Il quotidiano francese Le Monde ha pubblicato nella sua edizione del 4 marzo 2011 una lettera aperta, indirizzata al sovrano alawita dallo scrittore Abdelhak Serhane. E’ una delle rare prese di posizione ufficiali da parte della “classe intellettuale marocchina” (oltre alle dichiarazioni del filosofo Ahmed Assid) a sostegno del Movimento 20 febbraio registrate fino ad ora. In this letter (the full text translated into Italian) Serhane take sides in favor of democratic change and denounced in no uncertain terms the responsibility of the monarchy in the paralysis of social and economic policy that is depriving the people of North African dignity and freedom (as supported by the Youth Movement).
Moroccan revolution is being driven
Majesty, I would rather not be forced to write this letter. But spring is expanding in the Arab world requires it to me. I would have preferred to make the apology of a modern and democratic Morocco instead of brooding over evil consuming it. Only regret, disappointment and anger in the face of so much power and waste products from such vanity! The "king of the poor," he soon left the place for business men, surrounded by vile courtiers. We wanted to find her a head of state to watch law enforcement in the head with a real social project, not a promoter or a tourist site manager.
hoped that she was a man able to share our dreams and our daily bread, rather than stifle our freedom, kill your confidence in your response and to drive away the spirits to keep dishonest people honest. The finding is simple, the monarchy is duplicated and reproduced in the gears of Makhzen (the powerful system that manages the Moroccan State, based on submission to the sovereign).
The king of Morocco has a duty to listen to other bells in addition to 'Allah Ibaraki fi Sidi Amar! ("May God bless the life of our Lord!") Sung by his entourage as a false refrain. The fate could have played a bad joke and make her born in Sidi Moumen, for example. These billions accumulated thousands of these cars, boats, buildings, residences, and that these costs should be less emphasis on pomp in his eyes than to love the people that testified at the time of his accession to the throne in 1999.

Similarly, the clan El Fassi is its specificity that generates Moroccan arbitrariness and inequality. He hoarded the best places and wages are substantial. Holding it in error, the Palace was gratified with Abbas El Fassi Prime Minister and the affair Annajat (a scandal of enormous proportions to which they are killed, more than 30 000 young unemployed in 2003, when he was minister Abbas El Fassi labor) was still under review by the Justice. In a state of law, each should be accountable for their actions, ready to account, even the king.
face of this desire for freedom more and more irreversible, how can you stay in the background, hidden behind dark curtains of a state of law? The flight of Tunisian and Egyptian presidents, Mr Ben Ali and Mubarak, the imminent fall of Yemeni President Saleh, that certainly tragic rail Libyan Muammar Gaddafi, which shows the end is reserved for tyrants more painful. Queen Elizabeth and Juan Carlos exist as a symbolic and historical reality. Their people respect them, but impose restrictions and control actions. Neither the Queen of England or the king of Spain are vilified for having handed over their fate in the hands of democracy. It is no longer fun time and travel to gather support. You have to roll up their sleeves and work with altruism, in transparency, in order to accomplish its mission, or Morocco will cease to be an exclusive concession of Alawites!
beginning, she has raised many expectations in the most humble people. Now the people called her to become aware of their drama and rejection of tyranny and injustice. The maturity of the people must be recognized, the one which is offering is an opportunity, perhaps the last, good to miss. It is up to you now anticipate and propose reforms sought transparent elections. A government of national unity with a program that meets the desired changes, can help to calm the anger.
His responsibility before history is to respond positively to the call of the people, for the fate of the monarchy's constitutional guarantee of the unity and stability of Morocco, depends on it. Whether these people are driving now expects. Exhausted from the chains that hinder his feet, raises his voice to recover its dignity as a people and demands the rule of law.
The revolution is being driven. It will make her or against her? If you will carry with her, he must set an example and guide the people on the path of freedom, social justice and democracy. If it does, we will mobilize all behind her in this noble journey. If you are going to continue to be a simple appearance, the revolution will backfire. And in this case, the wave overwhelm all during the transition.

Although the speech that can be painful, the rest of the belief that you respect the men of truth. I've never had anything but my honest and speak my integrity to offer this country that we all dreamed of a bright future since our youth. I am ready to assume the role of intellectual-challenge until the end, to be at peace with my conscience. Now it is up to you to feel right with her.
Abdelhak Serhane
Abdelhak Serhane , Moroccan writer in French, he was professor of modern literature at the Université Ibn Tofail Kenitra, before leaving the country and move to Canada (now teaches French literature at the University of Louisiana). Considered a virulent opponent of the regime of Hassan II, Serhane has never ceased to denounce the violence and corruption that characterize the Moroccan political system. Here is a quick reference bibliography.
Messaouda , Paris, Seuil, 1983
Les Enfants des rues étroites , Paris, Seuil, 1986
Le Soleil des obscurs , Paris, Seuil, 1992
Le Deuil des chiens , Paris, Seuil, 1998
Temps noirs , Paris, Seuil, 2002
L'homme qui descend des montagnes , Paris, Seuil, 2009
L'Ivre poème , Rabat, Al Kalum, 1989
Chant d'ortie , Paris, L'Harmattan, 1993
La Nuit du secret , France, Atelier des Grames, 1992
The Workers of hatred (raccolta), Paris, Publisud, 1995
"The Montreal Bike", in Anthology of New Maghreb, Casablanca, Eddif, 1996
"I write for the sun," in Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium , 1985
"The words of sorrow", in Oualili , Meknes, 1986
"Woman: An outdated destiny", in Lamali , Casablanca, 1986
" The Dream Weavers, "in Visions of the Maghreb , Montpellier, Edisud, 1987
" The Corpstexte ", in Maghreb Horizons, Toulouse, 1987
"A Pays aux couleurs de son temps", in Librement , Casablanca, 1988
"Le Destin des pierres", in Autrement, Paris, 1990
"L'artisan du rêve in ClicNet , 1997
circumcised L'Amour, Casablanca, Eddif, 1996
Le Massacre de la tribu , Casablanca, Eddif, 1997
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