Monday, January 17, just three days after the stampede of the dictator Ben Ali from Tunisia and success della “rivoluzione del pane” (in seguito ribattezzata “rivoluzione del gelsomino”), il primo ministro ad interim Mohamed Ghannouchi ha annunciato la composizione del governo provvisorio che guiderà il paese verso le elezioni legislative e presidenziali previste entro giugno 2011. Per la prima volta nella storia del paese tre dirigenti storici dell’opposizione, due dei quali non hanno mai avuto rappresentanza in parlamento, sono entrati a far parte dell’esecutivo. Tuttavia, i segnali di continuità con il vecchio regime restano evidenti e preoccupano il popolo tunisino. Nel nuovo governo di unità nazionale, dodici dei diciannove seggi previsti sono occupati da membri della RCD (Rassemblement Constitutionnel Democratique), il partito del presidente deposto. Sei tra questi, già in carica nel precedente esecutivo, rivestono i ministeri di maggior potere (oltre al primo ministro, il ministro degli Esteri, il ministro dell’Interno, della Difesa e delle Finanze).
Alle numerose critiche levatesi nel paese all’annuncio del nuovo governo di transizione si è aggiunta la voce di Rachid Ghannouchi, leader del movimento islamico Annahda (“la rinascita”), in esilio a Londra dal 1991 (dopo che il suo partito, premiato con il 17% dei voti alle elezioni legislative, era stato dichiarato illegale da Ben Ali). Secondo Ghannouchi il nuovo esecutivo “non assicura quella rottura necessaria con il regime appena deposto”; the way to go would be instead the formation of a constitutional council that includes the forces of civil society and not only the political parties, and finally the promulgation of a truly democratic constitution.
spokesman of the movement in France, Hocine Jaziri, stated that "Rachid Ghannouchi not will be a candidate in the upcoming presidential election." Annahda instead participate in legislative elections, it decided to give its contribution to the country's democratic transition. "If we are not recognized as a political party we will face a serious problem of representation and popular support," said Jaziri, that the transitional government was added: "There is a government of national unity but national exclusion." A position shared by Moncef Marzuki, the leader of the Congres pour la Republique (secular left) returned from exile at this very hour. For the opponent, "Tunisia deserves better." "Nearly a hundred dead in four weeks of the revolution for what? A government of national unity has only the name, because they are mostly members of the old dictatorship, "said Marzuki who then urged his countrymen not to let our guard down:" I believe that the Tunisian people are not so easily deceived by this masquerade. "

The following two articles published in the blog (independent team blog launched in 2004 and obscured by the Ben Ali government), addressing the issue of political transition. A delicate stage, say the young bloggers, that the country is facing after four weeks of the revolution (78 dead according to official government), which put an end to a regime that lasted twenty-four years and established a dictatorship ever since independence (1956).
The real miracle Tunisian
Unpredictable, dazzling, exciting, historical ... So we can describe what is now defined by all the "revolution of Tunisia." A Revolution in particular, carried out by a particular people, rich history, remarkable for its openness and its peaceful nature. They are young people build the future of a nation and its young people, frustrated by the lack of prospects, as evidenced by the act brave and made desperate by Mohammed Bouaziz, have saved the nation, have triggered an uprising that involved all Tunisians quickly, reaching anywhere in the country.
The maturity of a people
The lifting of the Tunisian people, then translated into revolution, it is even more remarkable since it implemented in a mature and peaceful manner. Of course, some protesters returned fire and police sharpshooters stationed on the roofs of buildings by throwing stones. It 's true that the symbols of the regime, as the headquarters of the Rassemblement Constitutionnel Democratique, were looted and burned. But is not this further evidence of Its peaceful, given the numerous killings and arbitrary killings of civilians that we have seen? As no surprise that the situation is degenerate, while the government ordered to shoot even the funeral processions of citizens killed in the street? In many other countries to follow the insurgency would be so much rage and violence. But in this case is the perseverance of a people educated and responsible, to which too often has been promised the power to decide their own future, which has prevailed.
The army, bulwark of the republic
Tunisian armed forces, who intervened only in the third week of lifting, have shown of exemplary behavior, gaining the respect of the population. Ill-equipped since independence from Bourguiba disinclined to military elites, the army has always been confined in his miserable barracks, far from Carthage. However, it was able to regain his role as chief protector of the republic, when the Chief of Staff, Rachid Ammar has refused to fire on demonstrators. Those same protesters who sought cover behind the truck of the armed forces from the blows of the police, the only true guardian of the regime of Ben Ali. Add two elements that can explain the proximity of the military to the Tunisian population and their adherence to the revolution: the first composition is the same army, made largely of conscripts and not by trade, and the second is the resentment felt by some senior officers, after the execution of a group of graduates wanted a few years ago by Ben Ali later the explosion of a plane ....
E 'a revolution that threw out a copy grim police state, fueled by cronyism and corruption. Despite the confusion that exists in Tunisia a few hours from the flight of the dictator, despite the depredations committed by supporters of the building, the Tunisian people must remain responsible. Responsible and vigilant, to build a brand new page for the country to democracy.
We have been able to catch our appointment with history, now take back our future, we strive to support democratic forces, secular and progressive, since the victory of the revolution remains in the hands of the Tunisian people and Tunisian miracle because it does not become a mirage.
(Slim Mrad, January 15, 2011)
The road is still long
Reflections on a real democratic transition
We live today of the events that will mark the our history. The "revolution of jasmine" opens the way towards a future that until very time ago we did not dare hope for. But the excitement caused by the exodus of legitimate dictator and his entourage should not blind us. Whatever the desire to turn the page on our dark years, we can not let someone else take advantage of this moment and take the place of Ben Ali. That's why we need right now to build the future together.

The flight of Ben Ali's assumption of power by Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi, then Fuad Mebazaâ as Interim President, are far from content and not enough to reassure us about the true intentions of those who have long been part of the circle the dictator. Appeals from indented by an opposition, already prey to internal struggles, and represented by elements that do not hide their myopic ambitions are not the most comfort. And even if some of these opposition movements are entitled by the struggles waged in the past, none of them can take possession of the merits of "jasmine revolution", the result of a popular uprising in unity and solidarity. We can not let the politicians by trade take advantage of the sacrifices and efforts made by our people.
The road that leads to the establishment of a democratic state in Tunisia is still long. It will still not lose courage and patience for what has been achieved so far. For this we need to consider the period of transition to democracy as a stage for any reason should be ignored, during which the number of "necessary reforms" will be conducted in a peaceful and under the watchful eyes of all citizens.
For the moment therefore it is premature to talk of holding free elections in Tunisia. It is not a waiver, on the contrary it is necessary that the election date is prepared properly, leaving it to each party the time to renew and make known its program to all Tunisians. We must remember that our country so far has not granted the right to freedom of expression or assembly, or the organization of political parties and associations. Bisogna poi tener conto del peso assunto dalla RCD e dalle sue strutture clientelari negli ultimi venti anni, un peso che difficilmente scomparirà in poco tempo così come tutti ci auguriamo. Non basteranno pochi mesi per stabilire le condizioni necessarie allo svolgimento di elezioni libere, equilibrate e rappresentative delle opinioni di tutti i cittadini.
Detto ciò, non è neanche questione di lasciare la dittatura, pur mascherata sotto altre vesti, riprendere il suo posto. Dobbiamo esigere la realizzazione delle “riforme necessarie” nel più breve tempo possibile, sotto il controllo di tutto il popolo. Bisogna trovare una soluzione che garantisca la condivisione del potere tra tutti i movimenti politici tunisini, che ensuring their consensus on urgent reforms, to be approved unanimously, and to protect us from the danger of a new dictatorship, neutralizing any attempt to personalistic management institutions.
In this perspective should soon lead to the creation of a national unity government which will have the exclusive mandate: to ensure, on the one hand, the staging of the country to avoid the crash, and approve other reforms necessary for the full democratization of Tunisia. You may also consider holding an open debate on the reform of the institutional approval of a new constitution that guarantees all fundamental rights obtained with the "jasmine revolution". Only after the popular approval by referendum of the new constitution will proceed to carry out the first free and democratic elections in our history.
E 'also need to provide as soon as possible to the creation of independent commissions of inquiry, charged with shedding light on the crimes and wrongdoings committed by the regime of Ben Ali and to identify all those responsible, as well as reflect on the measures to be taken to restore the economic and social system of the country. Institutional reform is an essential element to turn the page, break with the dictatorship and restore its place and its importance to all the people tunisino.
(Mourad Besbes, 17 gennaio 2011)
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