Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Medal Of Honor Nocd 1.11v9 English


What Funny Liner To Write In A Wedding Card

Like every April 20 is celebrated in San Francisco " Green Day "and this time The Hundreds celebrated the feast of nature by creating a New Era hat in green canvas with embroidery and wood button!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Boat For Sale Clip Art


After the great success of the collaboration Jeremy Scott and Adidas, the designer has created the "Eldorado Mickey Mouse" in collaboration with Disney.
will be sold exclusively for the 'Italy by Luisa Via Roma, the famous boutique in Florence.

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There are scenes of crimes and handcuffs, dances a little embarrassed of students who give a tone with a few cigarettes or a few drinks, pictures of Rocky Graziano or Montgomery Clift, including Hollywood stars and ordinary people on the streets of New York, only seventeen years, in 1945, Stanley Kubrick had published his first picture magazine Look and five years later by reporters, he framed the many faces of a 'coming out of the war and America was starting to enjoy his many contradictions respectable.
His 200 photographs will be exhibited in world premiere at the Palace of the Region of Milan, from April 16 to July 4, for the exhibition "Photography 1945-1950, Stanley Kubrick," an important piece to know his location art.
Kubrick followed his subjects for the city, trying to study them in detail never leave unexplored any side.
A presenza forse fastidiosa, ma con quegli scatti riusciva sempre a raccontare storie e a dipingere precise dimensioni psicologiche.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fundraising For Gallbladder Cancer

Quo Cosmetic Brushes Prices


Tra i fondatori del cartello di Medellin ed uno dei maggiori narcotrafficanti degli anni '70 e '80.
Nato in Colombia da padre tedesco e madre colombiana, Lehder costruì il suo impero grazie al traffico internazionale della cocaina, con based on 'Island Norman' s Cay, 210 miles off the coast of Florida!
E 'was also found in the presence of Lehder (FARC) Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
become collaborators of justice at the beginning of the 90s, entered the U.S. witness protection program and to him, since then there has been no news.

Lehder began as a dealer of stolen cars between the U.S. and Canada and as a marijuana dealer. While serving a sentence for theft 'car in federal prison Dunbury, Connecticut, Lehder decided that, after his release, would have profited dal fiorente commercio della cocaina negli Stati Uniti, e reclutò il suo compagno di cella e spacciatore di erba alle prime armi George Jung.
Il piano di Lehder era rivoluzionare il trasporto della cocaina negli Stati Uniti, usando piccoli aerei per il trasporto e facendoli volare al di sotto dei radar, in modo da eliminare i "muli" umani cioè persone che venivano pagate per portare la cocaina nelle valigie.

Dopo il rilascio di Jung e Lehder, per entrambi in libertà vigilata, misero su una piccola fonte di reddito attraverso il semplice e tradizionale contrabbando, ripetendo questo procedimento per un po di volte, ben presto ebbero abbastanza money to buy a plane.
Using a small plane and a professional pilot, began to sell cocaine in the United States via the Bahamas, increasing their financial resources and establishing connections and trust of suppliers with Colombians, while giving of bribes to government officials in the Bahamas in order to secure political and judicial immunity.
Their unusual method of smuggling was beginning to gain credibility.
this network traffic was growing rapidly to become famous by the name of the Medellin cartel. The company Lehder and Jung was concerned by the transport distribution, while Pablo Escobar was in charge of production and supply.

the late 70's the relationship between Jung and Lehder began crumbling and, because of Lehder's megalomania compared to the lack of "ambition" of Jung, and the secret plan Colombian transfer of operations to Norman's Cay.
From 1978 to 1982, the 'island was the main center of drug smuggling in the Caribbean, the hiding place and playground for Lehder and associates.
The cocaine was imported from Colombia by Jet, then loaded onto small air and distributed in Georgia, Florida and Carolina. Lehder went on a journey of 3,300 feet protected by radar, bodyguards and Doberman.

IN THE GLORY OF ITS MAXIMUM PERIOD OF OPERATION WOULD ARRIVE EVERY DAY 300 kilos of cocaine and its assets were estimated into the billions.

Because of too many massacres carried out in Colombia, President Betancur, who at first was opposed to 'extradition of drug traffickers in the United States, decided to follow the line of repression extraditing drug lords, and the first on the list was Lehder.
All other Medellin cartel drug traffickers sought refuge in Panama with Noriega, but not believing in the dictator Lehder moved to Nicaragua.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Floor For A Aluminum Boat

should see this profile!

should see this profile!

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's inspiration is that of a stylish businessman who lives in Cuba before the revolution, enjoying the calm before the storm, with a look halfway between Tony Montana in Scarface and the drug trafficker Diego Delgado in Blow

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All 'age of sixteen, he moved to Harlem where he became soon' s personal driver and the bodyguard of the famous gangster of the area Ellsworth Johnson, known as Bumpy, who controlled the trafficking of 'heroin, died in 1968 and from that moment he was to take control of trafficking in this drug.
immediately eliminated any intermediary, he sold the drugs procured directly from Vietnam.
so Lucas is able to produce its heroine, called by himself "BLUE MAGIC", at a lower price than the competition to a higher quality.
This allowed him to earn up to $ 1,000,000 per day.
Frank Lucas was arrested in 1975 and was sentenced to serve a sentence of 70 years in prison.
Lucas agrees to help the authorities immediately a smascherare i poliziotti corrotti.
Grazie all' aiuto fornito, la pena detentiva viene ridotta a 15 anni, dopo poco viene arrestato nuovamente per spaccio di droga, passa altri sette anni dietro le sbarre.
Oggi Lucas pentito per le vicende del suo passato vive in New Jersey , su una sedia a rotelle con la moglie e il figlio, e si occupa di una organizzazione che aiuta i figli dei genitori finiti in carcere.

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E 'was an American criminal. Of Italian origin, is considered a symbol of American gangsterism and the crisis of law that the United States faced during the twenties.
Son of emigrants, the barber father Gabriele and Mother Teresa Raiola Caponi, grew up in a degraded environment, having had contact with small gang of juvenile delinquency, he was expelled from school after a teacher attacked and beaten, and became part of the Gang of Five Pointers Frankie Yale.
was during this time that he was given the nickname Scarface as a result of a visible scar on his left cheek caused by stab wounds that were inflicted by Frank Galluccio.

in 1919 after seriously injuring a member of a rival gang, Yale sent him to Chicago, until the waters had calmed down.

Here Capone began serving Johnny Torrio, an old companion of Yale as well as the nephew of Big Jim Colosimo.

Torrio gave him all of the illegal betting, after an attack by rival gang Torrio passed the scepter to Al Capone.

The "success" was that the sovereignty over the crime of Chicago and its Capone poté presto affiancare anche una posizione di supremazia economica e di potere sulle aree di sua influenza.

Investì infatti parte dei ricavati delle attività illecite in attività del tutto legali, separando le gestioni contabili e potendo quindi contare su introiti di copertura (non meno rilevanti di quelli originari). Durante gli anni del proibizionismo , la copertura gli consentiva di avere più agevole accesso agli ambienti istituzionali, nei quali doveva procacciarsi con la corruzione la protezione politica che consentisse al business degli alcolici di prosperare.

Capone contribuiva in effetti non poco a rendere lametropoli animata, ordinando innumerevoli omicidi (spesso di testimoni di crimini). Il boss ideò per queste operazioni una tecnica speciale: si prendeva in locazione un appartamento di fronte alla casa della vittima, e da lì la si uccideva con fucili di precisione da selezionati cecchini .

La cella dove Al Capone fu rinchiuso nel 1929

Sempre opera di Capone, che nel frattempo si era trasferito in Florida, fu la cosiddetta "strage di San Valentino ". Il14 Febbraio del1929 cinque dei suoi uomini irruppero travestiti da poliziotti in un garage al 2122 di North Clark Street, sede del quartier generale della North Side Gang , organization formerly headed by Dean O'Banion and guided by George then "Bugs" Moran , the main competitor of "Big Al" in the market of alcohol, aligned along the seven present a wall, like a normal police control, shot them in the back. The incident is still today one of the most bloody settling of accounts of the history of the underworld .

In 1930, Al Capone, who had recently joined the FBI's most wanted list , was declared "public enemy No 1 "The city of Chicago

Al Capone to fit a small financial chicanery, was sentenced to 11 years in prison and a fine of $ 80,000.

In 1947 he had a stroke and after a brief agony died of a heart attack aged just 48

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby Congrats Message


Roustam Tarik, according to the Forbes magazine has a Furtuna estimated at 1.5 to 2 billion euros. Russian industrialist and financier, he built an empire on alcohol, commodities and credit cards from scratch.
His company, which produces high-quality vodka is called "Russian Standard", is ranked fourth among the best known brands from the Russian public.

His story begins in 1979 in Moscow when he was only 17 years and not even a penny in my pocket, in that 'year by entering the' Institute of Transport Engineering, as compensation for the work of scavenger State provides them a room.
began to focus his goal: to give to his fellow citizens what they should have.
In 1980, Gorbachev launched the "reconstruction" in Moscow comes a lot of men 's foreign affairs Roustam begins to be their guide, especially to find the rooms.
Roustam In 1992 she signed with Martini & Rossi, an exclusive import contract, then creates its own structure, Roust Incorporated. He has thirty years' and is already a millionaire.
now heads an empire: 30 000 people, 28 000 of which are only for financial assets