Roustam Tarik, according to the Forbes magazine has a Furtuna estimated at 1.5 to 2 billion euros. Russian industrialist and financier, he built an empire on alcohol, commodities and credit cards from scratch.
His company, which produces high-quality vodka is called "Russian Standard", is ranked fourth among the best known brands from the Russian public.
His story begins in 1979 in Moscow when he was only 17 years and not even a penny in my pocket, in that 'year by entering the' Institute of Transport Engineering, as compensation for the work of scavenger State provides them a room.
began to focus his goal: to give to his fellow citizens what they should have.
In 1980, Gorbachev launched the "reconstruction" in Moscow comes a lot of men 's foreign affairs Roustam begins to be their guide, especially to find the rooms.
Roustam In 1992 she signed with Martini & Rossi, an exclusive import contract, then creates its own structure, Roust Incorporated. He has thirty years' and is already a millionaire.
now heads an empire: 30 000 people, 28 000 of which are only for financial assets
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