Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quo Cosmetic Brushes Prices


Tra i fondatori del cartello di Medellin ed uno dei maggiori narcotrafficanti degli anni '70 e '80.
Nato in Colombia da padre tedesco e madre colombiana, Lehder costruì il suo impero grazie al traffico internazionale della cocaina, con based on 'Island Norman' s Cay, 210 miles off the coast of Florida!
E 'was also found in the presence of Lehder (FARC) Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
become collaborators of justice at the beginning of the 90s, entered the U.S. witness protection program and to him, since then there has been no news.

Lehder began as a dealer of stolen cars between the U.S. and Canada and as a marijuana dealer. While serving a sentence for theft 'car in federal prison Dunbury, Connecticut, Lehder decided that, after his release, would have profited dal fiorente commercio della cocaina negli Stati Uniti, e reclutò il suo compagno di cella e spacciatore di erba alle prime armi George Jung.
Il piano di Lehder era rivoluzionare il trasporto della cocaina negli Stati Uniti, usando piccoli aerei per il trasporto e facendoli volare al di sotto dei radar, in modo da eliminare i "muli" umani cioè persone che venivano pagate per portare la cocaina nelle valigie.

Dopo il rilascio di Jung e Lehder, per entrambi in libertà vigilata, misero su una piccola fonte di reddito attraverso il semplice e tradizionale contrabbando, ripetendo questo procedimento per un po di volte, ben presto ebbero abbastanza money to buy a plane.
Using a small plane and a professional pilot, began to sell cocaine in the United States via the Bahamas, increasing their financial resources and establishing connections and trust of suppliers with Colombians, while giving of bribes to government officials in the Bahamas in order to secure political and judicial immunity.
Their unusual method of smuggling was beginning to gain credibility.
this network traffic was growing rapidly to become famous by the name of the Medellin cartel. The company Lehder and Jung was concerned by the transport distribution, while Pablo Escobar was in charge of production and supply.

the late 70's the relationship between Jung and Lehder began crumbling and, because of Lehder's megalomania compared to the lack of "ambition" of Jung, and the secret plan Colombian transfer of operations to Norman's Cay.
From 1978 to 1982, the 'island was the main center of drug smuggling in the Caribbean, the hiding place and playground for Lehder and associates.
The cocaine was imported from Colombia by Jet, then loaded onto small air and distributed in Georgia, Florida and Carolina. Lehder went on a journey of 3,300 feet protected by radar, bodyguards and Doberman.

IN THE GLORY OF ITS MAXIMUM PERIOD OF OPERATION WOULD ARRIVE EVERY DAY 300 kilos of cocaine and its assets were estimated into the billions.

Because of too many massacres carried out in Colombia, President Betancur, who at first was opposed to 'extradition of drug traffickers in the United States, decided to follow the line of repression extraditing drug lords, and the first on the list was Lehder.
All other Medellin cartel drug traffickers sought refuge in Panama with Noriega, but not believing in the dictator Lehder moved to Nicaragua.


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