Monday, February 28, 2011

Cheap Go Karts Frames In La

The "February 20" Khalid Gueddar

"The way the Moroccan"
The Moroccan throne, protected by policemen with shields and batons, rests on a bomb about to explode ...

"The regime" (An-nidham)
The Dark February 20th Movement is preparing to cut one of the feet that support the throne Mohammed VI. To defend the stability of the regime security forces in riot gear.

"Khalid Naciri says the youth of the February 20"
Communication Minister and government spokesman Khalid Naciri stated in a press conference in early February that the youth protest would take place without hindrance from the authorities ( belied by the facts recorded in the course of the last week , ndt), since Morocco is a country that guarantees freedom of expression. The cartoon depicts the minister, frightened, the head of the procession while displaying a banner that read "freedom and democracy now." Behind him, some slogan launched by the protesters: "February 20, the end of the dictatorship", "February 20, the day of freedom," "Day of Dignity", "Down with the regime," "Down with the government" ....

"The theory of evolution seconds Moulay Hicham"
The cartoon depicts the "Red Prince" Moulay Hicham has always been critical of his cousin Mohammed VI of Morocco and his administration, while brandishing a flag with the word "revolution." The first statement (early February, Ed) issued by Moulay Hicham of the international press (Le Nouvel Observateur and El Pais ) speaks of a possible infection in the revolutionary Alawite kingdom. After the fierce reactions of the press and the Moroccan court, the prince has fixed the shooting, stating that "evolution is the only desirable scenario for the country". Khalid Gueddar with a personal interpretation of Darwinian theory, has traced the 'evolution' of Moulay Hicham and his speech ...

"The Arab heads of state, we are all Ben Ali"
Bouteflika, Mubarak, Gaddafi, Assad, the Saudi king and other Arab tyrants manifest their solidarity after Ben Ali the flight from Tunisia and cry: "we are all Ben Ali." In signs that accompany the protest reads: "People go," "live the dictatorship," "we love Ben Ali". In the foreground a dark states (or maybe guidance) the procession: it is the shape of Mohammed VI ...

The cartoonist and friend Khalid Gueddar has sided openly in support of the Movement February 20th. After many cases of censorship that has been victim , Khalid has created a Facebook group called "Drawing the king is a sacred right to freedom of caricature." Responded to his appeal, many journalists and international designers, but no Moroccan colleague has decided to contribute to the initiative. In recent days, because of his stances, was the victim of some violence (beaten during a sit-in of solidarity with the Libyan people) and open physical threats. "Last Saturday (February 26, ndt), I was chased by three men armed with a knife while I was driving home. The police and baltajia (una sorta di milizie al servizio del regime, la cui comparsa nel territorio marocchino è confermata dalle testimonianze e dai video che arrivano da Sefrou e Agadir, ndt) cercano di intimidirmi, ma io continuerò il mio lavoro come ho sempre fatto”, afferma Khalid a (r)umori dal Mediterraneo.
Le vignette proposte in questo articolo sono state pubblicate nel giornale arabofono on-line Lakome , lanciato nel settembre 2010 da Ali Anouzla, già direttore di Nichane e Al Jarida al Oula (costretti alla chiusura su pressione del regime).

Khalid Gueddar nei locali di Lakome while drawing a caricature of Muammar Gaddafi


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