Monday, February 21, 2011

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the strict morality of free love

And so the women next to the present day would have been caught in flagrant contradiction - so goes the new slogan of pounding right ... because we have the President with up pimp, while in times of free love - garrulous - willingly gave the army and the nation well.

I, however, before considering the merits, to make an introduction about my personal position then free to love so much respect to feminism, so I put my hands on and not talk about it anymore.

In a time of free love, for me the '77 - the infamous dark tail 68 - se mi interessava un ragazzino sondavo come prima cosa che fosse disposto ad escludere da qualsiasi orizzonte della nostra ipotetica relazione il libero amore. Chiarito questo, si poteva andare avanti.

Partecipai a poche - se non una sola - riunioni del collettivo femminista, che mi diedero la pelle d'oca. Per poter arrivare ai gruppi di autocoscienza delle leaderine bisognava avere nel curriculum almeno una relazione lesbica, un tentato stupro da parte di uno zio, e avere provato con fidanzati diversi tutta la gamma possibile delle pratiche sessuali, meglio se subite da maschi odiosi e oppressivi. (Se eri molto carina però - va detto - potevi pure essere vergine e all'autocoscienza ci arrivavi comunque, berlusconesse ante litteram) .
The fate they deserved
men, was immediately clear to us girls, was to be poisoned in the cradle, but unfortunately the cloning was still to come and touched, let them live unfortunately. We were better because the uterus, breasts and vagina of us reflected on an aura of meglitudine, and that is enough.

not even got probably the second meeting, the matter seemed to be as obnoxious and dull.

But now - since it is crap shoot at full blast and no one complains, I have to tell to whom it was not there.

In times of feminism and free love, the male-female relations were characterized by a very strict moralism. No "mate" poteva neppure minimamente considerare l'idea di avere un rapporto a pagamento - simbolo estremo della vituperata mercificazione del corpo femminile - e se mai avesse confessato un rapporto mercenario, sarebbe stato messo ai margini da qualsiasi relazione umana e senza appello.

Se il nudismo in mezzo alla natura era considerato praticamente obbligatorio, in quanto celebrazione di un rinnovato rapporto con la naturalità del corpo, ogni gadget erotico o sensuale era visto con disprezzo sommo.

La nostra divisa, non a caso, consisteva in t-shirt immense, lunghe gonnellone a fiori, e zoccoli di legno: le donne erano (o si supponeva che fossero) sodali tra loro, e certamente non in gara per sedurre il maschio.

Scollature, skirts, slits, fishnet stockings, were banned as symbols of objectification of women. The free love was anything but no rules: any perversion would have been viewed with suspicion: a sadomasochistic relationship? Love is joy and not oppression. Fetish? All hell broke loose, the body is not an object. Vojerismo? Disease pure and simple: love is touch, smell, animals and natural meaning, far more precious ancestral eye hypertrophy: the hated male as well as the preferred means of Western civilization, his detestable projection and reflection.

Sex was - and had to be - "natural" (natural course of a buggy that existed only in the head of those who theorized) . At most, it could be zen, tao, and still had to turn around the woman's orgasm and not the man. To the woman it was - unquestionably - the go-ahead, which could grant or withdraw the report without that matter, when the male faculty were allowed to insist, let alone to dry.

The practice of free love was not an unruly, then, as now would like the slogan that gives the women left a last-minute Puritanism in contradiction with their past of chocolate.

Today, indeed, and thank goodness, the rigid moralism of free love has been passed by us and by future generations: if we go down in the square point is not to dictate rules of sexual morality, as we have been given - but to remember the obvious: no one who is not healthy for the selection of its leaders to close the beds of the powerful, and is not healthy to put the women's attractiveness as a unique gift for interesting reach positions of power; trivial concepts, which unfortunately must be repeated.

No betrayal of libertarian ideals on our part, we have indeed abandoned that junk moralist of the past and we are glad it is right that the law wants to punish the end user and inviting to family day, which should deal with their irreconcilable contradictions.


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