Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dirt Bikee Birthday Cakes

the butcher's apron in

Nahum, sententosi evidentemente chiamato in causa dalla mia invettiva, risponde consigliandomi un libro. Non è cattiva volontà, che non sia corsa a comprarlo - e prometto che lo farò appena ne avrò tempo e voglia. Mi pare però che la sua risposta rappresenti molto bene la curiosa tendenza ad appiattire tutto nello slogan, assai caro al partito della pagnotta, which states that "politicians are all alike." For him, she says, are equal and Berlinguer Gelmini.
I know that the reform Berlinguer (the university, that the high school has never been done) is not liked by many who work there in the school; clear right away that I speak from profane.
I do not care the slightest criticism of "Anglophilia" copy, imitate, is one of the human faculties and better-paying and benefits of the reform are not inesistentti: Italian universities adapt to European standards - allowing greater movement of students - fill a statistical gap with countries having the bachelor have a large number of graduates in more, and create an intermediate stage to prevent early school leaving. I said, the university who work there, that the reform has created a plethora of laureette unable to form one part of the professional and other non-expendable enough to be culturally-depth training is possible, it is likely not discuss: between strengths and weaknesses of the reform, probably much to review.
What I think however, not only questionable, but I would say almost bizarre and monstrous to mention that reform is questionable to bring it to cleaver Gelmini.
begin by saying that the term "reform" as applied to the Gelmini - like many other Italian question - a shade of hypocrisy copied from the language company. How many "restructuring" of companies, its purpose is in fact achieve substantial savings thinning staff. I know that the need for savings is not secondary or negligible, in fact Berlinguer reform - especially the high school - he had taken into account and how. But it had taken into account in a restructuring of the organic system. Gelmini instead cut to where it is and without any criteria: the cycles of less crowded classes, support teachers off, takes away the full-time university blocks the turnover of teachers, faculty brings together more or less at random and removes any sense of who - hopefully in academia - is found to have a poorly paid job, precarious and landlocked. Of course, this "reform" is accompanied - comme d'habits - a fanfare of intolerable propaganda. On the one hand Gelmini constantly evokes the shame of eighteen guaranteed - ancient slogan revived as a zombie by the ancient street demonstrations sessantottino, and that no one dreams of today take the slightest consideration - misrepresent the other a new era of meritocracy and discipline. The reform can sintizzare in "the ax over the return to the apron." All this topped off with micro initiatives (expensive, unnecessary, unconstitutional and schifosine) molche for those priests and those fascists who give the "content" ideal for a government concentrated on matters otherwise little pertaining to the management of public affairs.
Now Berlinguer reform is wonderfully criticism: how everything is made of something, can esssere discussed, criticized, adjusted and changed if necessary. The operations of the Gelmini instead have a massacre, the nullification organized - but the dress of the party - and propaganda, as well as to the siren enchantress, has the characteristic that it can not be discussed, if you're not with us, with our "people "Berlusconi as saying that after having exhausted the football metaphors comes to ethnic ones, that can not be a dirty sessantottino favorable to eighteen guaranteed, end of discussion.
And nothing moves, among them the applause and your silence.


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