Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cannal Fulton Auction


E 'was an American criminal. Of Italian origin, is considered a symbol of American gangsterism and the crisis of law that the United States faced during the twenties.
Son of emigrants, the barber father Gabriele and Mother Teresa Raiola Caponi, grew up in a degraded environment, having had contact with small gang of juvenile delinquency, he was expelled from school after a teacher attacked and beaten, and became part of the Gang of Five Pointers Frankie Yale.
was during this time that he was given the nickname Scarface as a result of a visible scar on his left cheek caused by stab wounds that were inflicted by Frank Galluccio.

in 1919 after seriously injuring a member of a rival gang, Yale sent him to Chicago, until the waters had calmed down.

Here Capone began serving Johnny Torrio, an old companion of Yale as well as the nephew of Big Jim Colosimo.

Torrio gave him all of the illegal betting, after an attack by rival gang Torrio passed the scepter to Al Capone.

The "success" was that the sovereignty over the crime of Chicago and its Capone poté presto affiancare anche una posizione di supremazia economica e di potere sulle aree di sua influenza.

Investì infatti parte dei ricavati delle attività illecite in attività del tutto legali, separando le gestioni contabili e potendo quindi contare su introiti di copertura (non meno rilevanti di quelli originari). Durante gli anni del proibizionismo , la copertura gli consentiva di avere più agevole accesso agli ambienti istituzionali, nei quali doveva procacciarsi con la corruzione la protezione politica che consentisse al business degli alcolici di prosperare.

Capone contribuiva in effetti non poco a rendere lametropoli animata, ordinando innumerevoli omicidi (spesso di testimoni di crimini). Il boss ideò per queste operazioni una tecnica speciale: si prendeva in locazione un appartamento di fronte alla casa della vittima, e da lì la si uccideva con fucili di precisione da selezionati cecchini .

La cella dove Al Capone fu rinchiuso nel 1929

Sempre opera di Capone, che nel frattempo si era trasferito in Florida, fu la cosiddetta "strage di San Valentino ". Il14 Febbraio del1929 cinque dei suoi uomini irruppero travestiti da poliziotti in un garage al 2122 di North Clark Street, sede del quartier generale della North Side Gang , organization formerly headed by Dean O'Banion and guided by George then "Bugs" Moran , the main competitor of "Big Al" in the market of alcohol, aligned along the seven present a wall, like a normal police control, shot them in the back. The incident is still today one of the most bloody settling of accounts of the history of the underworld .

In 1930, Al Capone, who had recently joined the FBI's most wanted list , was declared "public enemy No 1 "The city of Chicago

Al Capone to fit a small financial chicanery, was sentenced to 11 years in prison and a fine of $ 80,000.

In 1947 he had a stroke and after a brief agony died of a heart attack aged just 48


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