Delenda Trabelsi, or the revenge of the Tunisian people La rivolta tunisina si è lasciata dietro le vestigia di un clan decadente. Reportage al centro delle rovine e degli ex voto, sulla scia della rivoluzione.
Sulla colonna di destra che regge il porticato in pietra c’è inciso Dar Bouazizi (“Casa Bouazizi”). Così i tunisini in rivolta hanno ribattezzato la villa di Moez Trabelsi, dopo averla saccheggiata. Passato l’ingresso, sotto l’arco a tutto sesto color salmone, un’altra scritta simile cattura subito lo sguardo: “riposa in pace Bouazizi”, in riferimento al giovane ambulante di Sidi Bouzid che si è immolato il 17 dicembre scorso cospargendosi il corpo di benzina. Da lì è cominciata la rivoluzione che ha portato poi alla fuga dell’ex presidente Ben Ali.
Una decina di tunisini incuriositi passeggiano all’interno della casa, (ex) owned by one of ten children of Leila Trabelsi, the premiere dame fled together with her husband in Jeddah. Step by step, discover the remains of a decaying empire, touching hands with the magnificence in which he was surrounded by the ruling clan and read with satisfaction the messages printed on the walls of their compatriots. On the wall that protected the home from the prying eyes of a people hungry for bread and freedom, a quote of Imam Ali (the fourth caliph, cousin and son of the prophet of Islam) sounds like a warning to the next candidates for dictators: "If your power leads you to be unfair to the people, remember the power that God has for you."
In a first floor room, perhaps that of a child, lying on the ground torn pages of books and notebooks. At first glance you would say the Chinese language courses and economics. On one of them, an English word and its definition: "Reingennering: radical change in the nature of the state and redefine its business processes to gain advantage in spectacular performance." In short, a technical definition of the defunct regime. When Monopoly banknotes and paper "way of peace" emerge to complete the picture (in the midst of broken glass, pieces of wardrobe and smashed remains of containers) you can not help but notice the incredible Ironically. Just as soon as identified in the rubble of the housing dvd Mom Alone, our thoughts turn to all those family members that Trabelsi failed to take flight. Mohamed Ben Kilani, Tunisia pilot, has become one of the new national heroes for refusing to participate in the flight of some relatives of the dominant clan.
Throughout the building the doors were off their hinges, ripped the chandeliers from the ceilings and windows shattered. The day after the departure of Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, the family of the looting was in turn sacked. Almost a need espiativo. Looking up, other graffiti reminiscent of antique quality to all known the ruler of Carthage, "hey Leila hairdresser (in the parlance synonymous with hostesses) gives back the money to orphans (Leila Trabelsi was president of a charity for support for orphans)."
Sometimes, out of anger, some objects that could be recovered were rather thrown away, like a double mattress goose down that emerges from the pool or the air conditioner removed and made into a thousand pieces. Symptoms of a pent-up frustration for more than twenty-three years. On the ground floor, not far from the pool, the laundry was in focus. The charred walls are once again served to express the feelings of the Avengers: Vive la liberté
Trabelsi DEGAGE .
Walk People
On the stairs leading to the garden is Choukri, a Tunisian sixty years old, brown cap and a leather jacket that give the appearance of a Parisian urchin between two wars. It does not seem excited by what he sees around him, but acknowledges that the pests have done nothing but "a sense of duty to obey the people." Walking among the ruins, recalls that "the whole family was involved in the control and management of the economy of the country. For example, one of the brothers Trabelsi, Mohamed, acted as an intermediary per gli imprenditori edili. Ad ogni concessione esigeva commissioni stratosferiche”. Choukri parla anche di un evento che qualche hanno prima aveva profondamente scioccato il paese. Nel 2007 la Star Academy araba era di passaggio a Sfax. Per l’esibizione erano disponibili mille posti, ma ne furono venduti cinquemila. Nella calca agli ingressi morirono sette persone e centinaia rimasero ferite. Al tempo i media, sotto il rigido controllo di Ben Ali, si erano ben guardati dall’andare a chiedere spiegazioni agli organizzatori dell’evento. E a ragione, visto che la società promotrice era gestita da Houssem Trabelsi. Inutile dire che la sua villa, poco distante da quella del fratello Moez, ha subito la medesima sorte.
Mustapha, quarantanove anni originario del quartiere Ben Harous, esclama: « i nostri soldi, i nostri soldi ! », dando uno sguardo all’interno dell’abitazione. Conosceva vagamente l’ex proprietario, erano cresciuti nello stesso quartiere ma, dopo l’ascesa dei Trabelsi ai piani alti del potere, Moez lo salutava solo da lontano. Conosceva anche Adel Trabelsi, un insegnante morto di cancro pochi mesi fa. “Mohamed, suo figlio, aveva due Porche Cayenne!”, racconta Mustapha, che fu allievo di Adel prima che la sorella Leila sposasse Zine Ben Ali nel 1992. Una volta aveva chiesto aiuto all’ex professore per potersi comprare un piccolo terreno o un appartamento. "Adel told me to come back, but when I came knocking at his door the guards chased me in a bad way." It 'also this kind of humiliation that has helped to ignite the engines of anger.
The concerns of the Tunisian bourgeoisie
The district, in the heart of the new Carthage, called Salambo. Via Aristotle is a small asphalt path that leads directly to the beach. Ferhat families, and Ferchichi Bendiaf the best of the Tunisian bourgeoisie, resident for more than thirty years in this quiet corner of paradise. Quiet at least until the fall of Ben Ali. On January 15, dozens of people arrived at the villa number 21, owned by Jalila Trabelsi, the matron sister Leila. They have not played or have asked permission. Before giving vent to their anger, they emptied conscientiously. The building is monumental, but also produces its effect. On the first floor overlooks the bay of Tunis. Behind the iron gate are the remains of a luxury car, destroyed and burned in the front. An elegant marble staircase connects the two floors of the house, the rooms the immense hall of over one hundred square feet littered with rubble. On one wall is a rectangular recess, is intended to accommodate a large TV a schermo piatto. Il genere di accessori che corrisponde ad un anno di stipendio del martire Mohamed Bouazizi, insultato e picchiato per essersi rifiutato di pagare una mazzetta di 20 dinari (circa 12 euro) all’agente di polizia Feyda Hamdi.
Poco dopo l’arrivo nei pressi della villa, ad una settimana dal saccheggio, cinque ragazzi appena entrati all’interno dell’abitazione appiccano il fuoco in una stanza del primo piano. Una colonna di fumo si spande velocemente per tutto il vicinato. Un francese in giacca e cravatta e scarpe lucide, sopraggiunto nel frattempo, esprime il suo disappunto: “Non è possibile, è la stessa storia ormai da giorni! A volte gettano rottami nel mio giardino and in my pool. " Do any of these "tourist trip" replied annoyed: "They are the collateral damage of the revolt. Indeed, the Tunisians were too disciplined. They saved the homes of neighbors. " Angry reply from the immediate or perhaps worried about his precious shoes, well-dressed man leaves showing some exasperation.
The inhabitants of the district, out of their shelters and crowded in small street, they look worried about the black smoke that makes its way between the bars of the window. "Tomorrow I will go down in Tunis to protest against this chaos. We've created a Facebook group and we are already many, "informs one of them, then states: "The watchword is' no to the destruction of Tunisia". Meanwhile, the five boys, happy to have contributed, albeit with a few days late, if they are blessed as they came.
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