bad intentions for the new year
Fine anno, tempo di filosofia spicciola, di bilanci e di buoni propositi.
Ho sempre odiato i buoni propositi che molto spesso non sono seguiti da altrettanto buone azioni.
Dopo l'overdose buonista del Natale e l'incombente serie degli oroscopi for 2011 so here's my bad intentions for the new year, which, contrary to the good ones, I will firmly maintain.
1. Eating industrial quantities of dark chocolate every hour of the day.
2. Do not pay the fee RAI.
3. Continue to throw in the courtyard of clothing that fall on my balcony from the apartment upstairs.
4. Do not answer the phone with troublesome people.
5. To pretend a fainting / faintness to end the call with the person who molests inadvertently I said.
6. Do not make me ever more harrowing by the semi-meows and Doris Marti and feed them only dry food diet with chicory and liver.
7. Park your car in front of the garage del vicino antipatico.
8. Bucare il pallone dei bambini scassapalle che giocano in cortile e buttano il pallone sul mio terrazzo.
9. Dare indicazioni sbagliate e fantasiose ai turisti che chiedono informazioni in centro.
10. Spostare la sveglia avanti di 10 minuti a Gianluca facendogli perdere il treno.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Cervix When About To Get Period
do not ask, do not tell
I start with an accusation of Old -settantasettismo/femminismo/comunismo fertile. I am accused of riding the old slogan "the private is political," and so I got two questions: is an accusation based?
from an initial consideration: the terms of the statement are not interchangeable. Knowing how many people you went to bed (at home) is not the same thing to know what votes (political). My uncles, as always, when you are talking about politics proclaim "the vote is secret! It 's true, the vote is secret because no one should be able to put undue pressure on voters, we would fail alone, and can, of course - as a free choice - to be secret because any work aspects of a person must be able to - if this person is like - remain secret . The telephone number, the photographs of when he was little, voting and even the face.
E 'freedom of a person close to the house and secreted to do? Obviously yes. Other
is to ride the secrecy of the vote not as an inviolable right, but as an altar: we are not the private becomes political, but that is subtracted from the political office in the public debate and private becomes mandatory. I'm sorry, but here I disagree. Ask a person to whom political past is, what kind of training has had, is like asking if you have a bidet after shit. It 'a right not to answer, but it also is a right (and not an inconvenience) request.
I am convinced that Italy, if the various Dario For, Giorgio Bocca, Raimondo Vianello had absorbed, processed, understood and explained something more of their past, and the transition from their past and present, would be a very different country. Reasoning, a tale of how one could become a fascist would give depth to the collective consciousness that in Italy there was milimanente. The elaboration of fascist was equal to zero if you take away the sole exception of Fini, and is one of the many lost opportunities. And communism is not much different: full support of the tanks, and after peaceful oblivion. It will be private, having supported the tanks, but the choice of "privatization" to switch from one bank to another tell nothing of the process, was not at all generous. Sorry.
I start with an accusation of Old -settantasettismo/femminismo/comunismo fertile. I am accused of riding the old slogan "the private is political," and so I got two questions: is an accusation based?
from an initial consideration: the terms of the statement are not interchangeable. Knowing how many people you went to bed (at home) is not the same thing to know what votes (political). My uncles, as always, when you are talking about politics proclaim "the vote is secret! It 's true, the vote is secret because no one should be able to put undue pressure on voters, we would fail alone, and can, of course - as a free choice - to be secret because any work aspects of a person must be able to - if this person is like - remain secret . The telephone number, the photographs of when he was little, voting and even the face.
E 'freedom of a person close to the house and secreted to do? Obviously yes. Other
is to ride the secrecy of the vote not as an inviolable right, but as an altar: we are not the private becomes political, but that is subtracted from the political office in the public debate and private becomes mandatory. I'm sorry, but here I disagree. Ask a person to whom political past is, what kind of training has had, is like asking if you have a bidet after shit. It 'a right not to answer, but it also is a right (and not an inconvenience) request.
I am convinced that Italy, if the various Dario For, Giorgio Bocca, Raimondo Vianello had absorbed, processed, understood and explained something more of their past, and the transition from their past and present, would be a very different country. Reasoning, a tale of how one could become a fascist would give depth to the collective consciousness that in Italy there was milimanente. The elaboration of fascist was equal to zero if you take away the sole exception of Fini, and is one of the many lost opportunities. And communism is not much different: full support of the tanks, and after peaceful oblivion. It will be private, having supported the tanks, but the choice of "privatization" to switch from one bank to another tell nothing of the process, was not at all generous. Sorry.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Travestis En San Antonio Texas
In passionate defense of student demonstrations in this article Maltese launches an urgent appeal - given the gravity of the situation - to think, involving all right - who justifies the burning of cash to those who applaud the beatings of protesters . It suggests that listening to students in the bottom of its disgraced anti-globalization have been according to him - unheard - the first to sound the alarm: many of the predictions of that movement in fact seem to realize dramatically: from the devastation of the territory to the collapse of the cost of work, through the Mother of all casinos in the world, or the exhaustion resources.
I believe instead that the anti-globalization movement has perhaps correctly diagnosed a component of evil, but have certainly messed care.
fact, their mistake, it seems to me, as well as the error in general ecology - the right and left - is to think that progress can stop, or - worse - that they can just put the clock back could reset and ten, hundred, thousand years of history.
Not so, I think, and in support of my analysis I just mentioned that it never happened, you come back: to raise trade barriers, close borders to immigration, stop the outsourcing things are not right or wrong itself ': things are impossible, due to political catastrophe can only reset everything, but not what we hope or at least I hope not. It 's a car launched at full speed, and as you can maneuver the steering wheel, but you can not restrain it' put the reverse. And the left itself, as a whole, and made the mistake of not putting the wheel volercisi, theorizing impossible reverse: instead of using one of its arrays, internationalism, the left is locked on one side and old - and beyond a certain anachronistic (but vaglielo tell Vendola) wrestling pay (lost) or a rediscovery, in turn decrepit (but vaglielo tell Veltroni) "free", going back to another ideology that is not only characteristic of the right is also on the ropes. Ridiculous.
We know that the evil has its origin in a supra-national free trade zone is not subject to any control: by financial exploitation of the work force: we can work a band of children in Bangladesh without committing any crime.
And if we know that this is wrong, where are the locations of coordination - virtual and physical, of any kind - of the international left? Where those unions? Who is developing an embryonic institutions that govern economic relations between countries? Why the Left not only the world are doing, but neppure suggeriscono che sia opportuno iniziarlo a fare, e invece si perdono in chiacchiere stupide - come ad esempio la spettacolare cazzata di litigare all'interno del PD sull'opportunità o meno di entrare... nel partito Socialista Europeo?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Auto Immune Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms
internationalism and modernity is the fault of the system. The limbic.
Sento e leggo i commenti intorno alle violenze di ieri, e mi paiono fondamentalmente appiattiti su due fondamentali errori: Per la sinistra, la causa prima è il disagio giovanile di ragazzi senza futuro, ergo responsabile è il governo Berlusconi e la mancanza di risposte serie alla crisi. Per la destra - simmetricamente - la colpa è della sinistra. Se Bersani appoggia la protesta degli studenti cosa resta a questi ultimi se non incendiare cassonetti?
Se queste explanations are limited to be simplistic and aimed to gain propaganda points, it would be relatively harmless: neutralize each other.
In my opinion however, are also - and very - dangerous, because they provide few (but too many) a justification for violence, a dignity, a sense that absolutely does not deserve. "I'm not because I am a dickhead - that is -" I suppose the idiot reflect thoughtfully, holding the lower front bristling with hairs "because there are so Berlusconi / Bersani, because my mother beat me, because the society is bad. Gu. "
I'm lucky / unlucky enough to live in the middle, and that for the derby, or is for events, my home is a place where you understand that luck is to have a parking lot. (I do not have one)
seems incredible, but to win the Rome, Lazio Berlusconi, my car - who knows why - it is always in the crosshairs.
I think the first thing to note - when the bins, cars and cash are on fire - is that the operators of the disaster have been moved by an automated system that is usually shunned by the smartest among primates. If you see monkeys interact, we realize that there are collaborative ones, which are common cause, there are hierarchical ones, that drive with a judicious use of carrot and stick, and then ... there are the balls. Monkeys Delayed or apes that lead hands fucking dog just happens to him this opportunity, because their mindset is not equipped with brakes adequate to score actions idiotic, counterproductive and dangerous for himself 'and others.
Highlighting the automatic tribal and non-politically exploit this type of action has the advantage of isolating - just as they do the primates - the most stupid of the band.
I saw kids running scared, pissed off and I heard them, for what was happening. In Piazza Venezia, where I had been in the morning, was a series of banners to this effect:
A succession of "we want to study" "yes knowledge no violence. "peaceful boy, though angry, reduced to the rank of criminals and manipulated from side to side on the one hand, and criminal deficient elevated to the rank of" youthful expression of despair. "
I - more than anything else - I think it would be a much more sensible to send a little 'old militant of the CGL in schools to teach kids to complete an order as they should, without embroidery too much crap around.
Sento e leggo i commenti intorno alle violenze di ieri, e mi paiono fondamentalmente appiattiti su due fondamentali errori: Per la sinistra, la causa prima è il disagio giovanile di ragazzi senza futuro, ergo responsabile è il governo Berlusconi e la mancanza di risposte serie alla crisi. Per la destra - simmetricamente - la colpa è della sinistra. Se Bersani appoggia la protesta degli studenti cosa resta a questi ultimi se non incendiare cassonetti?
Se queste explanations are limited to be simplistic and aimed to gain propaganda points, it would be relatively harmless: neutralize each other.
In my opinion however, are also - and very - dangerous, because they provide few (but too many) a justification for violence, a dignity, a sense that absolutely does not deserve. "I'm not because I am a dickhead - that is -" I suppose the idiot reflect thoughtfully, holding the lower front bristling with hairs "because there are so Berlusconi / Bersani, because my mother beat me, because the society is bad. Gu. "
I'm lucky / unlucky enough to live in the middle, and that for the derby, or is for events, my home is a place where you understand that luck is to have a parking lot. (I do not have one)
seems incredible, but to win the Rome, Lazio Berlusconi, my car - who knows why - it is always in the crosshairs.
I think the first thing to note - when the bins, cars and cash are on fire - is that the operators of the disaster have been moved by an automated system that is usually shunned by the smartest among primates. If you see monkeys interact, we realize that there are collaborative ones, which are common cause, there are hierarchical ones, that drive with a judicious use of carrot and stick, and then ... there are the balls. Monkeys Delayed or apes that lead hands fucking dog just happens to him this opportunity, because their mindset is not equipped with brakes adequate to score actions idiotic, counterproductive and dangerous for himself 'and others.
Highlighting the automatic tribal and non-politically exploit this type of action has the advantage of isolating - just as they do the primates - the most stupid of the band.
I saw kids running scared, pissed off and I heard them, for what was happening. In Piazza Venezia, where I had been in the morning, was a series of banners to this effect:
I - more than anything else - I think it would be a much more sensible to send a little 'old militant of the CGL in schools to teach kids to complete an order as they should, without embroidery too much crap around.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Heart Palpitations Position
Yes, i do
Mi sposo.
Tra meno di una settimana.
Tecnicamente già lo sono, ma quello che avverrà tra poco sarà quello grosso.
Quello con 250 invitati.
Quello con l'abito bianco.
Quello con la cerimonia solenne in chiesa.
Quello con il fotografo professionista.
Non so come sarà.
Non so se mi piacerà questa grande festa o se mi sentirò terribilmente a disagio.
Per ora mi sento solo l'ansia da prestazione, come se stessi lavorando a qualcosa che sarà inveitabilmente giudicato ed io debba apparire all'altezza delle aspettative.
Poi devo dire la verità, io mi sento già sposata da un po'.
Quel cambiamento epocale del promettere di amare qualcuno "a tempo interminato" è già avvenuto.
Sabato, semplicemente, lo diremo a tutti gli altri.
Mi sposo.
Tra meno di una settimana.
Tecnicamente già lo sono, ma quello che avverrà tra poco sarà quello grosso.
Quello con 250 invitati.
Quello con l'abito bianco.
Quello con la cerimonia solenne in chiesa.
Quello con il fotografo professionista.
Non so come sarà.
Non so se mi piacerà questa grande festa o se mi sentirò terribilmente a disagio.
Per ora mi sento solo l'ansia da prestazione, come se stessi lavorando a qualcosa che sarà inveitabilmente giudicato ed io debba apparire all'altezza delle aspettative.
Poi devo dire la verità, io mi sento già sposata da un po'.
Quel cambiamento epocale del promettere di amare qualcuno "a tempo interminato" è già avvenuto.
Sabato, semplicemente, lo diremo a tutti gli altri.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Blueprint Small Rabbit Hutch
Things I Hate
Odio quando mi cola il naso mentre vado in bicicletta.
Odio quando mi spunta un brufolo in faccia prima di un giorno importante.
Odio quando la carta igenica è finita ed io non me ne ero accorta.
Odio quando la risposta giusta mi viene in mente quando la porta si chiude.
I hate when I reach the 72 minutes of watching Megavideo on their most beautiful.
hate the neighbor who makes the sauce at 8 am.
hate business calls before 10 am.
I hate when there is no field with the navigation of the iPhone while I'm trying to find his way amid the hills of Montefeltro. I hate it when the envelope
biodegradable Coop breaks and spending is spread on the asphalt.
I hate the old bicycle that insult me.
I hate people who do not know how to use the subjunctive.
I hate people who applauded the landing aircraft.
hate my bike while I'm falling padlocked and it drops another 20 parked nearby. Hate
realize you've made a fucked up 1 second after you did.
I hate my cats trying to escape from home every time I open the door.
hate any object of Thun
I hate taking out the garbage.
Odio quando mi cola il naso mentre vado in bicicletta.
Odio quando mi spunta un brufolo in faccia prima di un giorno importante.
Odio quando la carta igenica è finita ed io non me ne ero accorta.
Odio quando la risposta giusta mi viene in mente quando la porta si chiude.
I hate when I reach the 72 minutes of watching Megavideo on their most beautiful.
hate the neighbor who makes the sauce at 8 am.
hate business calls before 10 am.
I hate when there is no field with the navigation of the iPhone while I'm trying to find his way amid the hills of Montefeltro. I hate it when the envelope
biodegradable Coop breaks and spending is spread on the asphalt.
I hate the old bicycle that insult me.
I hate people who do not know how to use the subjunctive.
I hate people who applauded the landing aircraft.
hate my bike while I'm falling padlocked and it drops another 20 parked nearby. Hate
realize you've made a fucked up 1 second after you did.
I hate my cats trying to escape from home every time I open the door.
hate any object of Thun
I hate taking out the garbage.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Congratulations Baby Message
Tronto along the river, which flows between Abruzzo and Marche regions, there is the infamous road "Clearance". When there
Ascoli-sea was the highway that the only road leading from the coast to Ascoli Piceno.
I remember as a child, following in the car with my parents, I asked my mother what they did to those young ladies along the side of strda, she replied with a hint of embarrassment that "selling the vegetables."
Now, you could do humor about what kind of vegetables to sell and in fact, this explanation does not satisfy me that much, especially because those ladies did not seem at all similar in appearance and dress, the greengrocer in the house.
Now there are probably those grocery go abundances retired and replaced by new "recruits" from all over the world: Eastern Europe, Nigeria, South America.
The problem of the massive presence of prostitutes on the street Bonfica del Tronto has been going on for years and no more or less inept government that have occurred over the years has managed to solve it, even really thinking about them all: signs strampalati, multe, retate, coprifuco. Quasi tutti si sono rivelati palliativi, che non hanno risolto affatto il problema.
Adesso però le menti illuminate della Regione Abruzzo hanno avuto l'idea risolutiva: le prostitute si imboscano con i clienti nella boscaglia di lecci e pioppi che cresce lungo l'argine del fiume? Abbattiamo il bosco!
Che pensata geniale! Hanno ragione, è tutta colpa di quegli alberi perversi e lubrichi che donano riparo a quelle donnacce sordide!
Così al grido di "seghe contro la prostituzione" in 3 mesi abbatteranno 30 ettari di bosco.
Volevo giusto proporre alla Regione Abruzzo (oltre che di andare a farsi fottere) di dare anche una spianatina a quella fastidiosa montagna detta "Gran Sasso d'Abruzzo "culpably causes that each year the deaths of dozens of unarmed hikers with its hideous cliffs and avalanches shameful ...
Tronto along the river, which flows between Abruzzo and Marche regions, there is the infamous road "Clearance". When there
Ascoli-sea was the highway that the only road leading from the coast to Ascoli Piceno.
I remember as a child, following in the car with my parents, I asked my mother what they did to those young ladies along the side of strda, she replied with a hint of embarrassment that "selling the vegetables."
Now, you could do humor about what kind of vegetables to sell and in fact, this explanation does not satisfy me that much, especially because those ladies did not seem at all similar in appearance and dress, the greengrocer in the house.
Now there are probably those grocery go abundances retired and replaced by new "recruits" from all over the world: Eastern Europe, Nigeria, South America.
The problem of the massive presence of prostitutes on the street Bonfica del Tronto has been going on for years and no more or less inept government that have occurred over the years has managed to solve it, even really thinking about them all: signs strampalati, multe, retate, coprifuco. Quasi tutti si sono rivelati palliativi, che non hanno risolto affatto il problema.
Adesso però le menti illuminate della Regione Abruzzo hanno avuto l'idea risolutiva: le prostitute si imboscano con i clienti nella boscaglia di lecci e pioppi che cresce lungo l'argine del fiume? Abbattiamo il bosco!
Che pensata geniale! Hanno ragione, è tutta colpa di quegli alberi perversi e lubrichi che donano riparo a quelle donnacce sordide!
Così al grido di "seghe contro la prostituzione" in 3 mesi abbatteranno 30 ettari di bosco.
Volevo giusto proporre alla Regione Abruzzo (oltre che di andare a farsi fottere) di dare anche una spianatina a quella fastidiosa montagna detta "Gran Sasso d'Abruzzo "culpably causes that each year the deaths of dozens of unarmed hikers with its hideous cliffs and avalanches shameful ...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Position Of The Cervix A Period
's greeting Renato
Renato started this morning.
After more than a month spent in Ravenna, and after receiving solidarity and the help of many citizens.
Unfortunately despite the best efforts we were unable to find a stable job.
The work has become a utopia for many, let alone a sixty.
It 's nice to know that in this world and cynical individualist there is still room for altruism.
Renato Good luck, it was nice to meet you.
Renato started this morning.
After more than a month spent in Ravenna, and after receiving solidarity and the help of many citizens.
Unfortunately despite the best efforts we were unable to find a stable job.
The work has become a utopia for many, let alone a sixty.
It 's nice to know that in this world and cynical individualist there is still room for altruism.
Renato Good luck, it was nice to meet you.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Religious Sympathy Quotes
under the regimental tie
When it was time Cold War and the Christian Democrats, I went to a school left, I had a family left, attended leftists: I know my chicken.
And the Italian left in those days was - working the autonomy to PCI, a communist left essentially, is that both the parliamentary gruppettara. And that the past weighs a ton, today: to refer to a political ideology based on the creation of the New Man, New World, by killing the existing one, is the premise of collapse today. Indeed, while everywhere else the Left accepted the government's responsibility, with everything that necessarily in terms of compromises with reality, he dreamed in Italy - overall - the revolution. Even the same PCI, first pragmatically accepting the crumbs of partition bestowed by DC and cower in the spaces that were permitted by liberal democracy: a network TV show business, trade unions, cooperatives, the other could - keeping away from the government - still rocking with its distant horizon, the sun of, lullaby and its electorate. Horizons as far more certain. It was, as a form of compromise that allowed to defer until a later date the necessary confrontation with the reality of the failure of the socialist model. Then, in 1989, reality has manifested itself in unambiguous - as is its use - our leaving with a nice pair of pants instead of the red banner.
Today, the left there, which has the advantage of having carried out its some form of policy, and have - albeit belatedly - acknowledged his mistakes, is torn between shame if 'and disabitudine and the inability to take in hand the power and manage it. Try to make policy but can not because he threw the baby with the bathwater: a counterpoint to the ineffective and inappetibile Berlusconi's party, although the only one we have.
The other left, that gruppettara, however, that mediation and compromise did not even want to hear about, the one that occupied the estates of schools and universities, and dreamed of the revolucion and packaged molotov proletarian expropriations and has now been spilled into the mass of the party do not vote, or vote-for-stay-all'-opposition maybe cut beard and hair, but it is always the same: those who have always regarded the Italian state, the constitution of the bourgeois trappings to be killed with the proletarian revolution, in the "no vote" is found perfectly in little house, although now instead of molotov sports a graceful grin of nonchalance, and maybe a splendid regimental tie.
Who is the government militarized the school? And who cares? The bourgeois state is to be removed, you can not heal. Party symbols in the institutions? Never mind, the constitution has created a phony from a dirty compromise with Catholics, that fuck. The university is about to close? Chissenefotte, death to the bourgeois state and its institutions ...
Cari buoni vecchi trinariciuti di una volta, avrete tagliato la barba e vuotato le bottigliucce di benzina, ma continuate a godere del tanto peggio tanto meglio, continuate ad applaudire alle macerie dello "stato borghese": sotto vostra la cravatta regimental batte un cuoricino molto radical, anche se tutto sommato assai poco chic.
When it was time Cold War and the Christian Democrats, I went to a school left, I had a family left, attended leftists: I know my chicken.
And the Italian left in those days was - working the autonomy to PCI, a communist left essentially, is that both the parliamentary gruppettara. And that the past weighs a ton, today: to refer to a political ideology based on the creation of the New Man, New World, by killing the existing one, is the premise of collapse today. Indeed, while everywhere else the Left accepted the government's responsibility, with everything that necessarily in terms of compromises with reality, he dreamed in Italy - overall - the revolution. Even the same PCI, first pragmatically accepting the crumbs of partition bestowed by DC and cower in the spaces that were permitted by liberal democracy: a network TV show business, trade unions, cooperatives, the other could - keeping away from the government - still rocking with its distant horizon, the sun of, lullaby and its electorate. Horizons as far more certain. It was, as a form of compromise that allowed to defer until a later date the necessary confrontation with the reality of the failure of the socialist model. Then, in 1989, reality has manifested itself in unambiguous - as is its use - our leaving with a nice pair of pants instead of the red banner.
Today, the left there, which has the advantage of having carried out its some form of policy, and have - albeit belatedly - acknowledged his mistakes, is torn between shame if 'and disabitudine and the inability to take in hand the power and manage it. Try to make policy but can not because he threw the baby with the bathwater: a counterpoint to the ineffective and inappetibile Berlusconi's party, although the only one we have.
The other left, that gruppettara, however, that mediation and compromise did not even want to hear about, the one that occupied the estates of schools and universities, and dreamed of the revolucion and packaged molotov proletarian expropriations and has now been spilled into the mass of the party do not vote, or vote-for-stay-all'-opposition maybe cut beard and hair, but it is always the same: those who have always regarded the Italian state, the constitution of the bourgeois trappings to be killed with the proletarian revolution, in the "no vote" is found perfectly in little house, although now instead of molotov sports a graceful grin of nonchalance, and maybe a splendid regimental tie.
Who is the government militarized the school? And who cares? The bourgeois state is to be removed, you can not heal. Party symbols in the institutions? Never mind, the constitution has created a phony from a dirty compromise with Catholics, that fuck. The university is about to close? Chissenefotte, death to the bourgeois state and its institutions ...
Cari buoni vecchi trinariciuti di una volta, avrete tagliato la barba e vuotato le bottigliucce di benzina, ma continuate a godere del tanto peggio tanto meglio, continuate ad applaudire alle macerie dello "stato borghese": sotto vostra la cravatta regimental batte un cuoricino molto radical, anche se tutto sommato assai poco chic.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dirt Bikee Birthday Cakes
the butcher's apron in
Nahum, sententosi evidentemente chiamato in causa dalla mia invettiva, risponde consigliandomi un libro. Non è cattiva volontà, che non sia corsa a comprarlo - e prometto che lo farò appena ne avrò tempo e voglia. Mi pare però che la sua risposta rappresenti molto bene la curiosa tendenza ad appiattire tutto nello slogan, assai caro al partito della pagnotta, which states that "politicians are all alike." For him, she says, are equal and Berlinguer Gelmini.
I know that the reform Berlinguer (the university, that the high school has never been done) is not liked by many who work there in the school; clear right away that I speak from profane.
I do not care the slightest criticism of "Anglophilia" copy, imitate, is one of the human faculties and better-paying and benefits of the reform are not inesistentti: Italian universities adapt to European standards - allowing greater movement of students - fill a statistical gap with countries having the bachelor have a large number of graduates in more, and create an intermediate stage to prevent early school leaving. I said, the university who work there, that the reform has created a plethora of laureette unable to form one part of the professional and other non-expendable enough to be culturally-depth training is possible, it is likely not discuss: between strengths and weaknesses of the reform, probably much to review.
What I think however, not only questionable, but I would say almost bizarre and monstrous to mention that reform is questionable to bring it to cleaver Gelmini.
begin by saying that the term "reform" as applied to the Gelmini - like many other Italian question - a shade of hypocrisy copied from the language company. How many "restructuring" of companies, its purpose is in fact achieve substantial savings thinning staff. I know that the need for savings is not secondary or negligible, in fact Berlinguer reform - especially the high school - he had taken into account and how. But it had taken into account in a restructuring of the organic system. Gelmini instead cut to where it is and without any criteria: the cycles of less crowded classes, support teachers off, takes away the full-time university blocks the turnover of teachers, faculty brings together more or less at random and removes any sense of who - hopefully in academia - is found to have a poorly paid job, precarious and landlocked. Of course, this "reform" is accompanied - comme d'habits - a fanfare of intolerable propaganda. On the one hand Gelmini constantly evokes the shame of eighteen guaranteed - ancient slogan revived as a zombie by the ancient street demonstrations sessantottino, and that no one dreams of today take the slightest consideration - misrepresent the other a new era of meritocracy and discipline. The reform can sintizzare in "the ax over the return to the apron." All this topped off with micro initiatives (expensive, unnecessary, unconstitutional and schifosine) molche for those priests and those fascists who give the "content" ideal for a government concentrated on matters otherwise little pertaining to the management of public affairs.
Now Berlinguer reform is wonderfully criticism: how everything is made of something, can esssere discussed, criticized, adjusted and changed if necessary. The operations of the Gelmini instead have a massacre, the nullification organized - but the dress of the party - and propaganda, as well as to the siren enchantress, has the characteristic that it can not be discussed, if you're not with us, with our "people "Berlusconi as saying that after having exhausted the football metaphors comes to ethnic ones, that can not be a dirty sessantottino favorable to eighteen guaranteed, end of discussion.
And nothing moves, among them the applause and your silence.
Nahum, sententosi evidentemente chiamato in causa dalla mia invettiva, risponde consigliandomi un libro. Non è cattiva volontà, che non sia corsa a comprarlo - e prometto che lo farò appena ne avrò tempo e voglia. Mi pare però che la sua risposta rappresenti molto bene la curiosa tendenza ad appiattire tutto nello slogan, assai caro al partito della pagnotta, which states that "politicians are all alike." For him, she says, are equal and Berlinguer Gelmini.
I know that the reform Berlinguer (the university, that the high school has never been done) is not liked by many who work there in the school; clear right away that I speak from profane.
I do not care the slightest criticism of "Anglophilia" copy, imitate, is one of the human faculties and better-paying and benefits of the reform are not inesistentti: Italian universities adapt to European standards - allowing greater movement of students - fill a statistical gap with countries having the bachelor have a large number of graduates in more, and create an intermediate stage to prevent early school leaving. I said, the university who work there, that the reform has created a plethora of laureette unable to form one part of the professional and other non-expendable enough to be culturally-depth training is possible, it is likely not discuss: between strengths and weaknesses of the reform, probably much to review.
What I think however, not only questionable, but I would say almost bizarre and monstrous to mention that reform is questionable to bring it to cleaver Gelmini.
begin by saying that the term "reform" as applied to the Gelmini - like many other Italian question - a shade of hypocrisy copied from the language company. How many "restructuring" of companies, its purpose is in fact achieve substantial savings thinning staff. I know that the need for savings is not secondary or negligible, in fact Berlinguer reform - especially the high school - he had taken into account and how. But it had taken into account in a restructuring of the organic system. Gelmini instead cut to where it is and without any criteria: the cycles of less crowded classes, support teachers off, takes away the full-time university blocks the turnover of teachers, faculty brings together more or less at random and removes any sense of who - hopefully in academia - is found to have a poorly paid job, precarious and landlocked. Of course, this "reform" is accompanied - comme d'habits - a fanfare of intolerable propaganda. On the one hand Gelmini constantly evokes the shame of eighteen guaranteed - ancient slogan revived as a zombie by the ancient street demonstrations sessantottino, and that no one dreams of today take the slightest consideration - misrepresent the other a new era of meritocracy and discipline. The reform can sintizzare in "the ax over the return to the apron." All this topped off with micro initiatives (expensive, unnecessary, unconstitutional and schifosine) molche for those priests and those fascists who give the "content" ideal for a government concentrated on matters otherwise little pertaining to the management of public affairs.
Now Berlinguer reform is wonderfully criticism: how everything is made of something, can esssere discussed, criticized, adjusted and changed if necessary. The operations of the Gelmini instead have a massacre, the nullification organized - but the dress of the party - and propaganda, as well as to the siren enchantress, has the characteristic that it can not be discussed, if you're not with us, with our "people "Berlusconi as saying that after having exhausted the football metaphors comes to ethnic ones, that can not be a dirty sessantottino favorable to eighteen guaranteed, end of discussion.
And nothing moves, among them the applause and your silence.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Maryland Work Boats For Sale
a small rant, but full of rage
Here, many people in this country to appreciate the survival courses in schools and happily fuck if you do not lecture and universities are likely to close : there are many who appreciate this blend of fascism, coattaggine Italian and indifference that is well represented by Gelmini, La Russa, Tremonti.
not them, who turns my rant, because they are having exactly what they want and why they voted: is aimed at all those - many - that continue to face all this nonsense have let this happen: we are paying dearly for your purity, your consciousness linda, your hatred for compromise, your career, your disability policy. You leave that to the democratic centralism - why it asks for your enemy - you have created a party without a head, that you or bipolar or anything that you or the proportional or nothing, you do not give up the sun of the future and no party is enough left, and you that the only party that could do it you have not voted, because it was not pretty enough and / or left and / or right, because it was too social democratic, social democratic because it was too little, and why do you really think - but seriously, without feeling ridiculous - that your conscience is worth more than the largest universities in Europe.
pay you too this collapse, and when the fund will try to hit us forget about the complicity of your indifference and your inanity, but knowing it is not a consolation.
Here, many people in this country to appreciate the survival courses in schools and happily fuck if you do not lecture and universities are likely to close : there are many who appreciate this blend of fascism, coattaggine Italian and indifference that is well represented by Gelmini, La Russa, Tremonti.
not them, who turns my rant, because they are having exactly what they want and why they voted: is aimed at all those - many - that continue to face all this nonsense have let this happen: we are paying dearly for your purity, your consciousness linda, your hatred for compromise, your career, your disability policy. You leave that to the democratic centralism - why it asks for your enemy - you have created a party without a head, that you or bipolar or anything that you or the proportional or nothing, you do not give up the sun of the future and no party is enough left, and you that the only party that could do it you have not voted, because it was not pretty enough and / or left and / or right, because it was too social democratic, social democratic because it was too little, and why do you really think - but seriously, without feeling ridiculous - that your conscience is worth more than the largest universities in Europe.
pay you too this collapse, and when the fund will try to hit us forget about the complicity of your indifference and your inanity, but knowing it is not a consolation.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Quadriderm Nf Cream Para Que Sirve
Also this year we did it. The
Festival is over and left me pleasantly exhausted with two black circles so that if you begin to eat bamboo, the WWF could put myself between the protected species.
Apart from the purely artistic questions, such as walls made of cardboard, horse-women, elderly Romagna parties with dancing the waltz and other amenities very "contemporary" is definitely the best thing that humanity encounters. The chef's table
English who moved to San Zaccaria master of tai-chi and meditation. The intern
lesbian t-shirt with "fascist Froch ever before." The Apulian
hippies living in the community but do not want to share a room with other artists.
Mrs. sixty peroxide that is to see a performance by Antonio Rinaldi and then suffocate me for half an hour wondering obsessively "but why not dance?".
As a friend of mine would say, are things.
Also this year we did it. The
Festival is over and left me pleasantly exhausted with two black circles so that if you begin to eat bamboo, the WWF could put myself between the protected species.
Apart from the purely artistic questions, such as walls made of cardboard, horse-women, elderly Romagna parties with dancing the waltz and other amenities very "contemporary" is definitely the best thing that humanity encounters. The chef's table
English who moved to San Zaccaria master of tai-chi and meditation. The intern
lesbian t-shirt with "fascist Froch ever before." The Apulian
hippies living in the community but do not want to share a room with other artists.
Mrs. sixty peroxide that is to see a performance by Antonio Rinaldi and then suffocate me for half an hour wondering obsessively "but why not dance?".
As a friend of mine would say, are things.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Bowel Infection Treatment
Al Qaeda men and chickens and
I tend to believe the prophets of the peak, but not for congenital millenarianism because I have the impression that the arguments of those who deny the peak are very weak: an ridicule a little 'arrogant combined with a boundless faith in technological progress that at this stage, it does not seem to have produced anything remotely comparable to the oil windfall that has enabled our benessere diffuso. E tendo a crederci anche perchè penso che un assaggio del'orrendo pastone sia già l'attualità, dai casini per la trivellazione troppo profonda alle guerre nel medio oriente.
Un blog, sul sito di Le Monde (hat tip: Petrolio ) intervista Robert Hirsh, un ex responsabile della ricerca sui carburanti di sintesi della exxon, a proposito della scarsa informazione, della censura, che ci sarebbe intorno al problema ormai maturo per esplodere. Sulla opportunità, e soprattutto sulla praticabilità del diffondere informazioni sulla questione ho più dubbi che certezze, però. Se se ne parla in termini (forse correttamente) catastrofici, non si fa che anticipare il momento del crollo ed è una responsabilità che nessun politico vuole prendersi, se se ne parla in termini blandi l'effetto sarà nullo: la gente mediamente non è disposta prendere misure serie di risparmio energetico e contenimento dei consumi. La zona sotto il vesuvio è abitatissima, e nessuno pensa a sgombrare S. Francisco o Messina, in vista del Big One. Temo che l'umanità nel complesso non sia adatta a gestire previsioni ma solo ad affrontare emergenze. Come diceva il (purtroppo) geniale Celine, l'uomo è intelligente come la gallina è un volatile.
I tend to believe the prophets of the peak, but not for congenital millenarianism because I have the impression that the arguments of those who deny the peak are very weak: an ridicule a little 'arrogant combined with a boundless faith in technological progress that at this stage, it does not seem to have produced anything remotely comparable to the oil windfall that has enabled our benessere diffuso. E tendo a crederci anche perchè penso che un assaggio del'orrendo pastone sia già l'attualità, dai casini per la trivellazione troppo profonda alle guerre nel medio oriente.
Un blog, sul sito di Le Monde (hat tip: Petrolio ) intervista Robert Hirsh, un ex responsabile della ricerca sui carburanti di sintesi della exxon, a proposito della scarsa informazione, della censura, che ci sarebbe intorno al problema ormai maturo per esplodere. Sulla opportunità, e soprattutto sulla praticabilità del diffondere informazioni sulla questione ho più dubbi che certezze, però. Se se ne parla in termini (forse correttamente) catastrofici, non si fa che anticipare il momento del crollo ed è una responsabilità che nessun politico vuole prendersi, se se ne parla in termini blandi l'effetto sarà nullo: la gente mediamente non è disposta prendere misure serie di risparmio energetico e contenimento dei consumi. La zona sotto il vesuvio è abitatissima, e nessuno pensa a sgombrare S. Francisco o Messina, in vista del Big One. Temo che l'umanità nel complesso non sia adatta a gestire previsioni ma solo ad affrontare emergenze. Come diceva il (purtroppo) geniale Celine, l'uomo è intelligente come la gallina è un volatile.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Phantom Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms
Sarkosì kosa
Vignetta di Leo Ortolani, via GDR online
Agli insulti del commissario Europeo, che ha accusato il premier francese di usare gli stessi sistemi contro gli zingari in voga nella seconda guerra mondiale, Sarkozy astutamente risponde "Prendeteveli voi gli zingari", che è un po' la risposta standard di tutti quelli favorevoli alle deportazioni.
Ora - premesso che Francia odierna ben poco ricorda il terzo Reich - una breve considerazione la farei. La sagace risposta del premier francese tradisce il problema: gli zingari cacciati dalla Francia, infatti...sono andati in Spagna: in poche parole, se i Rom sono un problema, Sarkò l'ha semplicemente scaricato a qualcun altro. Questo riporta la questione nei termini un po' più corretti: noi che siamo favorevoli alla legalità e all'integrazione, grain to pay because the fields are decent and send Roma children to school kick your ass - we who stubbornly believe that the deportations are not a solution - we are usually covered with raspberries: we are asked if the 740 and earn more than € 12,000 per year we are branded as intolerable radical chic: rich guy hypocrites that they're swimming in dollars as Scrooge require the presence of a poor working class people of beggars, sardonic and stubborn, which has no intention of integrating.
Perfect, radical chic that you're not, you who are real proletarians, and brawny men fucksters and with his dirty hands, you who just raised his eyes from the assembly line to affect the bloggosfera your anger fiercely national-popular, spoken of as a solution, please, when welcomed the deportation from France to Spain?
Agli insulti del commissario Europeo, che ha accusato il premier francese di usare gli stessi sistemi contro gli zingari in voga nella seconda guerra mondiale, Sarkozy astutamente risponde "Prendeteveli voi gli zingari", che è un po' la risposta standard di tutti quelli favorevoli alle deportazioni.
Ora - premesso che Francia odierna ben poco ricorda il terzo Reich - una breve considerazione la farei. La sagace risposta del premier francese tradisce il problema: gli zingari cacciati dalla Francia, infatti...sono andati in Spagna: in poche parole, se i Rom sono un problema, Sarkò l'ha semplicemente scaricato a qualcun altro. Questo riporta la questione nei termini un po' più corretti: noi che siamo favorevoli alla legalità e all'integrazione, grain to pay because the fields are decent and send Roma children to school kick your ass - we who stubbornly believe that the deportations are not a solution - we are usually covered with raspberries: we are asked if the 740 and earn more than € 12,000 per year we are branded as intolerable radical chic: rich guy hypocrites that they're swimming in dollars as Scrooge require the presence of a poor working class people of beggars, sardonic and stubborn, which has no intention of integrating.
Perfect, radical chic that you're not, you who are real proletarians, and brawny men fucksters and with his dirty hands, you who just raised his eyes from the assembly line to affect the bloggosfera your anger fiercely national-popular, spoken of as a solution, please, when welcomed the deportation from France to Spain?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Shiny Version Pokemon Chart
ataturk adieu, adieu Montesquieu
do not know if Turkey is now closer or farther away in a Europe that still seems divided between those who want that country because of human rights and who does not want it because Islam.
The "package" of the referendum seems to be well packaged, but I'm afraid I do not deny that it contains more than a smokescreen: more democracy, women's rights, privacy, and so on.
I'll be militarist and undemocratic, but I jumped for joy when I make a few, and not just because of the risk of losing the only Muslim majority country to ally Israel.
That country was there to tell us that the "secularism" will also be born with Christianity but is a universal tool available to humanity and that too in a country with a majority Muslim theocracy is not a destiny. If Turkey, with all his quarrels, had a political, economic and cultural sites, is because it has developed its own peculiar way - not always nice but effective - to take the priests out of the way. It will be very trenchant and argued, but that's what I think.
Also I can not help but wonder if the trend - almost everywhere (and certainly in Italy) to undermine the principle of separation of powers in the name of democracy does not open to a future of populist democracy, based not on complex systems of checks and balances as a basis for sound constitutions but - like many popular dictatorships - including fascism - the charisma of the leader and the control of the media. Adieu
Ataturk, and what is serious: adieu Montesquieu.
do not know if Turkey is now closer or farther away in a Europe that still seems divided between those who want that country because of human rights and who does not want it because Islam.
The "package" of the referendum seems to be well packaged, but I'm afraid I do not deny that it contains more than a smokescreen: more democracy, women's rights, privacy, and so on.
I'll be militarist and undemocratic, but I jumped for joy when I make a few, and not just because of the risk of losing the only Muslim majority country to ally Israel.
That country was there to tell us that the "secularism" will also be born with Christianity but is a universal tool available to humanity and that too in a country with a majority Muslim theocracy is not a destiny. If Turkey, with all his quarrels, had a political, economic and cultural sites, is because it has developed its own peculiar way - not always nice but effective - to take the priests out of the way. It will be very trenchant and argued, but that's what I think.
Also I can not help but wonder if the trend - almost everywhere (and certainly in Italy) to undermine the principle of separation of powers in the name of democracy does not open to a future of populist democracy, based not on complex systems of checks and balances as a basis for sound constitutions but - like many popular dictatorships - including fascism - the charisma of the leader and the control of the media. Adieu
Ataturk, and what is serious: adieu Montesquieu.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Compression Fracture More Condition_symptoms
Of course the press in the morning can be very funny. Some days I feel - as the international press as the Italian one - with headlines headlines vibrate complaints from the Anglican fool. This morning the titles (all) are: how was it possible that a poor simpleton for days and days, has monopolized headlines of every newspaper?
Of course the press in the morning can be very funny. Some days I feel - as the international press as the Italian one - with headlines headlines vibrate complaints from the Anglican fool. This morning the titles (all) are: how was it possible that a poor simpleton for days and days, has monopolized headlines of every newspaper?
Freestyle Swimming Pants
few weeks ago while I was out of breath at work (yes I know, lately I am going to work, anything goes), I meet my friend Gio equally breathless, fumbling with a huge box.
What was in the box?
There was a beautiful, tender, pulcherrima (and rather smelly) litter of kittens! The brave
Giò them had recovered in the parking lot where and I were born, soft-hearted, I immediately adopted a:
Tuesday, said Marti!
But I felt so alone ... and then her sisters were likely to end up in the shelter, and so ...
Doris has arrived!
They play, they bite, then love, then menano again, magiano as Tyrannosaurus and shit like cows.
Tell me if it is not unheard of tenderness!
few weeks ago while I was out of breath at work (yes I know, lately I am going to work, anything goes), I meet my friend Gio equally breathless, fumbling with a huge box.
What was in the box?
There was a beautiful, tender, pulcherrima (and rather smelly) litter of kittens! The brave
Giò them had recovered in the parking lot where and I were born, soft-hearted, I immediately adopted a:
Tuesday, said Marti!
But I felt so alone ... and then her sisters were likely to end up in the shelter, and so ...
Doris has arrived!
They play, they bite, then love, then menano again, magiano as Tyrannosaurus and shit like cows.
Tell me if it is not unheard of tenderness!
Southpark Fishsticks Online
small anti-imperialist cry
Apparently Chavez is the poor orphaned .
Adma And the good will not be happy to see shaken the fragile alliance anti-imperialist view of the declaration of Castro:
"The Jews are vilified over two thousand years. L ' Iran should understand that the people survived thanks to his Jewish religion and its culture, has been driven from their land and persecuted in a terrible way around the world and all this time. "
All we can say, except that the period is full of surprises.
Apparently Chavez is the poor orphaned .
Adma And the good will not be happy to see shaken the fragile alliance anti-imperialist view of the declaration of Castro:
"The Jews are vilified over two thousand years. L ' Iran should understand that the people survived thanks to his Jewish religion and its culture, has been driven from their land and persecuted in a terrible way around the world and all this time. "
All we can say, except that the period is full of surprises.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Shni Shna Schnappi Lyrics
Benz on fire. aggratis.
I believe that there is no event in the world to celebrate the collapse of the two most effective Towers (more than commemorate the victims) of a priest who is organizing a public ritual burning the holy book of another religion.
That said I still can see why the idea of \u200b\u200ban idiot any incendiary, which in recent years has thinned his parish or diocese (or what the fuck are evangelicals) until you get to have a herd of no more than fifty sheep (black, mind you) can become anything within the theme of global disruption, including statements concerned and condemns the UN, the Holy See and the State Department, as well as bruises moans of the Arab press and events indignation.
Design Roland Topor
I believe that there is no event in the world to celebrate the collapse of the two most effective Towers (more than commemorate the victims) of a priest who is organizing a public ritual burning the holy book of another religion.
That said I still can see why the idea of \u200b\u200ban idiot any incendiary, which in recent years has thinned his parish or diocese (or what the fuck are evangelicals) until you get to have a herd of no more than fifty sheep (black, mind you) can become anything within the theme of global disruption, including statements concerned and condemns the UN, the Holy See and the State Department, as well as bruises moans of the Arab press and events indignation.

Design Roland Topor
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hair Scroo Instructions
If this is a man
Wednesday morning.
I was walking the streets of Ravenna bike to go to work, as always in a hurry, as usual in delayed trigger.
In via Mazzini I see this man sitting on a banquet, and he begs her to sign a piedi.
Non rappresenta di certo il classico cliché dell'accattone.
Passo avanti.
In fondo ce ne sono tanti in giro come lui.
Magari è anche un millantatore.
Poi però una forza sconosciuta mi blocca e dopo 10 metri torno indietro.
Ci mettiamo a parlare.
La sua è una storia quasi consueta nella sua aggiacciante attualità.
Da quel giorno non riesco a non pensare a lui.
Ho cercato di dare il massimo risalto alla sua storia e qualcosa sempra muoversi.
Lui è molto scettico: dice che ogni volta che la sua vita conquista la ribalda sui media sembra che tutti si mobilito, but in the end nobody really cares.
Exit the road, when you're finished so it is much harder than you think.
I maybe I flatter myself, but a little 'we hope that this world is not so shitty.
You who live safe In your warm houses,
you who are returning in the evening
hot food and friendly faces: Consider if this is
a man.
Wednesday morning.
I was walking the streets of Ravenna bike to go to work, as always in a hurry, as usual in delayed trigger.
In via Mazzini I see this man sitting on a banquet, and he begs her to sign a piedi.
Non rappresenta di certo il classico cliché dell'accattone.
Passo avanti.
In fondo ce ne sono tanti in giro come lui.
Magari è anche un millantatore.
Poi però una forza sconosciuta mi blocca e dopo 10 metri torno indietro.
Ci mettiamo a parlare.
La sua è una storia quasi consueta nella sua aggiacciante attualità.
Da quel giorno non riesco a non pensare a lui.
Ho cercato di dare il massimo risalto alla sua storia e qualcosa sempra muoversi.
Lui è molto scettico: dice che ogni volta che la sua vita conquista la ribalda sui media sembra che tutti si mobilito, but in the end nobody really cares.
Exit the road, when you're finished so it is much harder than you think.
I maybe I flatter myself, but a little 'we hope that this world is not so shitty.
You who live safe In your warm houses,
you who are returning in the evening
hot food and friendly faces: Consider if this is
a man.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Jak Zbudowac Klatke Dla Wiewiurki
Hole Starting
Today I thought of the holes.
The hole in the pocket of my skirt that yesterday I dropped the keys and almost lost.
The holes in the streets of Ravenna, if you stick it in a bike at least you break a leg. The hole
agenda of appointments, that when has it for me, my beautician, who has an agenda more dense than that of Barack Obama, I'm happy.
The hole under the kitchen sink of mine, which has slipped Ljuba and I do not know how he did it because it is the fattest cat in the universe.
The ozone hole, which seemed a few years ago we all died and instead now be out of fashion and do not talk about it anymore.
holes that my grandmother says that if we all work properly then you're fine.
that hole that we all have inside, which looks more like a vacuum, and try and try to fill it, but he is always there to remind us of our miserable condition of being always looking for something more.
But perhaps never fill that void that is the best gift that nature has done so in the end is what drives us to improve, desires, dreams ...
Today I thought of the holes.
The hole in the pocket of my skirt that yesterday I dropped the keys and almost lost.
The holes in the streets of Ravenna, if you stick it in a bike at least you break a leg. The hole
agenda of appointments, that when has it for me, my beautician, who has an agenda more dense than that of Barack Obama, I'm happy.
The hole under the kitchen sink of mine, which has slipped Ljuba and I do not know how he did it because it is the fattest cat in the universe.
The ozone hole, which seemed a few years ago we all died and instead now be out of fashion and do not talk about it anymore.
holes that my grandmother says that if we all work properly then you're fine.
that hole that we all have inside, which looks more like a vacuum, and try and try to fill it, but he is always there to remind us of our miserable condition of being always looking for something more.
But perhaps never fill that void that is the best gift that nature has done so in the end is what drives us to improve, desires, dreams ...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Commercial Lease Template
(I had been taught in school that you never start a sentence with an adverb)
and even with a sentence in brackets ...
oh well ...
Today I decided to leave.
Yesterday I saw my friend Wilkie, the geek geek most of the earth, the man who has two phones and several computers, dedicated to his blog.
seems to have begun to do so Dovo have canceled your account from faccialibro. Facebook facocitarti
ends up, without noticing spend hours and hours to get the affairs of people who may not even greet you on the street (by the way, that bastard I just delete it from my friends).
not get me wrong though, I love facebook: I find it a wonderful means of diffusion of ideas and information and give the real possibility of lost data to re-establish relationships. More than once I have seen the signs, but est modus in rebus .
So now less social networking and more healthy introspection.
If I were born 100 years before I would be writing a diary with pen and ink, but I find myself in the XXI century to feed the net my thoughts.
My intention is to post at least 1 week. Or at least one post each
what time I can think of an intelligent thought. Stay tuned
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Daniella Alonso Smelly
Cartoline da Anfgou
Le donne avvolte in vestiti e foulard colorati, raccolgono legna da ardere nei dintorni del piccolo borgo. I geli dell’inverno, da these parts, do not discount anyone. In 2007 thirty-three people, almost all under ten years old, died from cold and hunger. The whole was touched by the tragedy and Morocco, for a few weeks, the tiny town lit up the media spotlight. Even the king went to the place, to inaugurate the construction of new infrastructure (road, electricity supply, a clinic and a mosque was never completed), ensuring its commitment to promote the development of the area. But, after the initial drama and emotion, so much as the public authorities have quickly turned the page. The village has fallen so in complete isolation and the residents have resumed the pace of the harsh daily life, without that nothing has really changed.
Here is the translation of the report
Exploitation Cedar turnover of 10 million euro each year. According to the 1976 law, 80% of the proceeds should be reinvested in the development of the region, roads and schools to remove from dehumanizing poverty those people who work their forests without receiving anything in return. But here there is not even an ambulance, and infant mortality reached appalling levels. Nearly one in five children does not reach adulthood, often for the lack of assistance on site and the lack of transport to the hospital (the nearest is located in Errachidia, 180 km away). In many cases a simple injection would be enough to save his life.
Complaints silenced
Ad Anfgou, villaggio berbero incastonato nel cuore dell’Atlante, le giornate si ripetono una identica all’altra. Mentre un vento fresco spazza la strada polverosa che separa le case dal ruscello, i bambini aiutano le madri nelle faccende di casa. Provvedono al rifornimento dell’acqua potabile, lavano i panni sporchi vicino alla sorgente e si prendono cura dei lattanti.
. .. between the land planted with barley on the bank of a river, a girl gather what remains of the harvest. It should have sixteen or seventeen, but he looks about thirty. Skeletal, his face already wrinkled, his eyes tired and dull, is followed by three kids. His children. He works from morning to evening and eats little. At the age of twenty, already has five or six children. For Anfgou no contraceptive strategies, as the State, which should promote them, is simply absent. And NGOs? The feminist associations? The real foundations, princely, and so on? No, Anfgou and villages is not a priority for these actors. Do not arouse interest. From here the girls are married early and often they do it with relatives. After the children now become mothers with several children. For Anfgou, in short, there is a teenager ... "Taken from
"Anfgou a year and a half after the visit of the King" , Brouksy Omar, Le Journal Hebdomadaire No 411, 3-9 October 2009.
Here is the translation of the report
published by Beatriz in Mesa Periodico de Catalunya July 6, 2010.
The people of Anfgou, Morocco, barely surviving the local mafia, while enjoying the benefits millionaires products from the largest cedar forests of the Mediterranean.
In a remote corner located in the middle of the Atlantic, it seems that nothing can disturb the tranquility of the mountain people who inhabit these hills for centuries. It seems one of those places where nothing can go out and instead of the ordinary here, almost three thousand meters high, anything goes. Anfgou to a thousand people trying to survive with few resources available, media a few goats and a small vegetable garden, not worrying too extreme poverty that surrounds them. In January 2008 the village was up on everyone's lips, in Morocco and abroad, the death of thirty-three children caused by cold and hunger in one of the harshest winters of that has been recorded here. For Anfgou, where not everyone has electricity and almost no one has running water at home, the Mafia continues to take advantage of the vulnerability of a population almost entirely illiterate. But the area is one of the wealthiest in the country. The forests of cedars that surround the village are the largest in the Mediterranean. They are the gold Moroccan Atlas.
Complaints silenced
around the forests of cedars has built a network of local corruption and injustice that no one is more capable to cope. Who has tried has been thrown in jail. Atau, a young forest expert, had decided to break the silence that conceals the falsification of documents to the illegal exploitation of the resource. He wanted to expose and denounce those responsible for irregularities. Accused of "undermining the values \u200b\u200bof the Kingdom", was sentenced to two years in prison.
His action, at least had the merit of revealing the gears of the tissue of the Mafia. The network is managed directly by the president of the council, including the complicity of friends and family shots bribes. The clan also exercised pressure and influence on the local population, for re-election of the head at the time of elections, distorted by blackmail and threats, to continue the speculation. All this while to Anfgou people do not have to wear that dress either.
Every day dozens of men in single file, date from the mountainside above the village. Penetrate deep in the forest to cut logs of precious cedar. "For every cubic meter of wood can be obtained up to 800 euro," says Asif, in his fifties, the most active opponents of the mafia networks that handle exploitation. "The smugglers carry out the night, not to attract attention. If the cut will continue with the wild rhythm achieved in recent years, the forests will disappear and we have no more wood not to build our homes, "she confides Asif worried. "I wanted to create a cooperative to take control of forests and its resources from the hands of these people. I filed the dossier to the Ministry for more than a year, but until now I did not get answers. " Asif makes us way into his home. The walls of the dimly lit living room are covered with lime, but sprouting from the ceiling of cedar beams supporting the roof. To expect in the middle of the table a hearty tajine still hot.
Anfgou just wants to live with dignity. But perhaps we should wait for a new tragedy for the villagers, in addition to the antenna for mobile phones, may have finalmente di un ambulatorio e delle medicine di base.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Church Anniversary Letters
“Un mestiere ad alto rischio”
In Tunisia chiunque osi criticare le autorità o difendere i diritti dell’uomo si trova in una situazione di pericolo. I militanti e le ong che difendono i diritti umani, così come gli avvocati and journalists are targeted by the regime. They can not give birth to independent associations without fear of interference ol'accanimento Tunisian bureaucracy. Are often the subject of judicial proceedings in respect of which are locked up in prison based on false accusations assembled ad hoc. Friends, family, even their children are victims of harassment. Some have lost their jobs. Their offices and their homes were searched and ransacked by the security forces. They are followed constantly subjected to heavy surveillance. Their phones are tapped, the Internet links are monitored and blocked e-mails or pirated. The abuse and physical violence are committed by police officers or agents intelligence at the behest of the authorities. Persecution is permanent obstacle to the activists in their efforts on behalf of human rights and prevents him from having a normal private life. With the use of such devices, the authorities want to say to all those living in Tunisia which is better think twice before you criticize or stand in defense of human rights.
address Boukadous The accusations relate to events that occurred in 2008 Redeyef, a mining area located in the region of Gafsa, where in recent years, the unemployment rate has risen as much as the modernization of facilities and soaring exports. The local population, considering the results of fraudulent recruitment competition held by the Company of Phosphates, had rebelled against corruption e alle pratiche clientelari in voga nell’amministrazione tunisina, chiedendo nuovi posti di lavoro e più trasparenza. La zona fu invasa dalle forze di sicurezza e gli scioperi, protrattisi per settimane, soffocati nel sangue: alla fine vennero uccisi tre manifestanti (un quarto morì poche settimane più tardi per le lesioni riportate al midollo spinale). Fahem Boukadous, inviato di Al Hiwar Ettounsi , era uno dei rari giornalisti presenti al momento del sollevamento (assieme a Gabriele Del Grande, autore dello splendido reportage “Tunisia: la dittatura a sud di Lampedusa”, pubblicato in ). Le sue immagini, che documentano gli scontri e la repressione violenta operata by the army and police have done in a short time around the world, thanks to the spread on Youtube and Dailymotion. In Tunisia, but were never aired.
Le autorità tunisine esercitano uno stretto controllo sui media. La maggior parte degli organi di stampa o dei canali radio appartengono allo Stato o a personalità vicine al governo. I giornali dei partiti politici di opposizione, invece, sono privati del denaro pubblico, una pratica in contrasto con la legge sul finanziamento pubblico dei partiti politici. I caporedattori e i giornalisti subiscono constant intimidation. The independent newspapers that publish articles critical of the authorities or who expose corruption are seized and destroyed. Foreign correspondents who are trying to document the repression of political opposition and human rights activists are seen to prohibit entry into the country.
Come più volte sostenuto dalle ong internazionali che difendono i diritti dell’uomo, in Tunisia la professione di giornalista rimane “un mestiere ad alto rischio”. L’arresto del reporter Fahem Boukadous, avvenuto il 15 luglio scorso, ne è l’ennesima conferma.

This introductory note of the report "Tunisia. Des voix indépendantes réduites au silence ", published by Amnesty International July 13, 2010. The document accuses the Tunisian authorities in a clear right to use every means available, legal and not just to silence critical voices that are raised within the country. The concerns raised by NGOs have found yet another confirmation of just 48 hours after the release of the report, when Fahem Boukadous independent journalist, correspondent of the satellite channel Al Hiwar Ettounsi , was arrested near the hospital Farhat Hached of Susse. "We had to collect the results of some tests, when four plainclothes policemen have asked my husband to follow him for a quick check," says his wife Afef Columns Nouvel Obsevateur . Since then neither the lawyers nor his family have never heard from him.
July 6 Fahem Boukadous was sentenced to four years' imprisonment by the Court of Appeals for Gafsa "Understanding participation in criminal and dissemination of news likely to disturb public order." An unfair trial, expeditious and unilateral, concluded in haste and without the presence of the accused without the defense has been granted the right to speak. The journalist was not in court when the court because the hospital for several days in hospital in Susse following the occurrence of severe respiratory failure. Authorities was enough to wait for the resignation of the patient to comply with the ruling. But the verdict issued by the court, according to the lawyer Ridaoui Rida, "is a serious breach of the procedures of the Criminal Code, which provides for the postponement of the trial when the accused can not be present at the hearing because of his health.
"If leaving the hospital I will be incarcerated, will not go into a cell but in a grave," wrote Boukadous in an open letter to international public opinion. For twenty years of patient suffering from asthma and lung sudden crisis, the Tunisian journalist had called just hours after the pronouncement of the court, while he was still hospitalized in Susse. "The promiscuity of the prison, dirt, humidity, oppressive heat of summer and smoke person who would be forced to breathe in these tiny cages overcrowded will only aggravate my situation. "
"An injustice injustice"

According to the allegations of the system, the correspondent of Al Hiwar in no way a journalist, but a subversive element involved in the revolt and then sentenced for "crimes of common law that have nothing to do with his profession." The court of first instance and then the appeals court have found guilty of "association with criminal gang", for damage to public and private property, as well as the wounding of police officers following the launch of incendiary bombs. But Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, head of North Africa at Amnesty International, the trial Boukadous was nothing more than "a grotesque farce, injustice injustice." His defenders, in fact, have never been able to summon witnesses, were denied the right to cross-examination and the last hearing were totally excluded from the proceedings. "Fahem Boudakous is a prisoner of opinion, finished in custody for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression," the manager said in statement released by the NGO network. An opinion shared by Jean-Francois Julliard, Secretary General of Reporters Without Borders He adds: "This verdict is yet another arbitrary decision taken by the regime of Ben Ali at those who disturb his power. Obviously a political decision, which condemned a journalist for having exercised their profession independently. "
against the arrest of the reporter was immediately deployed Taoufik Ben Brik, a poet, novelist and journalist, considered one of the main opponents to the building of Carthage. "Fahem, you are my foster-brother and my battle horse," wrote Ben Brik, released from prison last April 27 after six months' imprisonment. His fault, criticizing the Tunisian president in French newspapers on the occasion of election campaign (October 2009), which has crowned Zine El Abdin Ben Ali for the fifth consecutive time. A few weeks after his arrest was the turn of Zouhair Makhlouf, another journalist, sentenced to three months in prison and payment of 3 000 euro fine for having made a report on working conditions in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bNabeul (50 km south of Tunis).
The persecution of dissidents, journalists and activists for human rights is a consolidated reality in Tunisia. Amnesty International believes that these attacks are the direct result of laws and the political strategy of the authorities, who want to silence le rare voci che ancora continuano ad esprimersi in maniera libera e indipendente.
Dal rapporto di Amnesty International “Tunisie. Des voix indépendantes réduites au silence”. (Traduzione del paragrafo dedicato alla libertà di espressione)

The Criminal Code and the Code of the release contains vaguely worded provisions that a punishable criminal offense "disseminating false news likely to disturb public order" (Article 49 of the Code of print) and "incitement to rebellion "produced through public speeches, banners, posters and publications (Article 121 of the Penal Code). The libel is defined in vague and broadly interpreted in art. And Article 245 of the Penal Code. 50 of the Code of the press. While the art. 121 (b) of the Criminal Code prohibits the distribution, sale and exposure of leaflets "which could jeopardize public order or good morals."
Those journalists who criticize the government are often targeted convicted on trumped-up charges and improbable, or even objects of persistent harassment and intimidation. They may lose their jobs overnight, or be relegated to perform minor tasks. For them it is virtually impossible to work in the national media. If they are hired by foreign media, rarely seen renewed press accreditation or you see systematically denied permission to film and transmit images.
January 27, 2009 The number of plainclothes policemen have surrounded the premises of Radio Kalima, which began broadcasting via satellite only 24 hours earlier. After a three-day block, the local radio have been closed. The officers placed the seals and seized all the materials. Sihem Ben Sedrine, human rights activist and editor in chief of Radio Kalima, is the subject of an investigation for using a radio frequency without authorization. During the blockade of the issue have been reported numerous cases of mistreatment and intimidation. Naziha Rejiba, known under the name Oum Ziad, is a journalist, co-founder of Radio Kalima and human rights activist. For years the victim of intimidation and abuse. Some of his articles have been censored and were published in newspapers on which they were seized. For the Tunisian authorities it was false news.
In November 2009, Taoufik Ben Brik, a journalist known for his critical stances against the government, was sentenced to six months in prison based on evidence pre-fabricated and false evidence. It 'been charged with assault, destruction of property of others, offensive to good morals and defamation. Ben Brik has always denied all charges, explaining such a fury that was actually due to his criticism of the regime. It 'was released after serving the full sentence.
Tunisia's international partners have never complained, so far, the strategy of the scheme aimed at silencing the slightest dissent. The European Union and the United States continues to trust in official discourse promoted from Tunis, who described his government as an avid promoter of human rights. The reports of Amnesty International, which counts the gross violations of human rights produced in the country are being systematically ignored by the Member wishing to strengthen their trade ties and cooperation Security with Tunisia. If these governments do not start to exert real pressure on the Tunisian authorities to reclaim their budget on human rights, persecution of activists, opponents and independent journalists will continue unabated.
Amnesty International - July 2010
"I chose the profession of journalist to put the service of freedom of expression, for the sake of truth and integrity. I am willing to assume the risks of this choice and follow the same path of those who came before me, with as much courage and so courage. The unfair trials and sentences fail to deter, even if my life is at stake. I am ready to sacrifice on the altar of freedom and democracy. "
(Fahem Boukadous, July 10, 2010)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
How To Instal Boat Floor
Melilla. La frontiera delle tartarughe
Khadija wakes up every morning at five. When going out is still night. Along the double fence seven feet high to protect the fortress Shengen to reach the Barrio Chino. E 'at this point that the border for ten years Khadija, like thousands of his countrymen, comes into Spain every day to load a huge burden on the shoulders, chest and pelvis fixed by a rope. Fifty pounds of bonded goods to be transported back across the border, knees bent at ninety degrees to be able to move, slowly, one step after another. "At first I thought I would not hold up - tells the woman in her forties - to the bearer is un lavoro duro, faticoso, ma ormai mi sono abituata”. Ha appena concluso la prima staffetta della giornata, per un compenso di 50 dirham (meno di 5 euro). I carichi più pesanti, all’incirca un quintale, vengono pagati un po’ di più (anche 70 o 80 dirham). Con una smorfia di sofferenza sul viso deposita il “pacco” in un carretto arrugginito, aiutata da un paio di ragazzini, e ritorna ciondolante verso la fila in attesa, pronta a passare di nuovo dall’altra parte. Un secondo viaggio le permetterebbe di raddoppiare il magro guadagno. Ma il varco rimane aperto dalle otto all’una e solo le più resistenti riescono a compiere il tragitto due o tre volte nello stesso giorno.
Khadija non è che una piccola leva nel complesso ingranaggio del contrabbando, che ogni anno muove da Melilla a Nador una quantità di merci pari, secondo stime non ufficiali, a 700 milioni di euro. Dal giugno del 2008 una decisione del governo di Rabat, assecondata dalle autorità spagnole, ha trasferito l’attività transfrontaliera dal Paso Beni Enzar, l’accesso principale riservato ora al traffico dei veicoli (e vietato, in teoria, al commercio), al Paso Barrio Chino, un piccolo attraversamento pedonale, nascosto allo sguardo dei turisti che transitano sempre più numerosi da un lato all’altro del confine.
Attraverso il Barrio Chino si trasporta di tutto, dai vestiti to blankets, from household utensils to spare parts for cars, from televisions to spirits. Trafficking takes place in broad daylight, without any shame. Nobody at customs checks. The daily volume of steps calculated in this tract is between five and ten thousand (depending on the quantity of goods which from time to time by visiting the peninsula). But the facilities are very inadequate. Inadequate to accommodate such a flow. "Before, they formed huge queues," recalls Soumia, thirty-five years by bears. "A Heritage Enzar there was a lot more space. Here, the turnstiles are too narrow - the young still in a decent English smugglers - and sometimes it very difficult to go through our fixed weights on the back. We stay stuck. Thus, in addition to the barrel of the police, you might receive kicks and shoves from those who are stuck behind us. " Because the agents they hit with their batons? Soumia seems surprising ingenuity of the application. "There is a reason. Sometimes they do it because someone puts a foot out of line or because he wants to ask something. Or why not have the money to the bakchich . Customs officers of Nador, prepared to turn a blind eye to smuggling, in fact, require any carrier by a transit charge, which varies from 5 to 10 dirhams according to the volume and contenuto del carico trasportato. “Dobbiamo pagare prima per entrare a Melilla e poi, una volta caricata la merce, per tornare in Marocco. Se non lo facciamo non ci lasciano passare e ci rispediscono in fondo alla coda”, precisa Soumia, che non può permettersi di rimanere senza lavoro, neanche per un giorno.
Nella parte melillense del Barrio Chino, a duecento metri dall’accesso al territorio marocchino, un ampio piazzale in terra battuta funge da centro di smistamento per i prodotti in arrivo dal porto. Decine di furgoni stracolmi, surrounded by porters who are awaiting the delivery of the cargo, the goods deposited on the ground already packed. Amid the confusion and the constant coming and going can be glimpsed cloths, shoes, linens and even tires, eagerly collected by couriers. Crushed by the burdens it is undermined by extreme heat, the women barely reach the human chain on their way to Nador. They make up in single file along the border fence. With the chin touches your knees. As turtles nailed to the ground by the weight of a shell too bulky.
Eppure il comune di Melilla e la Delegazione Iberian government had announced in June 2008, at the time of the transfer of the cross-border flow Paso Barrio Chino, the construction of special facilities to improve working conditions for Moroccan carriers, defined by the local press "inhuman and degrading treatment." But the big plastic placed along the border has not held more than three months. The first significant rain if it is taken away. The same fate has befallen the six bathrooms installed at the side of the clearing dirt and the only source of drinking water in the service of thousands of people. It has not changed anything. Even after the serious incident on 17 November 2008, killed Safia Azizi, a forty-Maghreb years old from Fez, trampled to death by fellow a few seconds after you set foot on English soil. Safia had a degree in Arabic literature. An exception in the world of smuggling, where mostly working mothers banished from the family, wives generally repudiated or illiterate women. In the long unemployed, had moved to Nador in search of better fortune.
The crowd breaks into chaos each day that both sides of the Barrio Chino in reality hides a well established and effective organizational fabric. The products regularly purchased by traders in Melilla, arriving at the port and are immediately stored in adjacent warehouses. Moroccans are then resold to traffickers, who corrupt customs officers and set up networks of intermediaries and porters to transport the packages across the border. Of these only a portion ridotta si ferma a Nador e nelle province del nord, mentre il grosso dei traffici arriva fino ai mercati di Casablanca e Rabat, dove la merce triplica abbondantemente il suo valore.
Down the dirt road down a formless mass of humanity crowded and noisy a few meters from the gates of the border. The police seem to be observing the scene with a straight face, but from time to time, truncheon blows to settle the case in the crowd. "They try to separate women from men, to put a little 'and passages in order to make room for those who return with the load," said a customs officer so too diplomatic.
almost ten and the heat of the African sun begins to be felt. Stands in the dusty a faint smell of fish. The sailors have returned from the port and, together with the peasants of the district, furnished with wooden crates and a feast or a makeshift market on the way down the pass. But passers-by do not pay too much attention. Most are quick running to the bottom of the hill, while others date back sadly the roadway in the opposite direction, dragging large bags of canvas.
Every day thirty thousand Moroccans, mostly women, are crossing the border that separates them from Melilla. Some do it to stock up on essential goods, curiously cheaper across the border. The majority, however, smuggled goods in the stores of every kind gathered around the airport Iberia. To facilitate this trade, the agreements signed between the governments of Madrid and Rabat in the seventies, which allow the movement to the inhabitants of the English enclave of Nador, the capital of the Rif region (northern Morocco), located just ten miles away. Since then, although legislation on immigration has become increasingly restrictive steps a day continue to be allowed without a visa or stamp in the passport.
Barrio Chino
“Uno spettacolo da terzo mondo”
The Civil Guard officers who control the transit to the border takes place in small teams of at most five or six units. Even loro si fanno scrupoli ad usare il manganello. “Se c’è troppa calca i marocchini non riescono a riscuotere le mance e chiudono i cancelli. Questa gente, poi, finisce per perdere la testa e diventa incontrollabile”, sembra discolparsi un poliziotto a pochi metri dalla dogana. Spinto dall’orgoglio, o più probabilmente da un impeto di indignazione, un collega aggiunge: “nessuno ha il coraggio di fare qualcosa e lasciano a noi la patata bollente. Chi gestisce il contrabbando è protetto e può permettersi di sfruttare questa gente, pagandola una miseria. E’ uno spettacolo da terzo mondo, proprio qui in casa nostra!”.
Dunia, a carrier born in Meknès, was present at the time of the tragedy. "The police opened the gate a few minutes and the first to go were piled at the entrance gates," he recalls in a voice resigned. Then, pointing to the border, change the tone of anger in his eyes and adds, "that gabbia di metallo non sembra fatta per degli esseri umani, assomiglia più ad un mattatoio. La verità è che ci trattano come bestie e, con il passare del tempo, rischiamo davvero di diventarlo”. I passaggi troppo stretti, le lunghe attese e l’impazienza dei corrieri, che cercano di affrettare i tempi per fare più viaggi e aumentare la paga, formano spesso una combinazione pericolosa. Nel Paso Barrio Chino gli affollamenti continuano ad essere una realtà quotidiana e i feriti una conseguenza inevitabile.
“Comercio atipico”
Per Abdelmoumen Chaouki, responsabile della Coordination de la société civile and director of the monthly 'Echo the Rif, "Spain and Morocco are equally responsible for this sad situation, because it would benefit from exhausting work, at constant risk of accidents, without offering in exchange structures appropriate ". To better understand what affects the proceeds of smuggling into the enclave just take a look at the data provided by the English Treasury in 2006. In that year Melilla goods imported from the Iberian Peninsula and from third countries for a total value of € 674 million, of which only 234 were for domestic consumption. The rest was used to power the circuits of the "comercio atypical ' as it is euphemistically called in these parts. As the intro produced by the border in the opposite side, the government of Mohammed VI has never provided any official figures.
Fouad si occupa del trasferimento dei prodotti dai magazzini del porto fino alla frontiera. “Ogni trafficante segna i suoi pacchi con un numero, in modo che siano facilmente identificabili”, spiega il giovane maghrebino con passaporto spagnolo, intento a sistemare con lo scotch alcune bottiglie di liquori sotto la jellaba di una donna corpulenta. La catena degli intermediari si divide i compiti con precisione millimetrica. “Una volta rientrati in suolo marocchino, i portatori depositano il carico nel camion di un subordinato, che in cambio gli rilascia un biglietto. At the end of the day, then go to collect the money dall'addetto payments. "
There are many social groups enjoying varying degrees of "comercio atypical and sweat shed by the" turtle "at the border of Melilla. Over four hundred thousand people, according to the American Chamber of Commerce in Casablanca, I derive at least an indirect benefit. The poorest families, who survive thanks to a few dollars of the brackets, Nador traffickers, who exploit their poverty to get rich. By buyers in the capital, who can purchase goods at a price all things considered beneficial to the traders of the port English that without smuggling would be forced to change jobs, given the meager consumption of a city of just 66,000 inhabitants. Stop it, according to the head of Coordination de la société civile "is perhaps a folly," especially in the absence of concrete alternatives. Traffickers and notable fact enjoy the protection and complicity of local authorities. Not to mention that the expense would still be the most disadvantaged, deprived of their only source of livelihood. But as keen to stress the same Chaouki, "such an activity, unstable and dangerous, certainly can not be a desirable pattern of development for the future of our people."
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