to some witnesses on the "leaden years" secreted by the instance of Equity and Reconciliation, which aroused the wrath of the regime.
Najib Chouki to
Comparisons aside, Ali prefers Anouzla considered an journalist devoted to his profession. Joining him in the drafting of Lakome, working two other old friends of the independent press Moroccan Khalid Gueddar already caricaturist Doumani, Le Journal Hebdomadaire and Akhbar al Youm , and Najib Chouki, blogger and former collaborator of Nichane . In a few days the site will trigger a new French version, edited by the founder of the Journal Hebdomadaire Aboubakr Jamai with the contribution of Aziz El Yaakoubi (The Journal , Zamane ) and Omar Radi ( Les Echos, Radio Atlantic).
During the interview given in this article, the director of Lakome recounts his experience as a freelance journalist in Morocco, enumerates the obstacles and the retaliation that comes in from time to time in the free exercise of his profession, which forced him to abandon print and take refuge in the Web a reality, "more accessible to economic as well as more reliable in terms of freedom of expression." Anouzla also points out the happy coincidence that brought her online journal at the forefront in the Moroccan media landscape: "Lakome the context in which it was born has made the Internet the preferred way of communication and dissemination of information. And 'thanks to the network that the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions have been successful for us and it was a favorable opportunity to see our commitment to the max. " Ali Anouzla addition to being an independent journalist is also a "democratic" and as such has argued through his website "February 20 Movement" and the demands of the young fellow. In closing the interview, his remarks on the attitude shown by the national press against the motion before and after the protests started Sunday, February 20.

Interview with Ali Anouzla (Rabat, March 1, 2011)

Tell me Mr. Anouzla, why they call it "the Julian Assange Moroccan?
do not know, some colleagues are joking. I am a journalist, nothing more. I chose this profession since adolescence. I studied four years at the Institute of Journalism here in Rabat, after which I started to practice in a Saudi-owned pan-Arab newspaper, Asharq al Awssat , based in London but printed and distributed in various capitals of the Arab world. During the nineties I became the managing editor for the Maghreb region. I also news reports and investigations in the field, I worked a lot in sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan and Libya at the time that Bin Laden was in the country. At the same time collaborating with other media, some television and radio eastern U.S. Sawa, Al Hurra. I was the first U.S. issuer correspondent in Morocco, created after the invasion of Iraq ordered by Bush Jr. and the fall of Saddam Hussein. The idea was to promote democracy and media freedom through new media, as had happened in the past with the countries of Eastern Europe.

This is the beginning of his career. Tell me how it went.
In 2004, following a misunderstanding, I left Asharq and for the first time I assumed the dual role of publisher and journalist, giving rise to the weekly Al Jarida arabofono to Okhra ("The other newspaper ). An independent magazine of which I was director and shareholder. We worked nearly two years without the aid of large capital and virtually no advertising, but the paper was fine. Then came the problems with the Moroccan authorities, who have put a spoke in the wheels without official charges or judicial interventions. We have lobbied, because we were the first newspaper to have put la principessa Lalla Salma in copertina e ad aver pubblicato un articolo sulle sue attività. A dir la verità era un reportage piuttosto “people”, non c’era nulla di irriverente, ma il semplice fatto di aver parlato della moglie di Mohammed VI ci costò una lettera di avvertimento redatta dal gabinetto reale: “non potete toccare un soggetto tabù come la famiglia regnante – diceva in breve la lettera – senza aver prima ricevuto il via libera del Palazzo”. Si aspettavano delle scuse ufficiali ma io, in qualità di direttore, risposi con un comunicato, diffuso anche dalla stampa internazionale, in cui difendevo il mio diritto di giornalista a trattare liberamente tutti i temi ritenuti opportuni nel rispetto privacy. The king and his wife are sacred, are no exception. The regime press has attacked us for more than a month.

Ali Anouzla in drafting

The second serious incident at the end of 2005. We launched a survey, "What is the personality of the year?" By contacting one hundred leading figures of the country, known in their respective fields (political, social, economic, cultural). The end result is that the king had placed second, while the most votes was Driss Benzekri (President of the 'Application for the Equity and Reconciliation and former chairman of the Truth and Justice Forum ). After the publication of the survey there were no direct reactions by the monarchy, but once again the regime press, the government and the MAP (Moroccan Press Agency, ed) tried to annihilate us saying that we had no right to ask certain questions and that the king had to stay out of any type of statistics. Now, you know that in Morocco there was and there is still no legislation or regulation that restricts this activity. Even in the case of Tel Quel (50 thousand copies of the weekly French-were destroyed in August 2009 as contained a survey on the first ten years of the reign of Mohammed VI, ed), the decision to prevent the sale of the newspaper was arbitrary and has no real legal basis.

a result of these problems was forced to stop its publication?
No, Al Jarida to Okhra is not dead. It has become Nichane in 2007 following an increase in the capital and members of the editorial. Benchemsi (former director of Tel Quel ), became the new shareholder, wanted to force the use of Moroccan Darija for wider dissemination of the magazine. I I disagreed, I preferred to maintain the standard Arabic. Moreover, even Al Jazeera, which is much followed in the country, use this "common language" achieving excellent results in the Arab world. For these formal differences, which had nothing to do with the content, I and the rest of the team of old Al Jarida we left Nichane . To take my place was the friend Driss Ksikes, already at the time editor of Tel Quel , who had tried in every possible way to prevent our departure.
closed a chapter, I immediately tried to open another one. In the same 2007 I launched along with dear friend and colleague, Taoufik Bouachrine (ex caporedattore di Al Jarida al Okhra ) il quotidiano Al Massae . In questa nuova avventura non ricoprivo più il ruolo di azionista, dal momento che avevo conservato la mia parte di capitale nelle casse di Nichane (Ali Anouzla è rimasto azionista di Nichane fino alla chiusura del settimanale avvenuta nell’ottobre 2010, ndr), ero semplicemente un consigliere di redazione e direttore dell’ufficio a Rabat. In effetti era stato soprattutto Bouachrine a spingere per la creazione di un quotidiano, io ero diffidente, consapevole dei costi elevati a cui saremmo andati in contro. E’ in questa fase di indecisione che è entrato in gioco Rachid Nini (attuale direttore of Al Massai, ed), former associate of Al Jarida and Assabah . Nini has provided financial support to the new publishing project, has prepared the ground for the publication and laid down the guidelines along with Bouachrine. After a year of collaboration, during which I took care of a daily column of political analysis, I left the team due to disagreements with the management of the newspaper.

What kind of conflicts have the urge to leave the Massai?
Rachid Nini, editor of the newspaper, I criticized two articles. The first, entitled "Morocco is a democratic country?" era in sostanza un’analisi critica della monarchia, del suo controllo asfissiante sulla sfera politica e della democrazia di facciata di cui si fa vanto l’elite del paese. Il secondo si concentrava invece sul monopolio economico e finanziario del sovrano, che tuttora impedisce lo sviluppo industriale del Marocco e la genesi di una normale dialettica di mercato. Se nel primo caso avevo lasciato correre, continuando il mio lavoro senza troppe polemiche, dopo il secondo stop ho deciso di chiamarmi fuori pur di conservare la mia indipendenza.

Neanche in questo caso ha deciso di fermarsi e di cambiare mestiere?
No, non ce l’avrei mai fatta. Nel maggio 2008, lasciato Al Massae , I created a new daily arabofono, Jarida Al Oula to With the limited means available. I met some journalists, former colleagues and friends (lawyers, former political prisoners of the "leaden years" they had confidence in me) around a table and each has paid 100 thousand dirhams (about 10 000 €) to start the publication, an amount which corresponded to 5% of the capital. Jarida Al Oula to was born on an egalitarian and totally independent.

From May 2010 to Jarida Al Oula has disappeared from the newsstands. How did it come to this sad ending?
In the first year the paper was great, la risposta del pubblico era eccellente, tanto che avevamo attirato l’interesse degli inserzionisti pubblicitari. Tuttavia, fin dai primi mesi sono iniziati i problemi con le autorità. Grazie ad una fonte di cui proteggo ancora oggi l’anonimato, ero entrato in possesso di alcuni documenti dell’IER che non erano stati resi pubblici. Si trattava delle audizioni svolte dalla commissione a porte chiuse, dove i responsabili del regime sotto Hassan II (alcuni ancora nei posti chiave, come Khalienna Ould Errachid, attuale presidente del CORCAS, la commissione governativa per il Sahara, ndr) apportavano le loro testimonianze. Al Jarida al Oula ha iniziato a pubblicare il dossier, composto da oltre cinquecento pagine, a puntate in its columns. These were previously unpublished short stories of the protagonists of the bloodiest chapter in our history. Ould Errachid For example, in his hearing, talking about war crimes committed by armed forces in real Sahara, while Abdelwahid Boutaled, former advisor to Hassan II, gives no uncertain terms the responsibility of all violence committed in the "years of lead" to the King died in 1999. It was a unique opportunity to spread the truth that we want to hide a truth that affects the entire country. I think that shed light on cases of national significance remained obscure is a mandatory task for any self-respecting journalist. Unfortunately once again the first fierce reactions against the newspaper came from his "colleagues" of the regime press and the government parties (Aujourd'hui Le Maroc , Al Alam, Al Ittihad Al Ichtiraki , the MAP ...) which are causing damage to the reputation of our profession. Then the authorities because it lobbied sull'IER formally initiated a lawsuit against Al Jarida and its director. I was interrogated for three consecutive days from the judicial police, who raided the premises of writing and my house in search of documents found nothing. In the end, the court has ordered to stop publishing the dossier because it was the eyes of the regime "a attack on the stability of the state and an obstacle to the process of democratization in the country. " For us there was still a positive side: lots of advertising for our newspaper that he was only three months of life.

So after the reprimand on the "dossier IER" Are you still managed to go on?
Yes, after the "dossier IER" We have worked quietly for several months, until summer 2009, when it rained them are new convictions. The first case was initiated by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign diplomatic pressure on Libya following the 'affair Gaddafi. " L’episodio è piuttosto complesso. Nel 2008 Hannibal Gheddafi, figlio del colonnello, era stato arrestato a Ginevra per aver maltrattato due domestiche in un hotel. All’avvio delle indagini era stato interrogato anche l’autista di Hannibal, un marocchino la cui famiglia viveva in Libia. Secondo l’avvocato svizzero dell’autista erano state fatte pressioni “fisiche” a Tripoli sulla famiglia del nostro connazionale. Le autorità marocchine, in nome delle buone relazioni con Gheddafi, hanno ignorato l’accaduto, ma noi abbiamo denunciato nelle colonne di Al Jarida la connivenza e l’omertà del nostro governo. Questo l’antefatto. Quando poi nel novembre 2008 ho scritto un articolo lack of democracy in the Maghreb, where among others I mentioned the Libyan example as a model of dictatorship, the Embassy of jamahirriya took the ball to go to war. In a letter signed by the ambassador was given to me ignorant and illiteracy, as well as insults. The letter I stated in the paper to highlight the lack of consideration enjoyed by the entire Moroccan press. Never a diplomat would be addressed in tones and words similar to a Western journalist! Gaddafi, through our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has sued, asking for a repair of about 750 000 €. The verdict announced by a court in Casablanca at the end of June 2009 sentenced us to pay compensation of 100 thousand euro.
The third trial Jarida Al Oula to , who also sanctioned the end of us, started after an article on the health of Mohammed VI published in late August 2009. A few days earlier had issued a statement from the Palazzo, personally signed by four doctors of the King, that the king was in a state of convalescence as suffering from "rotavirus". Together with a journalist of writing we have tried to find out more about this virus is unknown to us, we have contact specialists to know the symptoms and effects of the disease since the press not giving information. The publication of the piece there is earned a stay of three days at the police, during which the police did nothing but repeat, "do not have to touch on such sensitive, you could spread fear, create instability and foreign capital away from the country." In the end I was sentenced in December 2009, one year in prison with the benefit of probation, plus a fine of about one thousand euro for "spreading false information and misleading nature of speculation." The problem for the newspaper was not so much legal, but in economic terms. The consequences have proved disastrous. As he left the job advertisers have begun to cancel their orders and we are left without funds. The capital was not sufficient to cover the cost of the printing and distribution (before the summer of 2009 the sales volume, and printed copies, was significantly increased), so we endured a few months after I was forced into bankruptcy at the beginning May 2010.

to Jarida Al Oula is therefore yet another victim of the advertising strategy of the boycott?
Yes, Al Jarida was the victim of "soft censorship" or indirect censorship, a strategy particularly favored by the regime in recent times to silence independent voices with no obvious implications. The authorities are putting pressure on advertisers not to support the publications deemed inconvenient, leaving overnight without economic resources (the sale of the paper covers only a small part of expenditure) and forcing them to closure. Before Jarida Al Oula to there was the example of Journal Hebdomadaire, and a few months after that of Nichane : Benchemsi, when he left the country and its newspapers, said that the grants had fallen Advertising 80%. Now the same phenomenon is affecting Akhbar al Youm the newspaper Bouachrine second for number of copies sold (25,000) in Morocco, long deserted by advertisers.

The transition to information on-line is due to the need to circumvent the advertising boycott and the "soft censorship" of the regime? In other words, where does the idea of \u200b\
First, after the end of the adventure Jarida Al Oula to , I needed a new space to continue to express myself freely, to remain an independent journalist in Morocco. I had the money to create a new publication and the web was the most affordable in the economy and the most reliable in terms of freedom of expression. So thanks to the support and enthusiasm shown by Khalid and Najib, sincere friends and reliable colleagues, I decided to open the site Besides the love for the profession, was a way of saying: "We still! In spite of all we continue to make independent information, without coercion or political advertising. "
still cultivated in the initial project idea, to work in parallel on-line, to lay the groundwork for future financial and editorial print publication, but the context in which Lakome was born has made the Internet the preferred way communication and dissemination of information. And 'thanks to the network that revolutions Tunisia and Egypt have been successful for us and it was a favorable opportunity to see our commitment to the max. We exist for three months and the site is going very well, last week we passed the 114 000 visits per day (Lakome is the tenth most visited site in Morocco and the third between the sites for information, note) and our goal now is to become an area of \u200b\u200breference information, from the Arabic and soon also in French. In our pages we offer a direct line with current national and the whole Maghreb region and we can talk about topics that my colleagues in the print media are still taboo. Maybe that's why someone has Lakome nicknamed the "Wikileaks Moroccan, "but we remain a small team of journalists and independent professionals. Nothing else. From our credibility we have, unlike many other sites and blogs that already existed in the national media landscape. What kind of funding it receives?
No funding with the exception of financial resources available to each member of the editorial. Even those who collaborate from time to time to our site, it does so as a volunteer. At least for now of course.

Within three months of existence, or members of its editorial staff have never had any problems with the authorities? Never before
at this time. Perhaps if the focus on the Maghreb media space had not been so high by international public opinion, following the revolutions that are enlivening the entire region, we could be subjected to the repressive regime. But under the circumstances, the Town has no real interest in her now show an iron fist. I do not think we will attack in an arbitrary manner as they did Jarida Al Oula to . They do not dare to block or restrict access to the Internet right now, maybe you will find other means, perhaps they are already looking for.

She said that following the current Moroccan Lakome and the whole Maghreb region. What is the line taken from the site in the selection and proposal of news?
Lakome is all the news that could affect the Moroccan public, for now, and soon speaking arabofono. Let me give an example which concerns more closely. A few days ago was given the news of the arrest of six Moroccans in Italy accused of terrorism related to the association and the Islamic Justice and Charity. We broadcast the news and then we asked the representatives of the group Yassine, who denied any link with the six in question and reaffirmed the peaceful way of their organization.

About Justice and Charity, what are your professional relationship with the Islamist movement? Let me explain, I know that the group of Yassine refuses to have direct relations with the Moroccan press for the negative image that the media offer the organization. And with Lakome?
We have no problem to relate the movement of Yassine and vice versa. They respect our professionalism as we respect their positions, even though it might not necessarily share. Personally I have always enjoyed excellent relations with representatives of the Justice and Charity, as indeed any other Islamic organization present in Morocco. I have no problems even with the representatives WFP (the authenticity and Development Party, related training scheme, ed.) Sometimes my criticisms are virulent, but they are not aimed at people in the idea itself or the position to defend. It is not a personal war and more, be critical, the reasons for their point of view, is among the primary functions of the journalist.

As Lakome place from February 20 to the Movement?
We followed the genesis of the movement, giving space to the claims promoted by the new generations. We were the first news site to circulate the video and the platform of the "February 20" a few days dopo la comparsa dei primi gruppi Facebook. Inoltre, siamo stati il primo supporto mediatico a utilizzare il nome stesso di “Movimento 20 febbraio”. Quando a fine gennaio sono comparsi i gruppi Facebook, come il gruppo “Democrazia e libertà adesso” o il gruppo “Dignità” e altri, mi è venuto spontaneo creare un parallelo con l’esperienza egiziana del 2008, dove alcuni nuclei di cyber-dissidenti si sono riuniti sotto il nome di “Movimento 6 aprile”. Lakome ha recuperato gli archivi e la documentazione prodotta in due anni dal Movimento 6 aprile e l’ha messa a disposizione dei giovani marocchini.
Da un punto di vista professionale trovo normale interessarsi ad un fenomeno sociale and political significance of such a broad, covering not only our country but throughout the Arab-Muslim area. A phenomenon that has achieved momentous upheavals in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and probably be able to trigger the change also in Morocco and Algeria. As for my personal opinion, I am a Democrat, as well as a journalist, and when I saw the claims of the movement, the demand for a radical change to overcome the political vacuum monarchical absolutism, was a logical support him and give him space, in contrast to other colleagues.

I asked what position he assumed Lakome than "February 20" because compare it with the role played by the national media on paper on the same issue. What do you think of the attitude shown by his colleagues?
When the revolt broke out in Tunisia, we were still in December 2010, I published an article which caused the first reaction Lakome controversy "here is the proof of the failure of the Tunisian model, a model followed the authoritarian and repressive in recent years from Morocco "I wrote at the time. The controversy continued when, unlike my colleagues, I stated in an editorial focus on the spread of protests in the region: "Morocco is no exception, nothing to serve the alleged legitimacy storica rivendicata dalla monarchia”. Al momento eravamo solo io e Taoufik Bouachrine a sostenere la non eccezionalità del caso marocchino, mentre la stampa dei partiti al governo, quella direttamente finanziata dal regime o quella subdola come i giornali di Rachid Nini, sostenevano che il Marocco non sarebbe mai stato toccato dalle proteste.
Poi, dalla comparsa del Movimento 20 febbraio fino al giorno delle manifestazioni, il panorama mediatico marocchino si è diviso in tre posizioni differenti. Come dicevo prima Lakome ha sostenuto i giovani e le loro rivendicazioni assieme ad Akhbar al Youm (seppur in maniera molto più timida), mentre gli organi di partito e Rachid Nini li hanno attaccati spudoratamente, insultando e cercando di screditare i volti visibili del movimento. La terza posizione era quella della stampa di regime, Le Matin e la MAP per esempio, che evitavano di trattare la notizia in attesa di direttive dalle alte sfere. Dopo le manifestazioni del 20 febbraio il panorama mediatico ha cambiato atteggiamento. Tutta la stampa sta cercando ora di cavalcare l’onda della protesta, di incanalare il movimento privandolo della sua spinta propulsiva e innovatrice. Sull’editoriale di oggi pubblicato da Aujourd’hui le Maroc c’è scritto: “la piazza ha fatto il suo dovere, ora sta alle forze politiche presenti in parlamento far avanzare le proposte di cambiamento”. E’ assurdo, se si considera che all parties were against the movement and its claims. It 's just political opportunism, dictated by the need to stifle the potential "revolutionary" movement, and once again leave it at that. I am shocked, so much so that to avoid misunderstandings I have not written anything after the events of last week. But in any case, regardless of the maneuvers of the regime and the media at his service, I think the bottle thrown overboard by young Moroccans can no longer be stopped. Sooner or later it will come.

What was the reaction instead of the security forces began to mobilize Sunday, February 20?
At the directives sent to police were clear: to avoid the use of force against the demonstrators. On February 20 he was considered a review by the regime and security forces, in which the jury was made up by international public opinion that he had his eyes on the country. The images of Rabat and Casablanca have earned the applause of some Western governments that have painted Morocco as a liberal and democratic State. In fact in smaller towns and remote areas there have been riots and violence and repression has become more and more in the following days. The guidelines of the scheme have changed, as evidenced by the news and video coming from Sefrou, Fes, Kenitra, Guelmim, Agadir e Dakhla, diffuse su Lakome. D’ora in poi le manifestazioni verranno impedite con la forza. Staremo a vedere cosa succederà questo fine settimana (sono in programma manifestazioni a Rabat, Casablanca e Marrakech per domenica 6 marzo, ndr).

In conclusione, secondo Ali Anouzla il Marocco garantisce la libertà di espressione?
No, la libertà di espressione non è garantita nel nostro paese. Prendiamo la libertà di stampa, l’esempio che mi riguarda più da vicino. Come testimoniano anche le mie vicende personali, ci sono delle linee rosse in Marocco che non è possibile superare indenni. Sicuramente c’è più freedom than other Arab countries, the mere fact that I'm here talking to you is a confirmation, but if we refer to a professional practice such as that of the journalist, the limits and constraints imposed by the authorities are clear. The implications of the monarchy in the economic sector and corruption in the entourage of Palazzo remain a taboo subject, as well as the corruption of the army in the Sahara. No one dares talk about it and who has tried (with reference to the co-founder and former editor of the Journal Hebdomadaire Ali Amar, editor's note) has paid the consequences. The constitution says that the sovereign is the head of the nation, army, government and religious leadership, but nowhere it says to be the first banker, the first insurer and the first contractor in the kingdom. As a journalist I have the right to write about these things in the papers but I can not.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Himitudama Hoshino Fuuta

This is art? But who cares!

Today, I devoted myself to art.

I was a guided tour to this beautiful exhibition devoted to city guides (no, I have not pocketed, I too am a guide.) The show is really
interssante and there are artists of various currents, from de Chirico to Fontana to speak.
Inomma, want to work in front of Fontana's punctured the canvas with jute patched or Africa do not come out the same:
- for me this is not art because they do not see the capacity not used by the artist.
- but this (the jute patched) defined the painting or what?

What balls!
Still we are here to make us saw this mental thing to ask what or how to put checkbox mental art.
Then the same people who visit all the exhibits impressionist ecstatic forgetting that those they wanted to burn as Monet and Co. for the same reasons.

Simplify the world is too far for these mentally handicapped

Monday, February 28, 2011

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The "February 20" Khalid Gueddar

"The way the Moroccan"
The Moroccan throne, protected by policemen with shields and batons, rests on a bomb about to explode ...

"The regime" (An-nidham)
The Dark February 20th Movement is preparing to cut one of the feet that support the throne Mohammed VI. To defend the stability of the regime security forces in riot gear.

"Khalid Naciri says the youth of the February 20"
Communication Minister and government spokesman Khalid Naciri stated in a press conference in early February that the youth protest would take place without hindrance from the authorities ( belied by the facts recorded in the course of the last week , ndt), since Morocco is a country that guarantees freedom of expression. The cartoon depicts the minister, frightened, the head of the procession while displaying a banner that read "freedom and democracy now." Behind him, some slogan launched by the protesters: "February 20, the end of the dictatorship", "February 20, the day of freedom," "Day of Dignity", "Down with the regime," "Down with the government" ....

"The theory of evolution seconds Moulay Hicham"
The cartoon depicts the "Red Prince" Moulay Hicham has always been critical of his cousin Mohammed VI of Morocco and his administration, while brandishing a flag with the word "revolution." The first statement (early February, Ed) issued by Moulay Hicham of the international press (Le Nouvel Observateur and El Pais ) speaks of a possible infection in the revolutionary Alawite kingdom. After the fierce reactions of the press and the Moroccan court, the prince has fixed the shooting, stating that "evolution is the only desirable scenario for the country". Khalid Gueddar with a personal interpretation of Darwinian theory, has traced the 'evolution' of Moulay Hicham and his speech ...

"The Arab heads of state, we are all Ben Ali"
Bouteflika, Mubarak, Gaddafi, Assad, the Saudi king and other Arab tyrants manifest their solidarity after Ben Ali the flight from Tunisia and cry: "we are all Ben Ali." In signs that accompany the protest reads: "People go," "live the dictatorship," "we love Ben Ali". In the foreground a dark states (or maybe guidance) the procession: it is the shape of Mohammed VI ...

The cartoonist and friend Khalid Gueddar has sided openly in support of the Movement February 20th. After many cases of censorship that has been victim , Khalid has created a Facebook group called "Drawing the king is a sacred right to freedom of caricature." Responded to his appeal, many journalists and international designers, but no Moroccan colleague has decided to contribute to the initiative. In recent days, because of his stances, was the victim of some violence (beaten during a sit-in of solidarity with the Libyan people) and open physical threats. "Last Saturday (February 26, ndt), I was chased by three men armed with a knife while I was driving home. The police and baltajia (una sorta di milizie al servizio del regime, la cui comparsa nel territorio marocchino è confermata dalle testimonianze e dai video che arrivano da Sefrou e Agadir, ndt) cercano di intimidirmi, ma io continuerò il mio lavoro come ho sempre fatto”, afferma Khalid a (r)umori dal Mediterraneo.
Le vignette proposte in questo articolo sono state pubblicate nel giornale arabofono on-line Lakome , lanciato nel settembre 2010 da Ali Anouzla, già direttore di Nichane e Al Jarida al Oula (costretti alla chiusura su pressione del regime).

Khalid Gueddar nei locali di Lakome while drawing a caricature of Muammar Gaddafi

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Get Umbreon In Emerald

tabula rasa

It is strange indeed to see - what is happening in the Middle East - reflections on here, all those who cheered and they are keen for this and that, and now appear - all - understand, even if everyone something different: behind Osama. Behind Obama. It 's like the days of Khomeini, I do not care anymore. They are the vanguard of a global rescue. They want democracy. They want a theocracy. It 'broke the internet. It 'broke out in hunger. Is rising a new movement, we should all emulate. Is starting the end of the world. They want gadgets that we have. They want to overthrow capitalism. They are other-directed. It 's a movement that comes from below. Everyone, everyone, projected on what is happening over there want and fears.
I - but - I have a kind of jam in the head. Indeed, even: tabula rasa.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scaricare Ajita Wilson Nuda

The "Morocco on February 20," a chronicle unknown

RABAT - As announced by the Movement February 20th through Facebook and the Internet in general, last Sunday there were demonstrations all over the Moroccan territory. According to data provided by the Ministry of the Interior, demonstrations for democracy and dignity "involved thirty-five city for a total of about 75 000 participants. Also according to the Ministry, at the end of the day there were five dead, one hundred and twenty hundred and twenty people injured and detained. There are various estimates of the organizers, who speak of fifty-three villages affected by the initiative and about 300 000 members. No hypothesis has been advanced on the bruised and the demonstrators ended up in arrest. In any event when you can not have exact figures, partly because there was no media coverage of events prodottisi in the inner regions of the country, where the protest involved whole villages and has again become harder. A protest continued the following day, including the popular revolts, the violent repression by the authorities and suicide attempts, which is not likely to stop immediately.

Sunday, February 20
From the first hours the morning of Sunday, February 20th several thousand demonstrators gathered near Bab Lhed, the central area of \u200b\u200bthe capital, from responding to the call of the youth movement and supported by different civil society organizations. In the afternoon, about 10 000 people marched peacefully along the Avenue Mohammed V to reach the parliament building. Despite the large presence of police, uniformed and plainclothes, there were no clashes or violence. The same scenario was repeated in Casablanca, where about 5,000 people are meeting in the Mohammed V square and then have moved into adjacent streets, under the watchful eyes of the men of the Surete nationale. "The people want change," the slogan chanted by a crowd consisting mainly of youth and families. The signs displayed by demonstrators calling for democratic reforms and an immediate change in the constitution, as proposed by the platform of the Movement.
very different the situation experienced in the rest of the territory, where there were no correspondents of international media. From the northern tip of the country up to Laayoune (capital of Western Sahara), dozens of demonstrations have been violently repressed by police and have taken on the tones of the revolt already known in the prior experience of Tunisia.
In Tangier, where they had already had riots in the days prior to the appointment of 20 February (a police station is blown in the night between Friday and Saturday), the police have targeted the protesters (as shown in the video) that night turned their anger against the premises of establishments Banking (Wafa Cash, owned by the royal family) and the telecommunications company Maroc Telecom. A dozen members of Attac Tanger, among the most active in organizing the protest, are still under arrest.

The most severe budget in Al Hoceima, a city reference of the northern region of the Rif Five confirmed dead, charred inside a bank on fire. Along the streets, the protest was quickly radicalized, railing against the symbols of local power, in the area known for its corruption. A burn was also the seat of the municipality, in addition to police cars encircled by the protesters. "Dategliene yet, so not enough," is the cry of anger that makes the revolt, as documented by the video posted on YouTube. The security forces have been waiting for reinforcements (joints in the evening) to launch the crackdown. We do not know yet the number of injured protesters and ended up in handcuffs. The demonstrations did not affect only the port Mediterranean, but were extended to all the Rif, a region suffering from decades of economic isolation and political level, where social reality (unemployment, lack of development, migration) is one of the most critical of Morocco.

On the day of 20 February there were violent clashes in the towns of Sefrou, Larache, Guelmin and Laayoune, where last November, the Moroccan army had razed the field of Gdeim Izek (set up by the inhabitants of the city to claim rights and social justice), leaving behind at least ten deaths. In Marrakech, the police repressed strokes batons and tear gas protests erupted not only in the city center but also in the popular districts of the suburbs. "These are human rights which is much talk on TV" is the comment of a woman who takes the phone with his brutal beating of a protester to the ground performed by a group of anti-riot.

Monday, February 21
If the day on Sunday 20 February, the image conveyed by the national and international media, concentrated in the cities of Rabat and Casablanca, was that of a monarchy that guarantees the right of expression (which gives a distorted picture of reality), the events prodottisi nel lunedì successivo smentiscono gli sforzi fatti dal regime. Spenti i riflettori sul paese, le manifestazioni sono andate avanti in tutto il territorio e la polizia non ha esitato ad usare la violenza per soffocarle.
E’ ancora il Rif ad essere protagonista delle rivolte. Nel villaggio di Imzouren, a pochi kilometri da Al Hoceima, blogger locali riferiscono di almeno due morti registrati durante gli scontri. La repressione delle autorità, secondo le stesse fonti, avrebbe colpito duramente anche la vicina Ait Bouaych, oltre ai centri di Chefchouen e Oujda. Nelle città di Fes e Meknes gli studenti non sono rientrati in aula e sono scesi in strada per protestare contro la reazione violenta del regime abbattutasi nella regione il giorno precedente. At the university of the "holy city" have joined the residents of the neighborhoods developed around the campus, but police dispersed the protesters by firing rubber bullets and tear gas and forcing students to barricade themselves in their residences. A
Sefrou, according to witnesses present during the demonstration, groups of plainclothes police attacked the crowd took to the streets, and wounded seriously (broken ribs and head contisuioni) some of the best known activists, including Ez-Eddine Manjli , secretary of the local section Annadj Addimocrati (dissident Marxist party).

In the evening the police violence has also reached Rabat. A Bab Lhed, a sit-in of about fifty people held by the Moroccan Human Rights (AMDH) in solidarity with the Libyan people has been cleared to truncheon blows. The President dell'AMDH, Khadiya Riyadh, ended up in hospital as a result of numerous blows to all parts of the body. Among the wounded also the cartoonist Khalid Gueddar.
to reproducing the symptoms of a scenario to the "Tunisian" (notwithstanding the obvious differences in the case), in addition to the spread of popular uprisings in remote villages (a phenomenon already present in Morocco in recent years, as the examples of Sidi Ifni , Taghjijt, Boulemane Dades, cloak and Sefrou), is right to ascribe the three suicide attempts recorded in the same day on Monday 21. A woman set herself on fire in front of City Hall Sebt Souk (in the region of Sidi Kacem) after being driven from his shack in the slums of the city. The slums will be destroyed, as decided by the government plan which does not provide a solution for reimbursement for housing the displaced. Ben Guerir sacrificed himself by smearing a military station following her dismissal. The same way, Hocine Saeyieh tried to commit suicide in front of the headquarters of the province of Tan Tan, after the authorities had refused to let him inside the building.

(di seguito la mappa delle città toccate dalle proteste. Cliccando sul punto di interesse compariranno i filmati relativi)

Visualizza #Feb20 protest in Morocco in una mappa di dimensioni maggiori

P.S.: (r)umori dal Mediterraneo si scusa per non aver potuto seguire gli eventi in maniera più precisa e dettagliata, sia per la vastità del fenomeno sia perché siamo stati arrestati nella notte tra il 19 e il 20 febbraio dalla polizia di Casablanca. Trattenuti senza alcuna spiegazione in commissariato fino alle 9 del mattino, tra interrogatori sfiancanti, intimidazioni e minacce di espulsione, siamo stati rilasciati senza charges, but we continue to remain under close surveillance and see 24h/24h severely limited our freedom of movement.
James and Richard

Monday, February 21, 2011

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the strict morality of free love

And so the women next to the present day would have been caught in flagrant contradiction - so goes the new slogan of pounding right ... because we have the President with up pimp, while in times of free love - garrulous - willingly gave the army and the nation well.

I, however, before considering the merits, to make an introduction about my personal position then free to love so much respect to feminism, so I put my hands on and not talk about it anymore.

In a time of free love, for me the '77 - the infamous dark tail 68 - se mi interessava un ragazzino sondavo come prima cosa che fosse disposto ad escludere da qualsiasi orizzonte della nostra ipotetica relazione il libero amore. Chiarito questo, si poteva andare avanti.

Partecipai a poche - se non una sola - riunioni del collettivo femminista, che mi diedero la pelle d'oca. Per poter arrivare ai gruppi di autocoscienza delle leaderine bisognava avere nel curriculum almeno una relazione lesbica, un tentato stupro da parte di uno zio, e avere provato con fidanzati diversi tutta la gamma possibile delle pratiche sessuali, meglio se subite da maschi odiosi e oppressivi. (Se eri molto carina però - va detto - potevi pure essere vergine e all'autocoscienza ci arrivavi comunque, berlusconesse ante litteram) .
The fate they deserved
men, was immediately clear to us girls, was to be poisoned in the cradle, but unfortunately the cloning was still to come and touched, let them live unfortunately. We were better because the uterus, breasts and vagina of us reflected on an aura of meglitudine, and that is enough.

not even got probably the second meeting, the matter seemed to be as obnoxious and dull.

But now - since it is crap shoot at full blast and no one complains, I have to tell to whom it was not there.

In times of feminism and free love, the male-female relations were characterized by a very strict moralism. No "mate" poteva neppure minimamente considerare l'idea di avere un rapporto a pagamento - simbolo estremo della vituperata mercificazione del corpo femminile - e se mai avesse confessato un rapporto mercenario, sarebbe stato messo ai margini da qualsiasi relazione umana e senza appello.

Se il nudismo in mezzo alla natura era considerato praticamente obbligatorio, in quanto celebrazione di un rinnovato rapporto con la naturalità del corpo, ogni gadget erotico o sensuale era visto con disprezzo sommo.

La nostra divisa, non a caso, consisteva in t-shirt immense, lunghe gonnellone a fiori, e zoccoli di legno: le donne erano (o si supponeva che fossero) sodali tra loro, e certamente non in gara per sedurre il maschio.

Scollature, skirts, slits, fishnet stockings, were banned as symbols of objectification of women. The free love was anything but no rules: any perversion would have been viewed with suspicion: a sadomasochistic relationship? Love is joy and not oppression. Fetish? All hell broke loose, the body is not an object. Vojerismo? Disease pure and simple: love is touch, smell, animals and natural meaning, far more precious ancestral eye hypertrophy: the hated male as well as the preferred means of Western civilization, his detestable projection and reflection.

Sex was - and had to be - "natural" (natural course of a buggy that existed only in the head of those who theorized) . At most, it could be zen, tao, and still had to turn around the woman's orgasm and not the man. To the woman it was - unquestionably - the go-ahead, which could grant or withdraw the report without that matter, when the male faculty were allowed to insist, let alone to dry.

The practice of free love was not an unruly, then, as now would like the slogan that gives the women left a last-minute Puritanism in contradiction with their past of chocolate.

Today, indeed, and thank goodness, the rigid moralism of free love has been passed by us and by future generations: if we go down in the square point is not to dictate rules of sexual morality, as we have been given - but to remember the obvious: no one who is not healthy for the selection of its leaders to close the beds of the powerful, and is not healthy to put the women's attractiveness as a unique gift for interesting reach positions of power; trivial concepts, which unfortunately must be repeated.

No betrayal of libertarian ideals on our part, we have indeed abandoned that junk moralist of the past and we are glad it is right that the law wants to punish the end user and inviting to family day, which should deal with their irreconcilable contradictions.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Morocco: waiting for 20 February / 2

RABAT - missing just now to February 20, the day all over the country have announced protests against the monarchy and absolutism to democracy. The Moroccan society begins to move. Thursday, February 17 organizations for the protection of human rights (fourteen in total), led by the Truth and Justice Forum and the Moroccan Association of Human Rights (AMDH) have called a press conference to publicly support groups of young people who have promoted the initiative through the Internet. "We share the claims of the organizers and ask: a constitutional reform that makes the people the only source of legitimacy and sovereignty, the establishment of a democratic parliamentary system, based on a true separation of powers, respect for civil liberties and individual and the end of censorship, the improvement of social and economic conditions to return dignity to the Moroccan people ", this sums up the press release issued by the coordination meeting, held yesterday afternoon in the local dell'AMDH.

"The people wants to change "
The conference room is full of people. In addition to dozens of activists, sympathizers and curious, a forest of cameras and microphones occupies the first rows of the stalls. They are the foreign newspapers and broadcasters, media or Moroccan almost no trace. On stage, old and young generation of activists sit next to each other. There are Khadija Ryad, Abdelilah Benabdesslam and Abdelhamid Amine, the guests of the kingdom's prisons in the eighties and now the Democratic strongholds of resistance in the country (and vertices of the same AMDH). Next to them Oussama Khalifa, the first young to have widespread appeal on YouTube in support of the Movement February 20th, makes the gesture of victory with mano. “Sono un semplice essere umano che crede nella democrazia e nella possibilità di una vita dignitosa per tutti i miei compatrioti”, esordisce la diciannovenne Tahani, portavoce del movimento. Corporatura minuta e riccioli neri che sfiorano le spalle, Tahani sembra avere le idee chiare nonostante la giovane età: “la nostra protesta ha come obiettivo immediato la dissoluzione del governo e del parlamento in carica, poiché strumenti non rappresentativi del popolo marocchino e nocivi ai suoi stessi interessi. Il passo successivo sarà la convocazione di un’assemblea costituente, per la redazione di una nuova costituzione finalmente democratica e garante dei diritti e delle libertà ancora oggi negate nel paese. Nel frattempo, a provisional government composed of personalities from civil society, trade unions and political parties of recognized transparency, ensure the continuity of executive activities. " The young activist then speaks of the upcoming need for social reform "so that the entire population and not only the elite can enjoy a quality health and education systems." Questioned on what will be the form of state that the Movement February 20th to imagine the future of Morocco, Tahani not off balance, "the form of State which will be released by the Constituent Assembly does not concern us now, will be monarchical or republican, if it ensures freedom and democracy ".
Bouchua Mehdi, a student at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech, returns to the fate to be reserved for Mohammed VI: "the movement, made up of different groups of young people appeared on Facebook, does not have a unified position on the matter. The claims to offer more shared a parliamentary monarchy modeled on English or English, but others openly call the transition to a Republican. In any case, the end of the monarchy monopoly on political and economic life of the country is a priority for everyone. The king should not govern, who commands must be chosen by the people in absolute freedom. " Even Mehdi, twenty-three years, is part of the Movement February 20, launch da alcuni suoi coetanei attraverso il social network durante i primi giorni della rivolta egiziana. “Il gruppo più numeroso si chiama «Il popolo vuole il cambiamento» e oggi conta quasi 14 mila aderenti. In totale siamo più di 20 mila su Facebook, compresi gli infiltrati che si iscrivono per insultarci”. Il giovane universitario abbandona la sala conferenze e si siede ad uno dei computer messi a disposizione dall’associazione. Sulle pareti della stanza, una sequenza di poster testimoniano l’attività instancabile dell’AMDH, che da oltre trent’anni si batte per la difesa dei diritti e delle libertà in Marocco. Accanto ad una foto di Ben Barka, oppositore del regime assassinato dai sicari di Hassan II nel 1965, a map of Palestine remembers the sixtieth anniversary of the Nakba. "They spread montages where the leaders of the movement are portrayed with dozens of bottles of wiskhy. We have described how the hippie drug addicts, non-Muslim enemies of the country with the Polisario who plot to sow chaos in the country, "says Mehdi pointing to the screen. Displkay on the list of contributions, including a derogatory comment Meryam signed (the accounts are created under a pseudonym): "You're only godchildren Algeria and Mohammed Abdelaziz (the head of the Polisario Front, ed).

network in addition to the attack by hackers and intelligence, there are various forms of repression suffered by members of the Movement February 20 in recent days. Threats, stalking, phones tapped, cops under house round the clock. Not to mention the smear campaign orchestrated by the national press, more and more blatantly in the service of authority. For example, Rachid Nini, editor of the daily Al Massai arabofono (the most widely read in the country, ed), did not hesitate to call these young people "pawns maneuvered from Spain to endanger the safety and stability of the state". The latest news, broadcast live during the conference is two adolescents of fifteen and seventeen years arrested in the morning while they were in Kenitra distributing leaflets in support of the event (they were released after a few hours, ed.) "Only the online journal of Ali Anouzla Taoufiq Bouachrine and the columns of Akhbar al Youm we have defended, denouncing the propaganda organs of the regime," said the curly-haired twenty-three kefya straightening her around the neck.

Accessions multiply
The human rights groups are not the only organizations to have publicly responded to the call for democracy and dignity "launched by young Moroccans. The first to take sides in favor of the protest was the association islamica Giustizia e Carità, da sempre critica nei confronti della monarchia, e per questo non riconosciuta dal regime. Il gruppo di shaykh Yassine, in un comunicato pubblicato ad inizio febbraio sul suo sito internet, si felicitava per le manifestazioni in Tunisia ed Egitto, invocando una “svolta democratica urgente” anche in Marocco. “Milioni di marocchini vivono in uno stato di povertà e di privazione. Non è giusto che la ricchezza del paese resti nelle mani di un’esigua minoranza”, si legge nel testo diffuso dall’organizzazione che, secondo una stima effettuata dal politologo Mohamed Darif, arriverebbe a riunire circa 100 mila aderenti.
La denuncia di un sistema autocratico and corrupt and the immediate need for a change seems to have surpassed even the old ideological oppositions and contrasts, gathering the consensus of a representative civil and cross-cutting policy. In addition to the Islamist Justice and Charity, also the parties of the radical left, excluded from parliament, have confirmed their presence in the square Sunday, February 20. Alongside them will be the Berber activists, historical enemies of Marxist-pan-Arabist campuses of Meknes, Fez and Marrakech. "To base the future of Morocco, first of all forget the friction tailings that have divided and weakened in the past," said Mounir Kejji fair voice, militant amazigh the first time and co-founder of the center Tarik Ibn Zyad studies. "The entire galaxy has accepted the invitation of the Berber movement, by the Amazigh World Congress in Tamaynout to the regional associations of the Souss and the Rif," said Mounir.
Among the many signatures collected just one, came in the final hours, the promoters of perplexing. That of PAM (Party of the authenticity and modernity), a political body of the monarchy created two years ago by Fouad Ali El Himma, friend and adviser to Mohammed VI. "WFP said on its website that supports the events and supports the initiation of reforms. What reforms, of course, is not specified .. "says sarcastically Samira, dell'AMDH one of the main contacts, which then adds, "at the beginning they tried to sabotage the meeting of 20 February by any means. Believed they could deter young people from their purpose. They even created a Facebook group called "I love my king and I do not go Sunday." Now they are just trying to muddy the waters, playing dirty as usual. "
At the end of the conference was circulated to submit a new press, this time written by independent journalists, and signed by the pens of the most reputable and irreverent category, not surprisingly the most censored. "Congratulate the people of Egypt and Tunisia for their victory against the dictatorship el'autocrazia, particularly our colleagues who are rediscovering the freedom of speech, press and expression, and remember that the repression of these freedoms are fundamental to democracy is still on the agenda the agenda of the Moroccan regime, "reads the text signed , among others, Aboubakr Jamai, Ali Lmrabet, Ali Amar, Driss Ksikes and Aziz El Yaakoubi, which in the last lines urged the authorities not to interfere "with the information work of Moroccan and foreign journalists who try to follow the events announced for Sunday, February 20. " A legitimate concern, according to the Organisation responsible for freedom of information and expression Benddine Ali, "Given that some foreign TV stations, including Al Jazeera , have already been denied press accreditation to film the events. A decision certainly not reassuring. "