Sunday, January 23, 2011

Petrol Go Kart Frames For Sale

Put an evening of bungabunga Arcore ... 10

Hands up who is not curious to learn more about the bunga bunga Pedusconi Arcore? Do not let the moralists
radical-chic and read these juicy intecettazioni.

Conversation Between Nicole Minetti and TM on the participation in the dinner organized Arcore 19.09.2010
Minetti: I just heard the boss of the boss told him tonight .. then ahhh look at that port a My friend, I'm good, I told him that he looks at the second graduation I told you to be a hard time .. Excellent., we see that he could not talk tonight .. thanks .. hello (..... )
Minetti: No, but I wanted it for a moment on what Briffa. in the sense .. swear that you do not take bad in the sense that they see all that is you and your TIFAI cocks dicks I do for my love But the sky 'will see each .. in the sense that the total that is more disperaticion e'e people understand .. it is the chance of a lifetime so I see any trust in me to bet on the Frenchman that he's Sbrocca Takes good and all. Tell him everything you do .. second degree .. .. you went to three months at the Sorbonne that he has studied it is enhanced at the Sorbonne is not bad going into details or (inaudible) see what you've done what you did .. you .. you made at the Sorbonne French course?? OKmmhh all these things to him like that .... ehh I say no no in the sense that in the sense to come into sympathy in the sense Meli said no teeth out .. There are various types of ... people is the bitch, there is a South American who does not speak Italian and comes from the favelas there is a bit 'more serious is the middle type Barbara Fagg and then there's me I do what I realized that here was just not to confuse the mass not Be Shy fregatene sbattetene cock and away we go ... ... no no it was right for ... in the sense that because before I spoke with obviously no Simo Simo knows where I go because it's not that I can not tell the rubbish, then I said look I said is also on the Meli ... then me .. nooo is not that bad because she takes Meli is a good girl because of here because of the listener .. I told Simon I said you take the evil of what?? eehhhh is only now that I want to say no, no, but you know. because then he which has the whole idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is still one that may not know who knows and who does not understand ..??

conversations intercepted after its participation.
TM BV @ Hello dear, it was just a greeting. How are you? As alla serata, posso solo dirti: allucinante! Però io non sono stata messa in difficoltà in alcun modo. Po @i ti dirò bene. Baci
B.V .
B. V.: pronto?
T.M: no, io ti dico cheeee, ti posso dire una sola parola e poi magari ne parleremo a voce....
B.V.: mi hai scritto "allucinante"
T.M: a, ma no, uso una parola ancora più chiara, "un puttanaio" (sorride) cioè proprio... no no no no no, ma proprio no no no!
B.V.: cioè che non t'aspettavi?
T.M: no! Cioè, io posso aspettarmi che certe cose avvengano in privato, no? Perché ognuno fa assolutamente quello che vuole. Penso che non ci siano problemi se uno da adulto no? Con un altro adult ... for heaven's sake, go ahead. The problem is occurring in an absolutely shameless, nonchalant in front of everyone. Then this: last night the evening was
BV: teeritranquillaooo?
TM: but look, I'm quiet because ....
BV: Relatively?
TM and then makes the calls. Last night there were many girls, like a score, and there he and his loyal friend who has a role importanteeee, Bassino, mmmm, now goes well, however, very tan eee, which speaks well of him (Emilio Fede ed), the venerated, (ine.) you can come up with who he is, anyway ... eeee then there was yet another person (Carlo Rossella ed) their eemm these three just, and all girls. Eeeee we are your revenue without any kind of control in the sense that you come out of the house, eee say your name and go through the machine safely. I had my purse, my cell phone, no one looked at me, nobody asked me anything. Then, cross the threshold and enter. Eeee entry was cioèèèè own, but not informal, more. Why do these people call "love - darling" that is, but its level V. total of meanness. You do not imagine anything that you can imagine. Make it mmmm
BV: No, I can only imagine what is written in the newspapers.
TM here, practically in the newspapers say much less than the truth. That is, even when lOOO, even when, say, massacre, no, that is, is much worse! Much more sad and very piùùù. I tell you, there's nothing dangerous, it's all on me I just left a bad taste in my mouth. But not because I was afraid, no no no, for the desolation that is, you know when you see those things ...
TM: (omitted) and 'a very nice person, much of the company, that is, the image (ine) is transmitted we say is true.
BV: nods
TM: sing, no no
BV: charisma, charismatic.
TM here, but no.
TM: I ended a lot. Me. I felt have not faced him, but the caricatures of 'Bagaglino'
BV: nods
TM here, I lived like in the evening 'Bagaglino'. You know those dives that vulgarity is not even all that imaginative or built? It is not "Eyes Wide Shut" BV: nono
TM: The movie with Tom Cruise, that is, no!
BV: Nonono
TM: a trivial stuff here. I felt there. In this thing that at some point during the evening shift with Augustine, like Maria De Filippi, the one with the piano singing, at some point, no one knows how or why, someone started to show
the ass and the evening took off from there.
BV: ah!
TM: in a series di cose più o meno volgari, ma come se fosse naturale e ti dico tutti davanti a tutti quindi questo buttasù...
B. V. : ma questo a tavola? Dopo cena?
T.M: no no, a tavola mentre si mangiava. Dopo di che ci si è alzati e la cosa è peggiorata nella lato diciamo, no nel lato, in una sala-discoteca (in successive dichiarazioni definita la sala del bunga bunga n.d.r.) mmm è lì il degenero più totale cioè proprio siamo, ripeto, in un puttanaio in cui si ci si intrattiene come meglio si crede. Cioè, poi alla fine ognuno è libero di fare quello che vuole, nel senso che, è una casa privata no? E ti ripeto, io sottolineo che nessuno mi ha proposto nulla chiesto nulla alluso a niente cioè assolutamente no. Io sono stata tutta la sera seduta, piuttosto che a fumarmi la sigaretta piuttosto che a mandare un messaggio al cellulare, rispettata assolutamente. Dopo sai, anche solo il fatto di vedere certe cose, può metterti in difficoltà.
T.M: vorrei sottolineare che il livello di bellezza, piuttosto che simpatia o intelligenza non era da dieci (10) e lode. Cioè, non tutte sono... c'è la disperata venezuelana che non parla una parola e che c'ha dei vestiti allucinanti, (tossisce) c'è neanche da dire che sono...
B. V. : (ine.) tutte è
T.M: dieci (10) belle ragazze e anche fini, perché una bella la Nicole va bene che ha una certa bellezza molto appariscente, però è a person who knows how to dress in the end no? And last night in fact (ine.) end. I can be less beautiful, but I have a certain kind of way you do, however, end ...
BV: Sisi TM: but no. There were some scary people.
BV: a low level anyway? Da da ...
TM: a very low level.
BV: ... things you see on television anyway?
TM: No, but there were subjects of that in that environment, I can quote you the 'Cipriani' (Francesca ed.)
BV: oooooo
TM: yes yes yes yes yes. absolutely.
BV: Oh she looks, she would like to know if there is or there is but I think there is. Sure!
TM: the beeper fine li è tutto... ti ripeto, un voler chiamare in quel cioè, io appunto, me ne sono stata in disparte e a fine serata mi ha anche chiesto: "ma ti sei divertita?" e io gli ho risposto:"bè, insomma, non è questo il mio modo", ma ti dico che anche fisicamente io lo vedevo diverso, nel senso che, quando tu puoi vedere certi discorsi che fa, ha un tipo di piglio, lascia stare che vedi che s'è rifatto che s'è tirato, però ha un piglio di una persona molto decisa cioè, anche come parla è un comunicatore no? Almeno in quello è uno che si vende bene....
B.V.: per quello ti dicevo carsimatico, nel senso che...
T.M: e invece no. Sembrava un guarda, ti dico, mi viene bene la figura the 'Bagaglino' that is a travesty ....
BV: a caricature of himself.
TM: Yes, bru .. look, something very bad and very sad.
BV: why so much want to tell you, that is, it is completely excluded from what is their say so, I mean their profession.
TM: Absolutely. Maybe I thought that he maintained an attitude and then did his business. But no. Absolutely not. That is, he is in a certain way, but very low and I regret it, BHO? No need ...
TM: Yes. I can tell you safely to be understood, I repeat, I have arrived and entered directly into this stanza e appunto ci si rivolge con appellativi 'AMORE TESORO' e lui risponde 'CIAO' Sara, Francesca, Antonella ah, ci sei anche tu? La ragazza dalle due lauree piacere, siccome so che ti piace il francese 'enchanté' di qua e di là, quindi, questo è stato l'approccio, cioè, amici miei no io mi ero studiata tutto buona sera, di qua e di là, come mi rivolgo gli do del voi, faccio l'inchino... sto par di coioni! Capito?
B. V. : ma perché quindi le persone ovviamente gli dan tutte del tu?
T.M: si, ma perché non saprebbero coniugare i verbi a una diversa persona, molte (ride) va be, e poi perché loro stesse si pongono così cioè proprio da ere., cioè no ma, sono persone also very limited, however, I tell you, if I see a major character, the producer
BV (ine.) than from.
TM film, I went to introduce myself and I told , that is, as he looked at me and almost like being there but I risked out of place, because if they want to be free of the beasts and idiots who see a has in some way .... BV: (ine.) the paradox just
TM: Siiiii
BV: a paradox.
TM: they feel embarrassed.
BV (ine.)
TM: I was embarrassed.
BV: you think!
TM: I was embarrassed.
BV: maaa. but your partner was quiet? TM: No! no no no no no lei stessa si è prestata assolutamente al gioco (in successive dichiarazioni emerge che Nicole Minetti avrebbe fatto uno spogliarello travestita da uomo n.d.r.). Io poi ne ho parlato e lei ee molto tranquilla, nel senso che la Nichi non è una che ti dice le puttanate o si nasconde dietro un dito, altrimenti non mi avrebbe portato, quindi io questo l'ho apprezzato alla fine, e lei...
B.V.: (ine.) T.M: a sicuramente, lei poteva evitare, e ciao. Quindi evidentemente per le persone ne vale la pena per alcune no? Per soldi, far prestarsi a certe cose, per me neanche per tutto l'oro del mondo.
B. V.: quindi tu., diciamo, domando, non faresti a cambio con la sua posizione?
T.M: ma neanche, te lo giuro, per all the gold in the world. But why am I me and not changing at all. Then if ....
BV: No, but .. Now why joked a bit ', but the other day from, and I know that anadvi there for who knows what purpose, but still as mean, come on?
TM: yes yes yes yes
BV: are people .. asp you .. that is, just by your words you say mmmm, not a person who may consider it all bad, is a person who can give you many ideas right? That is, you know ...
TM: Yes, the problem is that
BV: is not an interesting person?
TM: brava! No, no it was not.
BV: And you had, then as you say, l'avevi non ti dico che Taveviiii (ine,) andavi con quello scopo, però come dire, dai? Se magari c'è l'occasione
T.M: sì! Sì Sì avre.. sì, perché pensavo però che l'approccio fosse diverso, che ci fosse un momento, adesso non voglio dirti istituzionale, no? Perché no! Però pensavo ci fosse un momento serio e poi, ripeto, un degenero o un cambiamento di cosa in cui però mi
faccio i fatti miei. Quindi, se avessi avuto un canale in cui della serie, faccio un colloquio con una persona no? E questa persona mi dice eh! sarei andata, capisci? ma posto che, si è aperta un tipo di serata in cui io non so se lui sapeva, o comunque capirà, che io non ero I proposed, in that capacity, but even more I ask myself the question, that is, or Nicole calls me and tells me see, you want to talk and I tell him and he , this do not come any more, says no no no but meet me at the office at four o'clock, okay? It 's another matter. And then we also thought them very well, because again, I do not like! but I asked Nicole, but some people do not seem to me that all of the beefy as they do have certain roles, the road is unique? And she told me

TM 20.09.2010 Interview with his father
TM: Yes, but what I did., We say that an account is made to think that things happen in disparte no..un conto
Papà : davanti a tutti ??
T.M.:si si ma te la dico in una parola per essere fini ....un puttanaio
Papà .ma ho già capito...un'orgia..
T.M.: no, no, no, no, no, non no alt no pero cioè hai capito diciamo che gli approcci erano quelli però non è che c'è niente di...
Papà :ah gli approcci erano quelli
T.M. : pero'sì, si, si, si
Papà .tipo mani in mezzo alle gambe robe così?
T.M.: si quelle robe se dai
Papà .anche lui?
T.M.:: no no, no, no solo lui
Papà : solo lui
T.M.: : ver so le verso le 20 che c'erano
Papà : solo lui mmhh
T.M.: : There was his friend (it seems incomprehensible lick) (Emilio Fede ed)
Dad: okay okay okay I understand
TM: then another that instead I was very disappointed because I did it .. a person of importance ( Carlo Rossella ed)
Dad: I know but ehh but when they are in front of that thing there, all men are equal
TM: behh father at certain levels but you can also get one at the top and make some things even 5 at a time but that is not in a room with four first Oscar in front of a do not know anyone who might be because no one asked me a document
Dad: You got already ... ehh maybe maybe You got already checked before ..
T. M: But before when? ?
Dad: Well, maybe You got checked before and do not know
TM: Dii I went with a private car driven by my house I opened my ehh ehh the main gate from there I went without that then ehh pero '. .
say that Dad: you say (inaudible) for me to control you
TM: Ahhpoi we'll talk more .. but I do not know how
Dad: (laughter) okay baby ... but now you're home now seitranquilla? '
TM: No, but some that are quiet but in the sense that ... ehh I'll tell you then fine but never coming e'ho but not because something bad if I see an ass, it is now ....
Dad: No no no it's not your ... I know I know but I understand but you are my daughter
TM: But no no no
Dad: only that nothing diiiii
TM: nothing ... no no it
Dad: no words just that then maybe next time I see you when I remember that I put my hands there then maybe you entrust a task
TM: No, but that is not no you were wrong is just another thing that is in that context that you're the one that you present does not exist or are there more for evenings and nights when 'is more or less party party
Dad: Then and then, as Nicole ...
TM: I fucking led us to ask him to do and the answer was (laughter) There are nights eh in cui ci sono., gli va di far festa e quindi via e le serate in cui si è in 4 e quindi la cosa prende un'altra piega
Papà: mmhh
T.M :e lui è abituato ovviamente che la disponibilità è da parte di tutti e tutte no..
Papà: è certo sennò cosa sei andata li a fare ..di sta a casa tua
T.M : No, no, io sto per i cavoli miei
Papà: va bene amore mio ti lascio....


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